Governance, Risk and Compliance: Effective Compliance and Ethics Programs, GRC Overview and Capability Model

Internal AuditRisk
Governance, Risk and Compliance: Effective Compliance and Ethics Programs, GRC Overview and Capability Model Overview
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WEBVTT Welcome to Governance Risk and Compliance, Effective Compliance and Ethics Programs, GRC Overview and Capability Model. This comprehensive course delves into the arena of effective GRC programs. You'll learn about the characteristics that define successful GRC efforts, understand the significance of principal performance, and get acquainted with essential elements of governance, risk, management, and compliance. It has been designed specifically for auditors, chief compliance and risk officers, chief ethics officers, along with audit directors and managers. Completing this exploratory course will not only boost your GRC skills, but will also contribute to three CPE credits in your professional journey.


GRC helps organizations make better, risk-aware decisions, and supports the goal of effective management, leadership, performance, and compliance. This course is Part 2 of the Governance, Risk, and Compliance course series.

Topics covered include the characteristics of an effective GRC program, the meaning of principled performance, and the elements of effective governance, risk management and compliance.

Here are the topics we'll cover.

  1. Course Overview
  2. Effective Compliance and Ethics Programs
  3. GRC Overview
  4. GRC Capability Model Element View

Learning Style

On Demand





Who this course is for

Chief Compliance Officers, Chief Audit Executives, Audit Directors and Managers; Chief Risk Officers and Chief Ethics Officers; Internal and External Auditors, and anyone with GRC responsibilities.

NASBA Certified CPE

3 credits

Field of Study


Length of course


Advanced Preparation

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ACI Learning is registered with NASBA

ACI Learning is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: