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Greetings everyone and
welcome to our accelerated CISSB series
here at ITPro.TV I am going to be
your host throughout this endeavor
my name is Daniel Lowrie had
been in IT for over 20 years,
got a few cybersecurity certifications
underneath my belt actually
teach some of the more offensive
security things here at ITPro.TV.
And joining me being the subject
matter expert in this series,
it's gonna be this guy
right here Mr Adam Gordon.
Adam, welcome sir.
Hello everybody?
Hello Daniel?
Always good to spend time with you and
good to spend time with all of you good
folk out there are members that ITPro.TV,
I've been doing this a long time as well
just like Daniel I
actually have spent many,
many decades teaching ISC Squared material
CSP chief among those certifications and
I'm looking forward to spending
time with you, talking all about.
Looking forward to it a well, hopefully
you are also a couple of questions for
you here Adam.
What is going to be in the CISSP CBK?
So, we think about the CBK, we're gonna
be looking at the eight domains that make
it up so, probably hopefully no surprise
to you, there have been eight domains for
several iterations now and we're gonna go
through from start to finish in order from
Domain one security and risk management
all the way through to donate software
development, security and
everything in between.
But this particular course is going to be
focused on the latest update to the CBK
though, what we call the 2021
version of the CBK so,
a lot of interesting stuff
we're gonna cover it all.
Awesome stuff I'm looking forward to
that, that's sounds amazing, speaking of
sounding amazing, how are we going to
deliver this content for our viewers?
So in this particular course and unlike
in prior versions of RCSP Courses here at
ITPro.TV where I actually created
both a full version of the course as
well as an accelerated and we spend a lot
of time doing both in this new update for
the 2021 CBK we've decided just
to do an accelerated course.
So we're going to assume a lot of prior
knowledge on your part we're going to give
you that information in my
detailed episode notes, Daniel and
I will touch on many of those
things in our discussions among and
through the various episodes
across all the domains.
But we're gonna move through
that at a pretty quick pace and
you're gonna hopefully be able to
keep up with us in one passive, not,
you can always stop rewind as
we often say, watch us again and
always leverage those
detailed episode notes.
All the handouts and
supplemented materially provide for
you to give you all the information
necessary for you to study, be successful,
don't we take and pass your CSB exam?
Definitely the advantage of
recorded video content is to
be able to watch it over and
over again as you please now,
Adam a little personal question for
you if you don't mind is.
Is what makes you
excited about this course?
I know I am.
Yeah, so, obviously spending time
with Daniel, always really cool for
us to be able to talk about stuff both
professional and I'm sure we'll speak in
a couple of movie discussions and various
things along the way, we always have a lot
of fun doing that, but I'm also
excited about the fact that CISSP.
Is the premier information security
certification globally has been for
a long time and I'm really excited to
spend time talking about it with you, help
you to understand all the things necessary
to really put that into context and
if you are pursuing certification
ultimately help you get ready for
take and pass your CSB exam.
I'm really looking forward to seeing
those new Net Knowledge pieces that are in
this newer version of the CISSP so,
without further ado I say we go ahead and
call it a day and get to it.
So hopefully you think
that sounds exciting and
we look forward to having
you in our upcoming series.
See you soon, everybody.
Thank you for watching ITPro.TV.