Ethics of AI
Ethics of AI Overview
(Upbeat Music) I'm Dr.
Hernan Murdock, and I've been
in internal audit for a long
time. And over the years,
a lot of things have happened
in the profession and in our
world at large. And one of
those things right now is AI.
And one of the things that
we're learning as we're seeing
it become so prevalent is that
it is becoming both something
to audit and also something
that we can use as a tool.
So from that perspective then,
I am very excited to be
involved in this course and
looking in terms of how we can
learn more about the ethical
dimension associated with
AI. So with me is Deidre
Melton. Deidre, so
why is this such an important
course? And what's your
background as relates to this?
So this is an important
course because now we're seeing
throughout organizations where
companies are racing to embed
AI into tools that you're
getting from third party
vendors, but also just in
things that we're building in
house. So for auditors, we
really have to get in front of
it and say, how are we using,
not only using AI, but how are
they using AI ethically?
So from my standpoint, I've
always looked at the different
ethics. And we know as
auditors, we have that code of
ethics that we have to adhere
to. And so I dive deep into
that at my organization,
helping people make ethical
decisions, helping them
evaluate ethical outcomes
through trainings and things of
that nature. And AI is no
different. You have to do the
same thing.
So you're looking at it from
a conception and theoretical
perspective, but also as a
practitioner as your
organization is implementing AI
as well. Is that right? Right.
Very good. All right, so now in
terms of who this course is
for, who would benefit most
from this course?
So for me, I think the
people that would benefit the
most is auditors, right?
Because we're gonna be talking
a lot about how auditors
can evaluate these AI tools.
We'll give best practices.
We'll give them different
specific things to look at
based off of different
scenarios as well.
Great, very good. I really
looking forward to this because
not only are we looking at
concepts, we're looking at
practice, we're looking at
scenarios, we're looking at
principles and frameworks.
There's gonna be a lot here to
learn. So let's learn together.
Learning Style
On Demand
Entry Level
Who this course is for
Internal auditors; governance, risk and compliance professionals; and business managers interested in learning more about the ethical dynamics surrounding the use of artificial intelligence.
NASBA Certified CPE
2 credits
Field of Study
Length of course
Advanced Preparation
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