Testing for Occupational Fraud - Misappropriation of Assets

Testing for Occupational Fraud - Misappropriation of Assets Overview
Clock icon0h 2m
(Music) I'm Dr. Hernan Murdock and I've been involved in the audit profession for many years and misappropriation of assets is such a big problem that we're constantly battling. So to better understand what it is, how it manifests itself, and how we can better prepare ourselves to help and support the organization in the battle against this, we have with us Deidre Melton. Hello Deidre. So this is a very exciting course because it addresses such a big problem for a lot of organizations. So tell us a little bit more about yourself as it relates to your experience relating to this topic. So I've been doing fraud investigations now about years or more and it gets more interesting every single day it seems like. And so really what I'm hoping that auditors get out of this course is what are the different types of ways that people can misuse assets in the organization? Because that's just the first step, right? Understanding how they can be misused, but also the various fraud schemes around it. How is an auditor that I should be testing? How should I be collaborating with the different organizational department managers on that? How can I use technology? I'm very passionate about technology. So how can we use technology to make our job easier? So is this course going to be directed for or created for auditors or for managers within the organization? So it's really focused on the internal auditors within organizations. But I really feel like managers can get some benefit out of it too because now you're understanding the fraud scheme. And one of the things that we emphasize in here is awareness for the managers. Okay, so great. That way we are basically helping ourselves and being prepared to help others as well so the viewers can be diverse as far as this course. Wonderful. Thank you very much, Daedra. And looking forward to this course and I am excited to learn. I hope you are too.


Learning Style

On Demand


Entry Level



Who this course is for

Auditors, Investigators, and Compliance Officers.

NASBA Certified CPE

2 credits

Field of Study


Length of course




Advanced Preparation

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