Cisco CCNA (200-301)
Cisco CCNA (200-301) Overview
You're watching ITPro TV.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I'm your host Lauren Deal and I'll be your
learner advocate throughout this course
but Ronnie Wong is gonna be joining us and
he is on our subject matter expert for
all things CCN A.
Welcome in Ronnie.
Well thank you Lauren as we get started
here we are actually taking a look at of
course the CCNA.
Now I've been teaching the CCNA for
a long time probably beginning around 2007
coming all the way now to 2022 as we go,
it started here with our particular course
so I know the ins and outs of this and
I've actually taken the certification as
well as even the advanced certifications
in Cisco going up to the CCMP enterprise
infrastructure as well so all this
is actually good foundation and knowledge
that you have to have as actually moved
forward and I'm glad to actually be here
with Lauren and you as we get started.
Well I'm excited because see Sienna
is kind of a foreign being for me and
so I'm excited to jump in and
ask the questions that
you might be thinking at home and
so that's gonna be my role but
Ronnie, what can they expect or who would
be the perfect learner for this course?
Yeah, as far as who this course
is really designed around is for
any IT Professional that
already has some experience but
hasn't really worked in the realm
of these Cisco equipment before.
So you already have a good networking
background but you now want to of course,
make sure that you specialize and you can
configure Cisco routers and switches.
This is at least the beginning for
USD is their introductory level
course here at the associate level.
So you'll be working directly with routers
and switches and learning the basic
configurations of them now if you're
brand new to the realm of IT.
You may find yourself a little bit in over
your head but it doesn't mean you can't
catch up, it just means that it will take
you probably a little bit longer to do so.
So I do recommend that you take the time
to actually do a little bit more
explore in the networking background
such as using the comp tia a plus or
even the compton network plus to get
yourself up to the speed that you need to.
A lot of the basic networking concepts
that we'll be covering right here in
the CCNA will really be for review
rather than going into a super in depth
explanation of them because this
exam is really that big and
it assumes that you already have that
knowledge even though Cisco considers
considers it an entry level or
even associate level certification.
Well I think this is so great because
you can actually go on to our our web page
and see the different pathways that
can lead you where you want to go and
maybe see Sienna is the perfect one for
you but let's talk about the structure of
the course and what are the course goals,
what do we want to walk away with?
So when it comes down to it,
the overall goal is relatively simple,
which is to help you to prepare for
the exam, but
the overall goal is to make you at
least a technician that considers more
than what you've actually
just been taught.
We'll be taking a look at
different scenarios as well
as real world configurations that you
can use to help you to practice and
of course even the practice labs
environment that we're actually on.
We'll be using real Cisco equipment to do
so and you'll have access to that as long
as you have access to our premium
subscription right here at I t pro t v.
The course itself is really based around
the exam objectives themselves and so
why should be taking that structure
mainly because it does build in that same
way that I would normally
take you through.
So let's take a look at
that very briefly here and
quickly to show you kind of
the high level overview of that.
So directly from Cisco's learning network,
if you go ahead and use whatever your
favorite search engine is, you type in
Cisco CCN a exam, it'll probably lead you
to a link where you can get to their learn
network and here are the basic exam topics
that will be covering networking
fundamentals network access here.
IP connectivity service,
make sure you actually have a good solid
understanding of layer three services and
adhere the network access layer to
services and working with switches.
And of course basic network
fundamentals will also be taking a look
at the different IP services that
are available out there that you generally
need to know of course to work inside
of network security fundamentals.
And this last one is actually the major
change from the previous iteration of
the exam, which is automation and
program ability.
You're not gonna become an expert in
terms of automation and program ability.
This will get you more familiar
with the terminology and
the concepts as well but
those are the overall basic goals.
My recommendation of course is that
you come to this link here and
you download this pdf and make sure that
your study program also involves this as
well as you actually go through.
So we're actually going to be shooting for
those two main goals help you
to prepare for the C C N A.
