IT Audit School

IT Audit School Overview
Clock icon0h 1m
[MUSIC] Hello, and welcome to IT Audit School. I'm Dr. Hernan Murdock, and I'll be your host. With me, will be Jason Claycomb. Jason, introduce yourself. Hey Hernan, I'm happy to be here. My name is Jason Claycomb. I am an IT governance and cybersecurity professional. I've been working in the space for over 30 years. Started out doing internal IT audits. And now still do audits, but also work as a Chief Security Officer for some organizations. So I got both the internal company perspective, and looking at organizations from the outside. And I'm really excited to participate in all these episodes for the IT Audit School. Great to have you with me here as we talk about a variety of topics including business and support systems, ICT infrastructure, everything from workstations to servers to cloud computing. We will also spend time talking about data and information security, risk assessment, risk management and relevant controls. Business continuity and disaster recovery, and how to prepare audit plans and audit programs. There's a lot we're going to cover. I hope you join us. [MUSIC]


Learning Style

On Demand


Entry Level



Who this course is for

Entry-level IT Auditors and Technologists looking for a foundational understanding of IT auditing.

NASBA Certified CPE

32 credits

Field of Study


Length of course




Advanced Preparation

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ACI Learning is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: