Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) v.12
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) v.12 Overview
You're watching ITProTV.
(upbeat music) -
Welcome and thanks for
joining us for the overview to
this course, CEH version 12.
I'm your host, Sophie Goodwin.
I will be guiding you along on
this course. I'll be kind of
your learner advocate. I am
also learning a lot of this
stuff for the first time.
So I'm gonna be asking
questions you might have at
home. And alongside me is Mr.
Daniel Lowry. You know him, you
love him. He's gonna be our
subject matter expert for this
course. Daniel, how are you?
I'm very well. - Thanks for
having me on, Sophia. I'm
looking forward to diving into
some of the topics that are in
the CEH course because it's
hacky stuff. - It's very hacky.
- Not like hacky stuff. - Yes.
- And I enjoy it quite well.
So I hope you get as much
enjoyment out of it as I do,
because it's a lot of fun.
Besides your casual
enjoyment of hacking, tell us a
little bit more about you,
Daniel. -
Sure, well, I've been doing
IT for over, jeez, 20 years
now. I know, the gray and the
beard is starting to show my
age. But yeah, I remember when
dinosaurs used computers,
and I was there when it
happened. So yeah, like I said,
I've been in the business for a
little while now, and within
the last eight or so years,
I've started to focus more into
security realm, specifically in
that offensive security,
ethical hacking, pen testing
kind of roles. So CEH, Pen Test
Plus, that kind of stuff is
kind of my forte now. Now I get
to take those skills and give
them to you so that you can
follow in my footsteps or
whoever's footsteps down that
security path that we're
blazing for you. So
again, really look forward
to doing this. - Okay, so as we
start to get into this CEH V12
course, what is the structure
of this course gonna look like?
So the structure of the
course is we're gonna break it
down into the domains of each
one of the, that's brought to
you by EC Council. So if you're
looking at their blueprint,
that would be a good thing to
follow. But basically, it's
going to be kind of walking
your way through the
introduction of what is it like
to be in ethical hacking?
What are some of the terms and
definitions and concepts that
we need to be aware of? Then
we'll move into more of the,
okay, how do we start hacking
things? What are the phases of
hacking? What does that look
like? And then how do we
actually start breaching
systems, maintaining access,
covering our tracks, going
through that whole methodology
of hacking into things? We'll
also take a look at how to hack
into things like web servers
and web server technologies.
It's gonna be a lot of fun
there. And we're gonna dive
into things like IoT and cloud
as well. And even getting into
a little bit of cryptography
there near the end. So there's
plenty of material for us to
get through. This is going to
be a pack of lunch. We got a
lot of stuff to get through.
But at the other side of this
thing, you should be very well
schooled up on concepts, terms,
and even techniques. -
Lots of material, the demos
are the best part. So it's
gonna be fun. Stick around for
that. So at the end of the day,
you mentioned that this is an
EC Council thing. So there is
probably an exam maybe that you
might be working towards.
But other than that, what might
be the goal for taking this
course? -
The goal for this course is
to get you familiar with a wide
variety of tactics, tools,
techniques that are associated
with offensive type security,
ethical hacking. Anybody in the
ethical hacking or pentesting
world will be familiar with
these things and have some
hands-on experience with that.
So that's what my goal is to
give you that, the conceptual
knowledge behind it and some
actual hands-on showing those
demonstrations. Let me just
tell you how to do a web server
attack. Let me show you how to
do that. So you can see it,
walk through it, and then
hopefully you'll assimilate
that knowledge and be able to
apply it into other areas that
are not inside of your labs or
whatever. -
Okay, so as far as what's in
it for myself and for other
learners out there, it would
kind of be, it gives us a
really broad view of a lot of
different ethical hacking type
concepts, right? - Exactly.
- Okay, awesome, cool. - Touch
on a lot. - We're gonna touch
on a lot, but it's gonna be
fun. And then lastly, of
course, before we sign off
here, why are you excited about
this course, Daniel? -
Well, I think I've probably
made that well and clear
already, but if I haven't, I
enjoy hacking things and doing
this course allows me to do
that. I've taken myriad of
different types of training and
the best ones are always the
ones where you get to actually
do things. And you will be able
to get to do things. You'll be
able to follow my bouncing
anything that's out there that
you wanna do is, I try to use
everything that's
available freely to you to kind
of make use of. So anything you
see in this course, you should
be able to go grab and utilize
for yourself. I try not to use
anything that's paid for or
walled away in some shape or
form. So it's gonna be a lot of
fun for you to be able to build
in and work your way through
these things and lobby these
attacks. We also have our
practice lab environment.
You can use that whole lab
environment to work out if you
don't wanna spin up your own
environments. But I recommend
using both because heck,
experience is experience and
seeing you guys gain that
experience and being able to
say, I can do it.
That is my goal as a trainer is
at the end of the episode,
you go, I can do the thing.
I understand what he said and I
know how to apply that. That's
what we're gonna try to do.
Well, I am looking forward
to getting into this CEH
version 12 course. I've done a
couple of courses alongside
Daniel that have to do with
like IOT pen testing, AWS pen
testing and so far I've loved
all of it. So really looking
forward to getting into more of
this ethical hacking stuff.
And hopefully you are too.
Thanks for joining us for this
overview. We'll see you there.
Thank you for watching
The Certified Ethical Hacker(CEH) v12 course is designed to give the student a foundational knowledge base and skillset to be an asset to their current organization as a security analyst, or to become an effective member of a security team engaged in offensive security testing and vulnerability assessments.
Learning Style
On Demand
Practice Test
Skill Lab
Length of course
48h 17m
138 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Intro to Ethical Hacking
- Recon Techniques - Footprinting and Recon
- Recon Techniques - Scanning
- Recon Techniques - Enumeration
- System Hacking Phases and Attack Techniques - Vulnerability Analysis
- System Hacking Phases and Attack Techniques - System Hacking
- System Hacking Phases and Attack Techniques - Malware Threats
- Network and Perimeter Hacking - Sniffing
- Network and Perimeter Hacking - Social Engineering
- Network and Perimeter Hacking - Denial of Service
- Network and Perimeter Hacking - Session Hijacking
- Network and Perimeter Hacking - Evading Firewalls, IDS, and Honeypots
- Web Application Hacking - Hacking Web Servers
- Web Application Hacking - Hacking Web Applications
- Web Application Hacking - SQL Injection
- Wireless Network Hacking - Hacking Wireless Networks
- Mobile Platform, IoT, and OT Hacking - Hacking Mobile Platforms
- Mobile Platform, IoT, and OT Hacking - IoT and OT Hacking
- Cloud Computing - Cloud Computing
- Cryptography - Cryptography