Apple Certified Support Professional 10.14

Apple Certified Support Professional 10.14 Overview
In this episode, Don takes a look at prerequisites for getting macOS Mojave installed. He also discusses the hardware requirements as well as the platforms that are supported by macOS Mojave.
Clock icon0h 32m
Welcome to ITProTV. I'm your host, Don Pezet. [CROSSTALK] Coming at you live from San Francisco, California. [CROSSTALK] [MUSIC] You're watching ITPro.TV. Hello, and thank you for watching ITPro.TV. Helping you level up with IT learning everywhere you go. I'm your host, Zach Memos for this episode of Apple Certified Support Professional. This episode we're getting prepared and you're gonna do that with us. Yes, you will and Don Pezet it's going to show us the way. Don good to see you. Glad to be here and ready to reinforce the boy scout motto be prepared, right? Regardless whether you're a boy scout or not if you're going to be implementing macOS more hobby. You'll want to make sure that you are prepared for what to expect when it gets installed so. In this episode, we're going to look at what some of the new features are in the hobby. As well as how we can check our hardware to make sure we're we're capable of upgrading to it, right? Because you don't want to like get halfway through an upgrade and realize you can't even run the software anyway. So we'll we'll take a look at that. And then at the end of the episode, we're going to build an installation media if you want to install a nice clean copy of Mojave as opposed to doing an upgrade. You can do that if you build a USB installation key. We're gonna do that right at the end of the episode. So that's all coming up [CROSSTALK] in this episode. What do we need to do? What do we need to do before we get started? What do we need to prepared before we get prepared? What to inspect when we're inspecting to install Mojave? [LAUGH] So what I want to do is a couple of things. First off, let's just tackle a few bits of terminology, right, because Apple has been changing and terminology. So starting with OS 10.0, right, or 10.1 is what most regular people got involved with it originally, Apple had changed the name of the operating system. From macOS to OS 10, written as OS X, right? So we've had OS 10 for a long, long time. And then starting with Sierra we've switched to calling it macOS again. We've kinda gone back to what we originally had. So macOS 10.12, 10.13, now 10.14, these are all called macOS. But there was this big window of time, from 10.0 to 10.11 where it was called OS 10. Now the reason I bring that up right here is that as you read documentation online. As you even you shoot commands in the command lines sometimes, you may encounter spots where you still see OS X listed, right? And that's just that older nomenclature. If you're just getting started with macOS this is going to be really confusing. Right, but if you've been with it a long time, maybe going back to macOS, is just part for the course, right? Cuz it's just what you used to call it. When I got started it was with macOS 7 and it was called macOS. So it's kind of easy to go back to that. So a little bit of a naming convention change there. The rest of the features found in Mojave are mostly like quality of life improvements. There are a few things we need to be aware of though. Let me just bring up Apple's feature announcement page right here. So when Apple rolled out macOS Mojave they created a highlight page, which I'll put the link for this in the show notes. Where they were highlighting the newest features. Now they're thinking about end users, right? So it's talking about better touch bar support or the new dark mode. And I think if you ask most people what's the best feature of Mojave or what's the one they most anticipate is this dark mode idea. That instead of all of your applications having a white background and a light colored theme, that they would have a dark background. Even your status bar up top what you've actually been able to turn the status bar dark for a while. But other things like your individual applications, your finder windows, those can all go dark now as well. And so that's kind of what they're showing right here, is what it would look like flipping from one mode over to the other. Now, if you don't care about dark mode then it's just not that amazing of a feature. But it is something that a lot of people have been requesting, so they certainly reacted to that. There are a few other features that are neat. File stacks are a big example. Where if you have a lot of icons on your desktop, they can be grouped together in stacks now, and it can be done dynamically. Just real quick grabs things, puts them together. So if you have a bunch of PNG photos, it'll group those together. If you have a bunch of Word documents or Excel, it'll group those together, and so on. It just makes things a little more organized for you. That's a pretty helpful thing which I think they show the animation here like all those apps getting dumped into those little piles. So that's another feature where again maybe it's important to you maybe not but those are some of the things that are rolled out now. Most of what you're going to see is kind of like that righteous and user quality of life type improvements. But there are some really neat things. For example, the screenshot utility. I use Command Shift 4 all the time to be able to grab a screenshot of something so I can share it with people. Somebody says done, where do I go to find this setting? I can navigate and find the setting and I can hit Command Shift 4 and I can draw a little box of what I wanna screen capture and it grabs the screen capture and there it is right on my desk. So if I minimize that and get it out of the way. And so here's my screen capture that I just took. Sure. Very exciting, right? Well, in Mojave you have a Command Shift 5 and it brings up a much more powerful screenshot toolbar that's gives you a lot of options and different things that you can do is really slick. For somebody that's in a text support role, where you're typically sharing screenshots, that's a feature that you're gonna make use of, so a really cool thing. But I definitely want to highlight one really important aspect of updating to macOS Mojave. Apple had announced several years ago that they where going to discontinue support for 32 bit applications. And they changed the app stores rules at the time to say for now on developers could not update their app unless it had a 64 bit version available. So if they had a 32 bit app, they couldn't update it anymore, right? And that was their way of basically telling people look the end is nigh. And it's been like that for a few years, most people become desensitized to it, like who cares, they are not gonna take it away. Well guess what, Mojave is the last version of macOS that will support 32 bit applications. So if you've got 32 bit applications they'll still work on the Mojave, you can upgrade, you don't have to worry about it, but the next version, when 10.15 comes out no more 32 bit support. So if you're supporting 32 bit applications in your workplace, now's the time to start cataloging them. Figure out what they are, find out if there's going to be a 64 bit version. If there isn't, it's time to start lining up a replacement because otherwise you will no longer be able to run the newer Apple operating systems because you don't have those applications that you need. So absolutely be aware of that most of the applications from the bigger developers have already been updated, like Microsoft Office has already been updated for this. And well, actually pretty much everything you're gonna see on the homepage in the app store, certainly been updated. But there may be other ones that are lagging behind, you'll wanna stay on top of that before you do the upgrade. So those are some of things that we need to be aware of before we make you jump over to Mojave. So Don, what are the minimum requirements to run Mojave? This is one area where Apple is really great about supporting their hardware. Because they will support it for years and years and years versus some of the other vendors out there like Dell where you're lucky if you get three years of support out of them. But with Apple they go for a long time. So let me pull up that Apple page again right here. So Apple posted up the Mojave technical specifications. And basically what they're showing is what you need hardware-wise to be able to run. First off, just to be able to run the installer you have to be running macOS 10.8 or later. And that's because the installer is 64 bits. 64 bits was introduced in 10.8. So if you're running something earlier than 10.8, the installer won't run, okay? So that's kinda rule number one. Then you have to have 2 gigs of memory. Most people do but not everybody, right? There are some Macbook Airs and stuff that ship with 1 gig of RAM, and so they will not be capable of running Mojave. You need 2 gigs of ram. 12.5 GB of storage on the hard drive, and it's saying if you're running El Capitan 10.11.5 or later. If you're running 10.8 or 10.9 you actually get any more drive space available access to copy some extra files a bigger update for them. So that's why we have a little bit of an asterisk there. And then on the hardware side, they have reduced the amount of hardware that was supported from High Sierra. High Sierra had a couple other devices that were in the list. So now it's MacBooks from 2015 on, and then MacBook Airs all the way back to 2012, right? Now it's 2019 right now, so that means they're giving you seven years of support on hardware. And that's pretty much unheard of with any other vendors or really cool to see that. There is a counter argument to this which is like in the case of the Mac mini they took for ever to update it. And so they have to support the older stuff because they haven't updated the hardware. But either way, they are going back and supporting it. Now where it gets a little tricky is the Mac Pro. The Mac Pro is a pretty advanced piece of hardware, and it came in different configurations. Some of which had advanced graphics cards in them, not all of which are going to be supported under Mojave. And that's because Mojave it rolled out that metal version two, that's the graphic sub-system that replaced OpenGL. Well, some of those advanced graphic cards before were just designed for OpenGL, and they're not gonna work on Mojave anymore. And so it's basically calling that out right here and saying