Auditing Artificial Intelligence
Auditing Artificial Intelligence Overview
Artificial intelligence and
machine learning are integral
to our lives, and they have
become such a big part of
everything that we do,
sometimes in ways that we know
and sometimes ways that we
don't know. But it's very
important to have an
understanding of what it is all
about and how it impacts us and
what we can do as individuals,
as workers, and as auditors,
reviewers, inspectors, and
consultants. So we have this
course on auditing AI and ML,
and it's a very important
course because I think that it
really plays an important role
in helping us understand what
happens and how we can be
active participants so we don't
feel like we're just passive or
victims with what's happening,
but we can play an active role.
So that being the case, I am
very happy to be hosting this
course. And in my experience as
an auditor, I have done so many
different things over the
years. A lot of operational
reviews, financial reviews,
compliance reviews. I've taught
many people over the years,
hosted conferences and
symposia. I've written several
books as well, but this course
is really near and dear to me
because of the topic and how
relevant it is to our lives
today. So I'm very happy to be
here as the host, but I'm not
With me is Jax Scott.
Welcome, Jax. Thank you.
I'm excited to be here. Tell us
a little bit about yourself and
your background. Well, I'm as
good as he is not. Just
kidding. I'm a few steps down.
I have not written books
and I have not done speaking
engagements about audit,
but I will tell you that I have
been in the cybersecurity IT
space for about 16 years.
I have led teams in audits.
I understand internal controls.
I'm a cybersecurity assessor by
heart. I love NIST, so I am big
on the various different types
of NIST frameworks and I
understand kind of the
direction that we're going
because I work with a lot of
clients in real time that are
having these challenges with AI
and AI application. So I
actually currently work with
clients in the federal space,
in the state and local space,
helping them to establish AI
governance, AI risk management
frameworks. So I am bringing in
this course, I am bringing my
real world knowledge to each of
Excellent. Excellent.
Very relevant and very useful.
And I'm sure we're going to
learn quite a bit from it.
What kind of person or who
would benefit most from this
I would say first and
foremost, if you're an auditor,
this is a fairly new space.
I mean, the audit, even just
having AI audit frameworks
coming out, they're still being
developed and formalized.
The certification process still
hasn't been formalized, but we
need you. We need auditors in
this space. So if you're
wanting to just expand your
knowledge, this course is for
you. It's going to challenge
you. It's going to make you
stretch. It's going to make you
think differently. Another
individual I would say is if
you're in an organization and
you have AI in your
organization and likely you do,
unless you're just completely
off the grid, this course is
for you because we're going to
provide you tips and tricks
that are going to help you be
able to establish and
understand what is an AI
governance program, what is a
risk management program look
like, as well as being able to
identify biases or fairness
within your environment.
Very, very good. So as far
as key takeaways, what are
those who are joining us for
this course are going to take
away from this?
Well, we're going to blow
your socks off. That's the
first thing. So that's the
first takeaway. You're going to
love this course. On top of it,
you're going to be walking away
with tangible tools and
techniques. We're going to be
teaching you things like the
confusion matrix, the AUC rock.
You're going to understand
different types of methods to
be able to assess AI within
your environment, the fairness
and the bias. We're also going
to be able to understand the
legal frameworks that are out
there right now, the regulatory
frameworks, where we're going
within the AI space. So it's
very relevant and it's very
Very, very good. I'm
excited. So I am looking
forward to this and you joining
us as well. So thank you very
much, Jax. Let's learn
together. Let's do this.
Learning Style
On Demand
Who this course is for
Senior IT Auditors, Technologists, Information Security Managers and Analysts, Audit Managers and Directors.
NASBA Certified CPE
4 credits
Field of Study
Length of course
Advanced Preparation
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