AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional
AWS Certified ProfessionalAWSCloud Technology Skills
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Overview
In this segment,
we're gonna take a look at
the AWS Certified DevOps
Engineer Professional exam.
In particular, what are the expectations
as far as what we're gonna learn?
Who should be ready to take this exam or
studying for this exam?
How do we sign up?
And then what to expect
when it comes exam day.
Now as far as one of those questions,
who should be taking this exam?
Before we see anything else,
I'm gonna tell you, as of recent,
the requirements for an associate level
certification from AWS in order to sit for
a professional exam were removed.
So if you wanna come in and
you have no certs but
you've had a great deal of DevOps, right?
A DevOps experience,
then you could go sit for the exam and
possibly achieve that certification.
However, with that said, I found that
through my training, through my studying,
through my exploration of really cementing
some of the associate level concepts,
I was more prepared to tackle
the DevOps Engineer exam.
Now, what is
the DevOps Engineer Professional exam?
Let's go and
take a look at my screen here.
And recently this has been updated, it
just came out of beta at this recording.
The DevOps Engineer exam essentially
wants to see, can you implement and
manage continuous delivery systems, right?
Can you implement those using
appropriate methodologies?
What about security controls, governance
processes, compliance validations?
Can you define and
deploy monitoring metrics logging systems?
You really need those, and well,
it can get fairly deep in AWS.
Can you implement highly scalable,
highly available, and
self healing systems on AWS platform?
And can you design, manage, and maintain
tools to automate those processes?
Now the recent update,
there is a little more emphasis on some
design aspects particularly around
the continuous delivery systems.
I guess integration is in there, but
also on how to use the tooling
in order to monitor, automate,
make sure you have appropriate logs,
implement security controls.
And along with that,
there is kind of an assumption.
If you're doing the DevOps Engineer,
there's an assumption that you have some
developer experience, or
at least some programming experience.
And you have so architectural or sysadmin
experience like sysops experience.
So this is melding,
if you are a developer who've taken
the Certified Developer Associate exam,
this is your professional level exam.
If you are a solutions architect,
you actually take
the Solutions Architect Professional exam.
If you are a sysops admin,
you'll also take the DevOps Engineer exam.
So as far as progressing through those,
that's kind of how it works.
DevOps Engineers, the final piece for
developers and sysops admins or sysadmins.
And well, the solutions architect
those go more to design and for
scalability fault tolerance,
those type of things.
Now the exam itself, it's pretty
much like all the other AWS exams so
if you've taken them.
If you haven't, t it consists mostly
of multiple choice and multi-select.
When I say mostly I mean all, the mostly
there is there is some multiple choice,
there's some multi-select.
Now the multi-select is choose all
the answers that satisfy the following.
Choose all the answer that are not
correct, those type of things,
multiple choice or single answer.
Those are delineated on the exam
through the user interface.
You have 170 minutes to complete the exam,
you can get it in English and Japanese.
The exam registration fee is $300, so
it's a little more expensive
than the associate-level exams.
There's a recommendation on training but
you're here for that training.
So what are we expected to
learn in the upcoming series?
And if we hop over here, not to that one,
but instead to this exam guide.
When preparing for this exam guide,
I recommend, or excuse me,
when preparing for the exam,
I recommend reading these AWS whitepapers.
Some of them are very dense,
some of them are very specific, for
instance Jenkins on AWS.
Well, Jenkins is continuous
integration tool, right?
You can have build pipelines,
but there is also AWS services.
Such as CodePipeline, CodeDeploy,
CodeBuild, CodeCommit, that may
replace your Jenkins requirements.
Or why would you read
the Jenkins paper then?
The reason being is some of those
practices may translate to the AWS
specific services, there is
practicing continuous integration and
continuous delivery.
These are fairly recent papers
other than development and test and
introduction to DevOps
are a little bit older.
Now part of these this
blue/green deployment,
there's a great number of
deployment methodologies.
Blue/green is really emphasized,
red/black, a/b,
immutable versus one at a time,
it can get dense.
So I recommend taking
a look at that paper.
If nothing else than kind
of highlight the high level
between these deployment times and
to some extent that will roll over into
this practicing continuous integration.
Infrastructures code inside of
AWS that is cloud formation.
To some extent, micro services and
containers kinda ends up in there too,
cuz you may provision those
with cloud formation.
You should know a fair amount
about cloud formation,
but you should also be aware of
other tools that do a similar thing.
It could be the CLI, right?
You may have a set of scripts that
provisions and sets up through batch
scripts or maybe in PowerShell
scripts depending on your environment.
Your small little servers or
maybe it's just few computers
that are networked together.
That may work, but if you have large
scale systems with load balancers and
elastic IPs and
EBS storage and an S3 bucket.
And maybe lambda functions, and that's all
in a CodePipeline that has a CodeBuilt.
It can get very complicated.
How do I manage that, as well as changes
to that, that can be reviewed for
security and monitoring compliant, right?
Kind of the, how do I monitor?
Am I monitoring correctly?
Is this secure?
Am I managing my security
policies appropriately?
Well, cloud formation
allows you to do that, but
there are other tools such as Terraform.
Now the exam isn't necessarily going to
cover Terraform, but you should know that
cloud formation is the main push in AWS,
but there are open source corollaries.
And maybe that helps you cement some
of those ideas, within the series we're
gonna focus mostly on cloud formation as
well as Puppet, Chef through OpsWorks.
And to some extent just some of the other
provisioning capabilities where you can
prebuild AMIs, set those up and that
becomes part of your system capabilities
or kind of a store if you will.
Now, those are the whitepapers,
but what specifically?
On the previous exam there was mostly,
kind of this automation containers
integration that kinda lumped all of that
together in a large portion in the exam.
They further segmented those
domains to break this up,
it's roughly evenly distributed policies
and standards automation is 10%,
so that's the lowest amount.
But you'll notice configuration management
and infrastructure as code, right?
That's some of those
automation tools as well.
Monitoring and logging, could be some
automation there as well, right?
You're pushing logs automatically you're
retrieving logs upon EC2 spin-down,
SDLC, software development
life cycle automation, right?
Some of your deployment models, how you're
setting things up, how you're building.
And with that SDLC,
some of the numerous services that you
should be aware of are CodePipeline,
CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodeCommit.
That many or more developer bend, but
could be utilized during
a review process for releases and
deployment or
as far as packaging up for deployments.
So that's 22% in the exam,
that's a fair amount.
Coming in at 19%, configuration
management infrastructure to code.
Technically, these kind of live together,
cuz infrastructure of code could
be part of your SDLC, right?
You're provisioning infrastructure
from CloudPipeline or, excuse me,
CodePipeline not CloudPipeline,
there's too many clouds there.
You provision your infrastructure,
and then you deploy your application.
Well, do you need to provision
your infrastructure every time?
Well, no, but that might be in a source
code repository that uses version control.
So you said, this is what our
infrastructure looks like,
everything looks good.
I don't have any change sets to apply,
I can go ahead and deploy my new version.
Monitoring and logging, that's also
during your provisioning stages and
your deployment stages.
Am I collecting logs appropriately?
Am I setting up log groups appropriately?
What are appropriate monitoring policies?
And speaking of policies,
policies and standards automation.
Am I HIPPA compliant?
Am I PCI compliant?
How do I make sure I can check those?
Well, there are automations that allow you
to go, here are the policies that I need
to enforce, my security groups
can't be wide open, right?
The only thing that's
available is a bash and host.
Well, how do I check this?
There are ways to check those and
automate that check.
Incident and event response along with
high availability fault tolerance and
disaster recovery.
This last little bit is 34%, right?
These two combined domains.
Well, sometimes those kind
of meld together, right?
Event response, disaster recovery,
fault tolerance kind of go in there and
to some extent,
how do you know there was an incident?
You have appropriate monitoring and
logging, and you have appropriate policies
in place for how you respond,
it's kind of all mingle, right?
Even though there's
these top level domains.
If you scroll down a little bit,
you get little more kind of delineated,
it's not super specific.
But take a look at these and we cover
each one of these points in the upcoming
courses, determine source control
strategies and how to implement them.
I will talk about CodeCommit, so
this is AWS ecosystem, how do I use that,
how do I set that up,
how do I integrate with that?
Do I use SSH or do I use HTTPS?
Can I use IAM to access that,?
How do I manage users?
We talk about all of that as well as hey,
how do I aggregate store and analyze logs?
How I determine appropriate use
of multi-AZ versus multi-region
So there comes some of that design, but
the design happens because of how your
deployment strategies may change.
Well, if I need multi-AZ or
versus multi-region, why would I need,
how do I deploy that?
Do I have kind of a pilot light or
do I have full backup system that
I can do a quick switch over?
So I'll definitely take a look at this
but, and we'll also be covering each and
everyone of this topics
in the upcoming course.
Now, what they said, if you wanna
kind of practice for the exam, right?
There is a sample exam on
the Certified DevOps Engineer website.
Actually if you come back
to my screen real quick,
then right here there is that exam guide,
that's where I got it.
And I got Sample questions, that is at
And I think it's about ten questions,
you can answer these questions,
there is a key at the bottom.
This is a good metric, but
it doesn't necessarily cover
all types of questions or
the difficulty level of said questions.
It does at least say, select three, so
you're not like, select all that apply,
that becomes difficult.
Once you feel comfortable, right, you went
through our training course, you're lie,
I am ready, I know this.
Well, how do you sign up for the exam?
Now, I have logged in to my training,
my certification portal.
So this is my personal one.
And you can find this at AWS Training, and
if I come to AWS Training and
I click on Certification.
That is by the way,
if I come to Certification,
it will ask me to come to
my Certification Account.
Now this is a CertMetrics account,
it's run through part CertMetrics,
the Exam Proctor is actually a little
bit different than has been.
If you've taken AWS exams a while back,
used to be able to take
them via Webassessor.
I haven't been able to find out a way
recently to do the Webassessor exams.
You have to use PSI,
which administers like FAA exams and such.
So I took mine in an airport
interestingly enough, but
you'll have to find a local one.
Well, once you get your CertMetrics portal
set up, this is tied to Amazon now.
Kinda has the Amazon feel, you know your
profile, when your exams are coming up,
what certifications, not only your
transcripts but also additional benefit.
When you pass an exam, you get free
vouchers or access to certain programs.
But if I want to either manage or
schedule a new exam, it's just right here.
And I click it, and it takes me back to
the AWS Training, so it's logged me out.
I'm gonna log back in real quick,
and as I log in, right?
It's gonna take me back,
I'm gonna schedule a new exam.
And now it's gonna redirect
me to the PSI website.
At this point, you come and
find your exam.
What exam are we taking?
We are taking the AWS Certified
DevOps Engineer Professional.
You'll click Schedule Exam, and it'll say
there is more than one, that's because
this is coming out of Beta there is also
a retired exam that is being phased out.
Be careful to pick the appropriate one,
typically what'll happen is the retired
exam won't be available for the dates.
You'll select your language and
then, given the capability.
It will find the nearest testing center or
at least prepopulate your zip and
poster code, and then you can search for
the exam center.
From there, just fill out your
credit card information, sign up,
you'll get an email confirming.
It'll be on your dashboard, make sure
you have the appropriate sets of ID.
Need two valid forms of ID,
don't take in your cellphone,
and the kinda the normal exam thing.
Now this is the one,
there's gonna be a very dense material but
we have you covered.
And if you're looking
to level up your game,
then I hope to see you
in upcoming episodes.
The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional show validates technical expertise in provisioning, operating, and managing distributed application systems on the AWS platform.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
14h 30m
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Here are the topics we'll cover
- Application Lifecycle Management
- Automation
- Serverless Development
- Monitoring and Logging
- Compliance