look, if you got a Mac Pro that has one of the recommended metal capable graphics cards, then you can click the link, and that'll show you all of them. Then you can upgrade in the Mojave will be fine. But if you've got a non-Metal capable graphics card then you're gonna be out of luck. So definitely check that out even though your hardware might, your main operating system hardware, the motherboard, CPU, they might be be fine. The graphics card might not be, so definitely check that out. This is really the first time we've had a caveat like that on the hardware list. But otherwise you see a lot of the hardware that's supported, it's pretty well rounded, and we're in good shape. How can we check to make sure we meet the requirements? All right, so let's say we're super new to Mac, right? Maybe this is your first time having a Mac. Somebody gave you a MacBook that they had- Please do, [LAUGH] I just said I think you need to be running 10.8 or higher. How do you know if you're even running 10.8? How do you know if you have 2 GB of ram? Well, it's pretty easy to find this stuff out. So from your Mac desktop just go to the Apple menu up top, in the top left corner there's a little apple buried away up there, you can click on it. And then inside of there you'll see About this Mac. And when you click About This Mac, it's gonna tell you about the Mac. [LAUGH] So I can see that I'm running macOS High Sierra, I'm running 10.13.3. So I know that I'm fine like a 10.8 was the minimum I'm well past that. I can see my hardware, I'm on a Mac mini late 2014 model. They told me that I had to have a Mac mini late 2012 or newer, so I'm good. I'm in that window, I need 2 GB of memory. Well, I've got 8 GB of memory, so I'm good there too. In fact, the only thing I don't see here is my storage. How much storage do I have available? They said I needed 12.5 GB. Well, we've got a Storage tab up top, you can click on that. Right here I can see I've got way more than 12.5 GB available, my drive is almost empty. So plenty of room there, but you can quickly and easily find out whether or not you meet those requirements. It's all just kind of tucked away right here. We can actually get some more advanced information if we want. If you go back to the Overview screen there is the System Report link. And when you go into the System Report link, here's where you can dive in and find detailed information about your Hardware. So if you're wondering if your Graphics Adapter is supported well, we kind of saw the Graphics Adapter into the about screen a moment ago. But you can also come in here and pull up your Graphics information right here, your memory, your storage there on the list as well as Software information. And this is the main reason I wanted to come into this tool. If you go into Software and Applications, you can view the applications that you've installed, there we go. And when you look at them, it's got a nice little column over here that tells you whether they're 64-bit or not. So this is a great place to come in and find out. Do you have any 32-bit applications that you need to replace? What I usually do is just come into the system info screen, go to Software, Applications, and then I sort by the 64-bit column. And so you can see I've got three apps right here, that are 32-bit apps, okay? And if you look, one of them is called Quicklookd32, right? That's a daemon, or a service that runs in the background that powers Quick Look, that's Apple, they'll fix it. Ink Server is another one and the DVD Player, they're all 32-bit. Well, some of them have already been replaced like with Quick Look, let me sort by name again, and I'm gonna go to the Q section, and we'll find Quick Look. So here's Quicklookd32, and here's Quicklookd, which is now 64-bits, see 64 bit, yes. Apple's already updated their stuff, so I see both versions. The 32-bit one will just stop running under the next update. But if I take a look at something else, actually I think all of these have been updated. Let me check the DVD Player, maybe it hasn't. It hasn't, there, good. So the DVD Player, if I'm planning on watching some DVDs under Mojave, I'm gonna be out of luck. Well, I'm actually not out of luck. This is Apple, so there will be a new DVD Player package with that install. But if this was third-party software, I would need to find that replacement. So a great way to find it, and now we can have all of our software ducks in a row, and then we're in business. Doing great, Don. What should we do prior to upgrading? All right, so Apple has a recommend procedure. Let's say it's upgrade day, I'm running 10.13, I'm ready to upgrade to 10.14, I wanna get to it, okay? Well, step one is, we find out whether we can upgrade, right? So what we just did, we need to check our requirements. Do we meet the requirements for what we're gonna do, all right? And if we don't, can we fix it? So for example, I needed to be on, it said I needed 12.5 GB of storage. If I was running 10 was a 10.11.5, or newer, or something like that, right? Maybe I'm running 10.11.4. All right, well it makes sense to do the 10.11.5 update first, and then do the big Mojave update, right? Apple always recommends that you do whatever updates are available. Now if you are on a newer macOS like High Sierra like I am, there's a few different ways you can do your updates. The easiest way is just go into the App Store, right? Now if I go into the App Store, all the updates in Sierra High Sierra Mojave, they're all powered by the app store now so that's where you'll go. And then you've got a nice little update tab up here, it will check for updates, and show you what you can do. So I can see I do have a software update available. And if I look at that Software Update is telling me I'll have to restart, and this one includes macOS High Sierra 10.13.6, all right? So that's newer than what I've got, so I should probably go ahead and do that update, okay? I'm not gonna do it right now cuz it takes time, and we've got a clock. So that's one way, on an older Mac though you might actually need to go to the Apple menu up here, and launch the Updates from here. And you can also go into system preferences, and you'll find your update icon in here. I'm scanning really fast and I'm not seeing it, but it is in here somewhere. I'm not seeing it, you know what? Actually, that might be a Mojave thing that Mojave adds it, cuz I've gotten used to seeing it now. But either way, sometimes you'll see that update option right there. Okay. Numerous ways to get there, but you need to do the update, so that's kind of step one. If you're on a really old Mac, let's say you're on a Mac that didn't ship with 10.8 that you've upgraded to 10.8. Well, on some of them there's firmware updates that are not a part of the App Store. They're not managed by the App Store on all the newer laptops, ones made in the last five years. It's all in the App Store, that's all you have to worry about. But on an older Mac, you might need to go to Apple's website. And if you go to support that, you'll see a download link for firmware. And you can download firmware for a lot of different products, like if I go up here and choose Mac notebooks, It's gonna start showing me firmware downloads. But look at the dates on these, July 2015, July 2014, right? These are not for the latest and greatest devices, these are for devices that were manufactured years and years ago. But many of them are still supported. Many of them are supported under Mojave. So you might need to come and download a physical firmware update from here for your hardware. But the basic rule of thumb is do every update that you can find, right? That you can put in place. The next step? Check your applications, right? I already showed you how to check for 32-bit applications, but just check any other application you run to make sure it works under Mojave. Sometimes a new update introduces security features that breaks an application, so check with the vendors of each application that you use. Step three, backup. Backup your system. If you're using Time Machine, take a Time Machine backup. Time Machine will back up not only your data files, but your operating system as well. So if something goes totally wrong with Mojave, you can restore a Time Machine backup. And it'll roll you back to High Sierra or wherever you were upgrading from, puts everything back to the way it was, and you're able to continue working. So take a Time Machine backup, don't take a shortcut on that one cuz upgrades do fail sometimes. And then lastly, back up your settings. There's some settings in Applications or in your network adaptor or whatever, that might get changed when you do an upgrade. Some software behaves differently and you lose that settings. So it's a good idea to keep track of any customizations that you've made, so you can reimplement them. This one's kind of the least critical of the four steps, but it's a good idea to have just so you can get back and operational to the way that you want to be. So those are some of the things that we need to do as we get ready for upgrading to Mojave. Well Don, how do we update our firmware? All right, so I don't need to update the firmware on mine, but let's just pretend for a moment that we did. Let's pretend. So I'm on this web page here and I guess first off, I'm on a Mac mini, not a MacBook. Well, let's see if there's one for a Mac desktop. So we've got a Mac mini EFI update from actually July 2015. I might have a firmware update, [LAUGH] I said I didn't. So here's a case where we've got a Mac mini EFI firmware update version 1.8. It was released in July 15, 2015. My Mac was actually purchased after that date, but it is a late 2014 model. So in theory, I might not have this update. Even though I purchased it later, I don't know when they stuck it in the box, so they could have put it in the box easily before July 15, 2015. So I would need to download that update, and when you download it, so that's gonna download, they're usually pretty small. So here's the the download that is made that Mac mini EFI update 1.8 dmg. It was a whopping 4.8 megabytes. It's a dmg file, a disk image. So if you just double click on that disk image, it's going to mount it like a removable disk, so I'll see it appear here on my desktop. And when you browse inside of it, it's usually just a PKG file like that, right? That's a package. So you double click on it, and it's going to install. It's typically automatic. And if you don't need the update, it tells you. So in my case, it turns out I had the update. You already had it. Woo, [LAUGH] So that's good. And I'm supposed to practice what I preach here. So [LAUGH] I do have that update, so I'm good. If I didn't, it would apply it, and firmware updates almost always require a reboot. So just anticipate rebooting and then going and doing your update, but absolutely a good idea to apply that if you need it. In my case, I'm in good shape. So pretty easy process. So Don, where do we get a copy of Mojave? All right, Apple has made this super easy. So in in the olden days, [LAUGH] that [INAUDIBLE] You'd go to the store and you'd buy a copy of the disk, right? And you go and pop it in your machine, and you do the upgrade. But updates for the last, I don't know, six or seven years have all been done via the App Store. And so this is super easy. When I'm ready to update to my Mojave, I can do it through the App Store. And that means I just fire up my App Store. And in fact, it's probably already prompting you to update. A lot of times you'll get notifications up in the top right of your screen that are saying, hey, there's an update. Are you ready to apply it? You might see it right here in your update available. I bet if I did this, this 10.13.6 update, after that, it would probably put Mojave here in my list. But even if it didn't, if you just launch your App Store, anytime there's a new iOS, it's usually right in the main banner here. And if I wait, this will probably change and show it. But over here, I can actually see Mojave as a little icon and there it is. So here's the macOS Mojave update. And basically, you're gonna see kind of one of three buttons here. Mine says open. What you'll probably see is Get. Get means, hey, time to update. Or it might actually even say Update. And you click on that, and that's gonna install the update. It downloads about five gigabytes of data. And then it will prompt you, are you ready to do the update? And you'll just click ahead. It'll perform the update, it'll reboot. And then, you're back in business, okay? You might seen an option that says Open. Open just means you've already downloaded the files that are available. Mm hm. And if you haven't, if you're already running Mojave, you'll actually see a button that says Download. On Mojave, you wouldn't need to upgrade to Mojave, but you might wanna download the installation files. And the main reason we would do that is if you wanted to build an installation USB. So I've got a USB key here, if I didn't wanna to install via the web, maybe I have a computer that's not connected to the Internet, right? I could go to a friend's house, or go to work or whatever, download Mojave. Put it onto a USB key and install from the key, and that's a pretty useful thing for techs, for people who are going to be supporting Macs. An installation key can be used for a lot of different things. If you have a Mac that won't boot, if the operating system is damaged, you can boot off the USB key. And actually get in there and repair the operating system, kind of fix things, put them back in place. So I always recommend people make a installation USB. Even if you don't install from it, right? If I want to update, I can just click Open, and it's going to open the installer. And I can continue and just go through the update, it'll reboot and I'm on Mojave. I didn't need to a USB key at all, right? So it's as simple as that. But having the USB key is handy, especially if you want to do a clean install. Maybe I don't want to do an upgrade. Maybe I've jumped up my Mac with a ton of software and garbage. And it's running slower than I remember when I first bought it, and I just want to start fresh, okay? Well you can't really do that with an upgrade, because the upgrade is saving it's files to the hard drive, can't erase those files when you need them. So when you have a USB key, you can boot off the USB key, and you can format the drive to erase it, and then install a fresh and clean copy of Mojave. Really handy if you're repurposing a Mac, if you're getting a new one assigning it to somebody else, really handy thing to do. So again, I encourage you to make that USB key. As far as doing a simple upgrade, we just download from the App Store and that's it. Really easy, right? But let me show you how to build a USB key, in case you ever need to. Apple has a support document for this. I will put the link in the show notes. But basically, when it downloads this file, it's gonna download it as an application. And an application is really just a folder, and so inside of that folder there's a number of scripts, some binaries and things that Apple has put in there. And one of them is specifically designed to make USB keys like this one. And so if we look at the support documentation, they actually give us a command line that we can run that calls that macOS Mojave installer. And inside of it, it has a createinstallmedia script that we can use to build that USB key. And really, all you have to do is copy and paste that into your terminal. And you'll build the installation media. So let me run through that process really quick. I've got a USB key, I actually don't remember what's on it. So I'm gonna plug it in here, and we'll find out together. He has a USB key, and he's not afraid to use it. It'll