Innovation for Internal Auditors: Introduction
The amount, speed, and impact of change have accelerated significantly, and all indicators point to more change in the future. Organizations are expected to innovate and become creative in pursuing business objectives, managing risks, and implementing appropriate controls that increase the likelihood of short-term and longer-term success. Internal auditors must understand the dynamics driving these changes, how innovation is being used in modern organizations, and how it affects the efforts to provide reasonable assurance to the Board of Directors, management, and other stakeholders. Internal audit must understand change and innovation and embrace, adopt, thrive with it, and promote it.
This course shows participants where and how innovation can work in their organization’s favor, protecting and enhancing value while risks are appropriately managed. Internal audit must understand change and innovation and embrace, adopt, and promote it.
This course provides an overview and covers the foundational aspects of innovation and internal auditing, managing expectations as a requirement for modern auditing, and key questions internal auditors should ask, and answer. This course also covers the impact of data analytics, types of projects internal auditors should consider performing, trends in internal auditing, the progression towards continuous auditing, attributes of world-class audit departments, and key actions to remain relevant.
CPE: 7
Who should attend:
Internal Auditors, Compliance Professionals, and leaders in Internal Audit departments who want to develop new audit approaches, expand current skills, re-energize the focus of audit activities, and learn innovative tips, tools, and techniques.
Here are the topics we'll cover.
- Course Overview
- Introduction
- The Role of Innovation in Internal Audit
Learning Style