CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor
CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor Overview
Welcome and thanks for
joining us for this overview
for the Certified Information
Systems Auditor course. I'm
Sophie Goodwin, I'm an
edutainer here. You may
recognize me from other
cybersecurity focused courses
here at ACI Learning. You'll
see me in the position of
learner advocate and some of
the episodes for this course,
and you'll also see some other
edutainers in that role as
well. What that means is we'll
be asking questions along the
way that you might have at home
and we'll be learning right
alongside you. And of course,
our subject matter expert for
this course, to my, I guess
that would be my left or my
right, depending on how you're
watching this, would be Chris
Ward. So Chris, could you tell
us a little bit about yourself?
Sophie. Yeah, I am going to
be your leader through these
episodes that we come up with
in the Certified Information
Systems Auditor certification
course, which is produced by
certified individual as well as
a PMP, Project Management
Professional, as well as an
Agile Certified Professional,
ITIL-4 Master, and working a
lot in the areas of enterprise
governance and IT service
management. And so that's kind
of what I bring to the table.
I've been doing this for 20
plus years in the realm of IT
and excited to be here. Sophie,
to talk about how we can help
people get CISA certified.
If you're here watching this
overview, chances are you
probably are looking to take
that CISA exam or maybe you're
just looking to expand your
knowledge a little bit. So for
those watching that aren't
familiar with the objectives
that go with this exam, could
you tell us a little bit more
about what we're going to learn
in this course? Well,
the good news is, Sophie,
that we can obviously point you
to making sure you go to When you go there,
you can look up the CISA
certification as well as some
of the objectives. Now, the
good news is, is that we're
going to follow those
objectives. We want to make
sure that we point out the
information that ISACA expects
you to understand to be
certified. Now, also remember,
though, in order to become a
certified information systems
auditor, you will need to have
five years experience doing
I.S. auditing and or in areas
like risk management and risk
analysis and also other areas
of audit. You can bring that to
the table. But we're going to
follow pretty closely to what
the expectations are. We're
going to talk a little bit
about the guidelines, the
practices, the methods. We're
going to be talking about, you
know, how do we protect our
information systems assets and
how do we handle things like
business continuity? How are
you able to put disaster
recovery plans in place?
And then how do we step in as
the auditor to make sure that
whatever controls are in place,
that they are adequate and that
they are being followed
according to the policies and
they're being done well,
as we would say. And so we're
going to be having a lot of fun
doing that. We got a lot of
content to cover. And you will
also see that I'm not just
doing this to, you know,
tell you, OK, here's a
particular type of question
you're going to get in the
exam. Number one, I'm not going
to do that. But number two is I
will point out certain areas
that, hey, if you are planning
on taking the exam, maybe some
of you are just wanting to
learn, like Sophie says,
a little bit more about
certified information systems
auditing. Well, OK, that's
great. But if you are going to
take the exam, we will point
out some things that you should
know, or at least you want to
make sure that you look into
even more. So there are some
resources available. Make sure
that you download those as well
as copies of some notes that
will be of great assistance to
you, Sophie, as you take this
And then lastly, I know you
already kind of touched on it
by talking about how you'll
need that five years
experience. And in the world of
audit, if you are looking to
become a certified information
systems auditor. But aside from
that, is there any other
prerequisite knowledge other
than what we've already talked
about that people should bring
to the table before they jump
into this course?
Yeah, I mean, definitely if
you can, if you've had the
experience in maybe other areas
of auditing, maybe financial
auditing or other things like
that, working governance,
if you work in risk, bringing
that to the table is going to
definitely help you understand
these things. Also, if you do
have some sort of information
systems background or I.T.
background that also will give
you a little bit more
assistance because we will be
giving certain terms that you
are expected to know. You know,
you do need to understand about
network operations. You need to
understand things like server
infrastructure and
architecture. You do need to
know some of those things.
Now, we will give you some
overviews of those. We will
give you certain definitions
that are important for you.
But bringing that experience to
the table is going to make this
a much better course.
All right. Well, it's good
to know for myself as a learner
advocate, as well as those
watching this overview, some of
the things that they might need
to know before jumping into
this course. Other than that, I
think that's going to do it for
this overview. And I know you
know a little bit more about
me, about Chris and about some
of the material we're going to
be talking about. So thanks for
joining us for this overview
and we'll see you in the
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
26h 38m
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