Manage Your Audit Career

Manage Your Audit Career Overview
Clock icon0h 2m
WEBVTT (Upbeat Music) I'm Dr. Hernan Murdoch, and managing your career is a very important part of being a successful internal auditor. I've been in internal auditing for over years, and I'm very excited to talk about this topic because I think it's gonna help you tremendously. And to help us navigate this subject, we have with us an expert in this field, someone who has a lot of experience, Rob Clark. Hello, Rob. Dr. Murdoch, it is a pleasure to be here. I'm super excited about going through this course together. I have been actually in the internal audit field for 37 years. Wow. Yeah, so I am that old. And I really, I love the whole idea of mentoring and on developing teams. I believe that a leader's job is to develop other leaders. And what we're gonna be sharing as a part of this course is the pathway of how you open yourself up to opportunities to be able to actually achieve that career advancement. Excellent, very good. So when we talk about what people will learn, what will viewers learn from this course? Well, I think we're gonna be trying to identify, first of all, what the why is. Why are you a part of internal audit? Do you see this as a stepping stone, as an opportunity to perhaps go into another field at some point? Do you see this as something you wanna have a career path in internal audit? There's different paths to follow and there are different benefits of participating as a part of the internal audit profession. But understanding what your motivation is from the very beginning is going to determine which path you take in terms of your overall career advancement. So is this course designed for staff and senior internal auditors, managers, directors? Who is this course developed for? The answer to that is yes. It's all of those. No matter where you are in your career progression, this and your journey, you're gonna get something out of this in terms of what you can do to really advance yourself and to find opportunities to expand your skill sets and your perspective, your influence. And no matter where you are in your journey, this is not just for newbies here. There are folks who are senior executives who are chief audit executives that are gonna glean something from this as well. Wonderful. Rob, thank you very much. And I am very excited to be part of this course and I'm sure that you are going to be too. So let's learn together.


Learning Style

On Demand


Entry Level



Who this course is for

Internal auditors; governance, risk and compliance professionals interested in learning how they can develop practical strategies to advance in their careers.

NASBA Certified CPE

2 credits

Field of Study


Length of course




Advanced Preparation

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ACI Learning is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: