Auditing Corporate Culture

Internal Audit


This course provides internal auditors with a foundation for approaching an audit of company culture. Learners will be exposed to key drivers and frameworks that can help establish guidelines and parameters around the somewhat nebulous topic of culture. This course will prepare internal auditors for performing an audit of culture by first exposing them to ways in which an organization can be assessed.

We will review how attitudes towards risk, organizational strategies and values, structure, communication styles, and decision-making processes all factor into assessing organizational stances of culture. We will also explore considerations that auditors should be aware of when preparing to perform an audit of culture. Learners will leave this course with a better understanding of how to factor these considerations into their audit work and execute their audit engagement. Finally, this course will illustrate how to best perform an audit of culture and share the audit report with key stakeholders to yield improved outcomes for employees and organizational leaders.

Why you should take this course

For users who are new to internal auditing, or would like to learn more about it.

Here are the topics we'll cover.

  1. Foundational Elements

    • Overview
    • Frameworks
  2. Assessing the Organization

    • Organizational Culture Risk
    • Organizational Strategies and Values
    • Corporate Governance Structure
    • How Decisions are Made
    • Communication Styles
    • Hard and Soft Controls
  3. Considerations

    • Leadership Models
    • Personnel Evaluations
    • Deployment of Resources
    • Organizational Changes
    • Metrics
    • Root Causes
  4. Performing the Audit

    • Composition of the Audit Team
    • Conducting the Assessment
    • Summarizing and Reporting the Results
    • Corrective Actions

Learning Style

Instructor Led


Entry Level

Who this course is for

Internal auditors looking for techniques to audit an organization’s culture and understand the related risks and vulnerabilities.

NASBA Certified CPE

6 credits

Field of Study


Length of course



Fundamentals of Internal Auditing
or equivalent experience

Advanced Preparation

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Here are the learning objectives we'll cover

  • Identify key drivers and frameworks that can help guide an audit of culture.
  • Identify and describe various means of assessing an organization in preparation for performing an audit of culture.
  • Identify and describe various organizational considerations that can impact and influence corporate culture.
  • Describe how to perform an audit of culture.

Attendance policy for on-site and online instructor-led training

Students are expected to arrive on time for classes with the proper materials and attitude. An overall attendance rate of 100% is expected to fully absorb the materials and to complete labs. If you have an expected absence, please email or your instructor ahead of time. The number of CPEs awarded will be equivalent to the number of hours attended.

ACI Learning is registered with NASBA

ACI Learning is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: