Cybersecurity Workplace Training
Cybersecurity Workplace Training Overview
Welcome to Cybersecurity
Workplace Training. I'm Dr.
Hernan Murdoch and with me is
Scott Lyons. I've been in the
profession for so many years.
I've been an audit since
and an instructor and author
since 2007. I've been watching
cybersecurity very closely as
it has evolved, and so many
things are different now than
they were in the past, and we
need to understand these
things. We are basically
looking at a course that's
going to help us better
understand a lot of the things
related to cybersecurity,
a very essential skill. Scott,
what are some of the key things
that people are going to learn
in this course? It's a
really, really great
question and thank you for
having me and allowing me to
join you to do this. The course
is really defined around what
do we need to know for
cyber workplace safety. It's
like the OSHA course for cyber,
but we're also bringing in new
Throughout the course, you're
going to hear us talk about
things that could bump on the
network. We're going to talk
about the dark side of the
force, the offensive attacker
point of view. Here's the
problem. If we don't know how
an attacker is going to do
their job, we won't know how to
defend. Tell us
a little bit about your
background because you've done
this for many years, right?
Yeah, I have. I've been in the
hacker community for well over
30 years at this point. I've
worked for multiple agencies
with the US government. I've
defended multiple businesses
from ransomware, multiple
businesses from other things
that could bump on the network,
and I've also helped to recover
and enhance operations, both
domestically and
internationally, from multiple
companies. Tell us a little
bit about the kind of person
who would benefit most from
this course. Sure. So we have
a question of how do we ensure
the systems that we're using
are safe?
How do we ensure that the
SCADA that we run our lives on
is safe? How do we ensure that
the IoT devices that were now
being sold are safe?
How do we ensure that federal
regulations are being met?
How do we ensure
that computer networks are
maintaining and protecting
our privacy?
So the course is really built
towards auditors.
How do we take an auditor who
is really good at being able to
look at all of these questions
and understand
the intrinsic value,
and then be able to translate
it back to a governing body to
say, yes, these people are
doing exactly what they need to
do? How do we take auditors,
teach them cyber,
and get them up to speed with
the most current and latest
thinkings inside of
With so many takeaways, this is
a fascinating course. Let's
learn together.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
6h 7m
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