And with your additional
study you'll actually be able
to do that along with this course as
well as actually get you ready for
the field in working with Cisco
routers and switches at the beginning.
Well you mentioned the PDF and
you mentioned that we'll
be using practice labs.
What other tools would be helpful for
them to get themselves ready and
have all the tools in front of
them to prepare for this exam,
Well when it comes down to exam d details
right once you actually have all those and
you have access to everything
in our subscription here,
it just takes the time for
you to go over these commands.
using the practice labs environment and
actually making sure that you go over them
is also gonna be helpful too, even though
I've used practice labs is not exactly
the same as the lab guide that's actually
built into the practice labs environment,
that's directly off of our website.
So you end up really with two different
ways that you approach those different
topics that will actually be covering.
Now the other thing of course
is getting ready for that exam.
You'll sign up through Pearson Vue is
what you actually have to do there.
And you if you haven't created an account,
once you actually select Cisco systems as
part of the options to actually get there,
we'll take a look at my screen, you'll
end up with this particular area as well.
And if you haven't actually
created account first,
you actually create account.
If you already have, you'll sign in
here and then you have to look for
that exam number, which exam 200-301 and
that will get to that link and
actually be able to see the details behind
that and how you actually scheduled that
along as well to make sure
you read carefully here and
as you decide that you go ahead and
pay for this exam too.
And if I remember right,
the exam is similar between 3 to
$400 US Dollars at this point.
So make sure you save up and
you're actually ready for
the exam before you go ahead and
sign up for it.
Well, great information Ronnie and
I like that we have the visual to
see what we need to do to get
into the exam and set it up.
Also cost knowing how to budget.
But what does the exam look like?
How many questions should we be
prepared for and how long is it?
When it comes down to the exam,
we can go back to the actual web page
itself on the Cisco exam details and
it actually does tell us that the exam
itself is 100 and 20 minute exam.
So you actually see that as well but
it doesn't actually tell you how
many questions it is going to be.
It is as many as they choose to ask you,
I would actually budget my time during the
entire exam about a minute per question.
Make sure you actually take a look at, use
that exam guide or that exam list topic
here to ensure that you're actually
studying the right things and
that will help you along as well.
That's great, okay.
I'd like to know what I'm walking into and
you know what Ronnie,
I found really helpful is our show notes,
everything that Ronnie does on screen,
he has notes for, so you can go back and
watch the episode and
follow along with the labs and
so that's also a great tool.
But Ronnie, what makes you so excited
about the CCNA course we're about to do.
So this is one of the premier
certifications that's out there,
that's really highly recognized and I
hope that by actually watching the actual
videos that will be producing as well as
doing labs that you'll end up earning
this certification and be very excited
about your career in networking.
This is one of the very first
steps that I ended up taking.
That really got me to actually say that I
want to learn more and more about it and
even proceed on to actually gain more
advanced certifications using the Cisco
systems that are actually out there.
Well, Ronnie, I'm excited because
Ronnie and I are friends off screen and so
now I get to learn from him and
ask questions that you might
be asking as well at home.
So we're excited to launch CCNA.
So don't waste any more time.
Let's start the first episode.
Thank you for watching ITPro TV.
The Cisco CCNA show is produced to help candidates prepare for the 200-301 exam. The show examines the fundamentals of a variety of IT careers. It will prepare any one who achieves CCNA certification the knowledge and skills need to start any IT career he or she chooses. The show will cover networking fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability.
There are no formal prerequisites for CCNA certification, but you should have an thoroughly review each exam topic before taking the exam. CCNA candidates also are expected to have:
* Hands-on experience implementing and administering Cisco solutions
* Knowledge of basic IP addressing theory
* A commanding knowledge of network fundamentals
Learning Style
On Demand
Skill Lab
Length of course
20h 12m
69 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Network Fundamentals
- Network Access
- IP Connectivity
- IP Services
- Security Fundamentals
- Automation and Programming