Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace Overview
Clock icon0h 4m
(Upbeat Music) I'm Dr. Hernan Murdock, and in this course we are looking at diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. And I've been in the profession for many years, in fact decades, and I've done a lot of different reviews with different organizations in different capacities, but this is such an important topic as it relates to the workplace. And a lot of things that we go through, it's not just a matter of the process and the risk and the controls, but the people who are actually doing things. And at the end of the day, the very important aspect of DEIB, and why it matters so much. And since we're auditing risk, and we're looking at organizations and how we can support them, I am very much interested in what DEIB is all about and how we can make it something that works well for our organizations. And with me is someone who has a lot of experience as well in this area. So, just a little bit about yourself. So, I'm Deidre Melton. I work currently as the Associate Vice President for Audit and Chief Risk Officer at Florida A&M University. And I've been passionate about DEIB for quite a while. When I first started really deep diving into, it was actually a few years ago when the Association of College and University Auditors asked me to lead their efforts, to build out what that framework would look like for their organization. And so, it really got me thinking about not just how it looks, what they asked was two-prong. What does DEIB look like for their professional organization, but what are the tools that they need to give auditors in working in higher education to be successful in reviewing DEIB practices? And so, you'll get a lot of that throughout this course, those different things. So, you'll understand what DEIB looks like. You'll understand why it's important that we look at all of these practices. And I'm hoping that you really get a lot of those indicators, things that you should specifically be looking for, but also we're gonna discuss a lot of best practices for auditors looking at the risk that's there and go through some case studies so you can see what all of this looks like in action. That's fantastic. I'm really getting excited about this. So, let's talk a bit about who is this course for? Who's gonna benefit the most from this course? Well, I think the auditor would benefit the most and it's an auditor whether you're new to auditing or you've been in the game for a very long time. All of, no matter what level you're at, you'll get some benefit out of this course. But quite frankly, the stuff that we'll cover during this course, whether you're an audit, are you just a regular employee or operational manager? You'll get little nuggets that you can use in everyday things to think about. Excellent. Great. Thank you very much, Deidre. I am looking forward to this. Let's learn together. (Upbeat Music)


Learning Style

On Demand


Entry Level



Who this course is for

Internal and External Auditors, Fraud Investigators, and Governance, Risk and Compliance professionals.

NASBA Certified CPE

2 credits

Field of Study


Length of course




Advanced Preparation

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