Auditing for In-Charge Auditors
This course focuses on how In-Charge Auditors lead audits. Participants will review audit program development and changes, risk assessments, setting and managing priorities, expectations, delegation, staff performance, and overall productivity, reviewing workpapers, stakeholder management, and incorporating fraud detection techniques into audit programs. The focus is on managing the dynamics of an audit and applying project management principles to increase the effectiveness of the engagement.
Why you should take this course.
For users with an introductory knowledge of this topic, and are searching for additional information and its application.
Here are the topics we'll cover.
- Audit Concepts
Control Environment
- The Changing Control Environment
- Hard and Soft Controls
- Changes since Sarbanes Oxley (SOX)
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
- Key Governance Events and Frameworks
Audit Process
- Steps in the Audit Process
- The Important Roles of the In-Charge
- Workpaper Quality
- Performance Evaluations of Workpaper Quality
Fieldwork and Program Development
- Preliminary Fieldwork and Program Development
- Operational vs. Financial Auditing
- Fieldwork Methodology Tools
- Data Analytics
Risk Assessment Strategies
- Risk Frameworks and Types of Risks
- Risk Assessment
- Internal Audit Role in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
Fraud Awareness
- Fraud Awareness
- The Fraud Hexagon
- Impact of SOX in Addressing Fraud
- Areas of Fraud Occurrence
- Fraud Red Flags
- Techniques for Preventing and Detecting Fraud
- What to Do When You Suspect Fraud
- Quality of Communications
- Key Techniques to Make Meetings More Effective
- Key Techniques for the Executive Summary and Recommendations
- Guidelines for Issuing More Timely Reports
- Closing Conference Strategies
Marketing Internal Audit
- Marketing the Internal Audit Function
Audit Project Management
- The Triple Constraints and Three Themes of Project Management
- The Five Phases of Project Management
- The Three S’s of Planning
- The Why and How of Monitoring and Control
- What To Do When You Fall Behind
- Types of Audit Teams
- Key Factors to Success: Audit Project Management
- Key Factors to Set and Manage Time Estimates
- Common Workflow Planning Issues
- Project Management Techniques
- Improving Productivity
- Key Questions for Higher Productivity During Planning
- Key Questions for Higher Productivity during Fieldwork
- Key Questions for Higher Productivity During Reporting
Learning Style
Who this course is for
NASBA Certified CPE
Field of Study
Length of course
Advanced Preparation
Here are the learning objectives we'll cover
- The learner will define management and leadership of in-charge (supervisor) auditor’s role on an audit team.
- The learner will summarize project management concepts as they relate to internal audit processes.
- The learner will explain how to assess the work performed by the audit team.
- The learner will define risk as it relates to audit programs.
- The learner will define how to measure productivity for audit teams.
- The learner will define techniques to manage stakeholder relationships.