be like when Geraldo Rivera opened that safe, Al Capone's vault, yeah. And it was empty. It was empty. [LAUGHS] All right, so I still have an EFI update right there. Okay, so I put the USB key in and actually- [LAUGH] It looks like mine is empty just like Geraldo's. [LAUGHS] So, here's my my USB key, it's just showing up as untitled. If I open that up, it is empty. All right. USB key doesn't actually have to be empty, but it's gonna get erased during the creation process. So when we turn it into an installation disk, the first thing it does is format it. So I have found, if it's formatted for Windows, that causes some problems. So if it's formatted for Windows, it's a good idea to go ahead and just format it for Mac. You can jump into your disk utility. And in your disk utility, you're just gonna pick that external disk and then erase it, right? And then when you erase it, that's gonna wipe that out and get it set up for a Mac. And then that makes this whole process a lot easier. If you just go with the defaults on erasing it, it'll be called untitled like mine. So apparently, I erased mine. And that was that. And that's handy cause we needed to know the name of the USB key. In order to run this command, so whatever that name is. It doesn't matter what the name is, as long as you just know what the name is. Rudolf. You can name it Rudolf. There you go. All, right, so, the next thing, I'm gonna go to the App Store. And in the App Store if you haven't already, you're gonna click that get button to get the Mojave update. Or download, if you've already got it added to your account. If you choose get, it's gonna proceed to download a five gig file. And once it downloads that, because that'll take a few minutes even on a fast connection because you're kind of limited by Apple servers, right? So it's going to download. When it's done, it's going to launch the installer, right, which I did a moment ago and did I close it? No, right here. So it's gonna launch the installer. Well, we don't actually want to install Mojave yet. We want to create an installation disk. So you can just do a command Q or go up to your install Mac OS Mojave menu here and choose quit install. And we're just gonna quit the install. And when you do that it leaves the installer on your hard drive. So if I browse into my applications folder, I can find a nice shiny new application sitting right there. Install Mac OS Mojave. And if I do a command I or right click on it and get info, I can see it's right here and, ooh, I lied, six gigs in size. I said five. So an extra gig of user enjoyment. So there we go. We got a six gig installer. But it's got it saved. It's right here on the hard drive. And I can now use that to make a USB key. Now, you might be tempted to just copy that to the USB key, that does not work. The USB key has to be bootable, we've got to be able to boot off of the thing. And just copying this file over does not make it bootable, right? So that's why we have to have a script to do this. So for the script, we've got to get into our terminal. So I'm gonna go up here to my spotlight, and I'll just type terminal. And that's gonna open up my terminal, this guy right here, okay? And then we're gonna call that install script from the Apple web page. And the easiest thing to do is to just copy and paste it from their web page. So let me come over here and the command is a little bit different depending on which installer you're running. So I'm going to make sure that I get the Mojave one. I don't want High Sierra or El Capitan or whatever. And then I'm going paste that into my terminal. Now, let's take a closer look at the command. So the first thing is sudo. That stands for super user do. We need to do something as an administrator. And so it's going to prompt me for my administrative credentials when I run this command but that's okay because we're fine with that. Then it's calling slash applications slash install Mac OS Mojave dot app, which we see is an app in the finder but remember I mentioned it's a folder and so inside of it slash content slash resources slash create install media. That's the script that we're calling. And then it's pointing at the volume, dash, dash volume and slash volumes. That's where all of your virtual hard drives get attached, and then slash my volume. Well, that's what Apple typed into their example command. Mine is not called my volume, mine is called untitled. Zach's is called Rudolph, right? Yes. So you would do slash volume slash Rudolph. Right? Makes sense. And that's why we're in the Christmas spirit, which. Is a long way off. Yeah. Anyhow. It's June, it's a long way off. So, we're going to punch that in. That's it. Right? It is a long command. And that's why I say copy and paste, that's a little easier. When you run it. Remember I said it's gonna run as an administrator. It knows that I am logged in as dpezet, so now I just have to confirm my password. So I will punch that in. And assuming I typed it correct, there it goes. It says, hey, it's ready to start. It's going to erase the volume, are we okay with that, right? And I'll just say, yes, I'm okay. It's gonna erase the disk. Now the erase happens pretty fast. Okay, so it's going to wipe and then that'll be that. Then it's going to start