Addressing Ethical Dilemmas

Addressing Ethical Dilemmas Overview
Clock icon0h 2m
(Music) I'm Dr. Hernan Murdock, and I've been an internal auditor for many years. Along the way, I've encountered and met individuals who have also encountered ethical dilemmas. A very important skill to develop is the ability to navigate these dilemmas and find ways to resolve them, especially when involved a challenge between loyalty and objectivity. To help us better understand how to do this, we have with us today, Rob Clark. Welcome, Rob. Thank you, Dr. Murdock. I'm delighted to be here. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your experience as relates to navigating ethical dilemmas. Well, I have been in the audits function for 37 years, and at five different organizations, and I have had the opportunity over those years to encounter specific examples that are not just theoretical, but real-life examples of how to handle ethical dilemmas. I'm really excited about this whole course because we're going to not have an opportunity to dive into some of those examples and not just talk about theoretical issues, but actually presenting examples and then asking the viewer, what would you do? What is the audience, the target audience for this course? I think it's anyone who has an interest in really trying to challenge themselves to deal with ethical concepts, whether you are a senior level executive in an organization, and you're trying to figure out how you navigate through encouraging an ethical culture for your organization. If you're an auditor that is in charge of auditing the internal control structures of your organization to determine what the ethical climate is, if you are an aspiring leader and you're working your way up through the organization and you're looking to learn more about this, and what is expected of leaders to demonstrate and support an ethical culture. This course is for any and everyone, internal auditors and otherwise, and we're going to learn a lot about different ways that we can resolve ethical dilemmas. I am looking forward to learning a lot and I'm sure that everyone who's watching is going to learn a lot too. Let's learn together. Looking forward to it.


Learning Style

On Demand


Entry Level



Who this course is for

Internal auditors; governance, risk and compliance professionals; and business managers interested in learning more about the ethical dilemma created when there is conflict between objectivity and loyalty.

NASBA Certified CPE

1 credits

Field of Study


Length of course




Advanced Preparation

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