Auditor Ethics - What Would You Do

Auditor Ethics - What Would You Do Overview
Clock icon0h 1m
(Music) I'm Dr. Hernan Murdock, and I'm very excited to be part of the creation of this course that looks at different dilemmas, and how we can better navigate through those so that we can help the organization and help ourselves too, of course, make better decisions. With me is Rob Clark. Hello, Rob. Dr. Murdock's pleasure to be here. I am glad you're here because we can definitely learn a lot in terms of how we can go about navigating dilemmas that serve us just about every day as an auditor and as an individual. So tell us a bit about this course. Well, it's going to give us an opportunity to really take a look at and ask the fundamental question, what would you do? We're going to present some scenarios. We're going to talk, it's not just theoretical. We're going to get down to some actual examples and present that and have a discussion about how would you address this? What are the next steps that you would take beyond that? How do you establish a framework for evaluating the culture of your organization and examining the ethical climate of your organization? So it should be a lot of fun. So who is this course designed for? It's for anyone that wants to be able to get a handle on how to build an ethical climate within your organization. It's anyone who is interested in having an ethical framework for how they interpret different types of scenarios. It's for auditors, it's for entry level, lower level individuals, it's for C-suite level and board members who want to be able to say, I want to have an ethical culture at our organization. How do I go about doing that? What are the elements that we need to be focusing on? Great. Well, I am looking forward to learning a lot. I hope you are too. Let's learn together. It's going to be fun.


Learning Style

On Demand


Entry Level



Who this course is for

Internal auditors; governance, risk and compliance professionals; and business managers interested in learning more about ethical decision-making.

NASBA Certified CPE

1 credits

Field of Study


Length of course




Advanced Preparation

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