copying. We saw that installer was six gigs in size. So it's copying six gigs of files to that USB key. But even before it does that, it creates a bootable partition right at the beginning of that USB key to make it where we can boot up off of it, and then it's putting the files in a particular place. So the script is actually doing a lot of work. And that means this can take a while. Now if you have a USB 3.0 USB key, and you're plugged into a USB 3.0 port, this will probably take about five minutes, maybe seven minutes, right? If you're on a USB 2 port, this can take half an hour. Boy. Maybe even longer. If you're on a slower USB key, it can take a long time. So, we usually, we would get a cup of coffee, relax a bit, watch a TV show. And when you come back, it will be done. And when it's done, you now have a USB key that you can boot of off, and install Mac OS Mojave. But you have a USB key that you can boot off of and use to troubleshoot a computer to repair problems. You've got a USB key that you can boot of off to restore time machine backups. I mean, it's a valuable thing to have. It's very valuable. So we're gonna take this USB key and we're gonna stick it in our desk drawer. And that way we know it's there and we have access to it and we can get to it. When Apple releases the next version of MacOS, so after Mojave is done, they'll release, Sahara. Do we already have a Sahara? Whatever they name the next one. And, The Kalahari. There we go. That one rolls right off the tongue. So I'm waiting for Mac OS Death Valley. [LAUGH] That will be a good one. So, anyhow, so once they roll that one out they'll stop making Mojave available for download. You have to be a part of their developer program to get access to it. So it's a good idea to kinda keep these things around just in case you need them in the future for some reason, you may be not ready to jump to that next one and you restore it this way. There are a few other ways to get it but it just becomes more difficult, so useful thing to have. Now, we're not gonna sit around and wait for this. I can see that mine's actually running pretty slow. Maybe I'm not in the USB 3 port. So we're not gonna wait around. We'll let this finish, and in our upcoming episodes, we're gonna be tackling how to install MacOS. That's right. Well, if I do the upgrade. I just go in the app store and I click upgrade. Right? It's not very exciting. We sign off on a user agreement. That's it. When you do a clean install, there's a lot more decisions you have to make. And so what we'll do is we'll take this USB key when it's done, and we'll boot off of it and we'll actually do a clean install and get a chance to see all those different options in the next couple of episodes. But for this one, this is a pretty good spot to stop, we are all prepared. We've got our backup. We know our software is ready. We've done our updates. We've built our USB key, we're ready to install Mojave. Great job as usual Don, getting prepared and Death Valley awaits, but before that anything else you like to say? I actually keep an archive of various Mac OS installs and you don't necessarily need them for long term but every now and then something pops up where you need that copy of El Capitan or Mavericks or whatever. So I do find it's a good idea to keep them around. It is pretty easy to damage the installer files. So if you're going to keep them around for posterity or whatever, I recommend you archive them, zip them up. So if you put them in a zip, they become one big file.The reason they're easy to damage is that the installer looks like a single file, but it's a folder containing thousands of files. And so that makes it easier to break. If you zip it up it'll be a lot more intact. So definitely do that if you want to keep them laying around. Great advice and here's some more great advice, watch every episode of Apple certified for professional. It is here for you to help you, now and in the future. And Don's doing a great job of all those episodes and by the way, make sure you do additional studies. Check out our course library. There is so much supplementary information in there that's designed to do one thing, take you even further. So check out as well. And tell everyone you know about IT PRO TV. IT PRO TV is binge worthy. Thanks for watching, I'm Zach Memos. And I'm Don Pezet. We will see you next time. [MUSIC] Thank you for watching IT PRO TV.


Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) certification confirms the candidate's understanding of macOS's core functionality as well as having the ability to configure key services, perform basic troubleshooting, and support multiple users with essential macOS capabilities. Candidates for this course may be in a role of help desk professional, technical coordinator, or power user who supports macOS users, manages networks, or provides technical support for the Mac.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

16h 39m
37 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Installation and Configuration
  • User Accounts
  • File Systems
  • Data Management
  • Applications and Processes
  • Network Configuration
  • Network Services
  • System Management
Learning Options

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