CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ (FC0-U61)
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CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ (FC0-U61) Overview
In this overview video we're gonna take
a look at the CompTIA IT Fundamentals
certification course here on ITProTV.
CompTIA fundamentals or what is also
called ITF plus is a certification
designed for people that are looking
to get into an IT career, but
don't necessarily have any experience.
Put yourself in the shoes of
somebody who's changing careers, or
just graduated high school and
is looking for that job and decides,
well, maybe I wanna get into IT.
While IT is a very big field and
IT fundamentals is designed to expose you
to several of the different job role type
that are found out they are in the IT
industry and hopefully help you decide
on which one you want to pursue.
Let me show you what i mean,
I'm gonna pull up the CompTia web page for
IT fundamentals, and if you go in and take
a look at the description they tell you
right here that it's designed for
people considering an IT careers.
We kinda see that, noted here, but as you
scroll down a bit you'll see some other
different topics that are covered
in this certification.
So let's run through some of this,
first opt, IT comes up in terminology,
these are words, information or
names that you need to be aware of in
order to function in the IT world.
Every career has a different
language that pertains to it and
IT is certainly no exception, so
this gives us great exposure to that.
Beyond that part though, things
start to get a little more specific.
There's a software development
section that's designed for
people that are looking to become
programmers or developers.
You learn about programming constructs and
concepts that are necessary
to write your own software.
There's infrastructure, these are people
who are doing things like hardware repair,
supporting desktops, laptops,
replacing damaged parts,
building out computers,
even operating in a server environment,
you deal with hardware on
a regular basis there.
We've got database fundamentals,
databases are becoming a critical part of
every organization's IT infrastructure,
so we need to have a basic understanding
of how databases function, and
the types of things that a database
administrator would do from day to day.
We also have general applications and
software, that's tailored more towards
people that are doing desktop support,
who's responsible for installing software,
troubleshooting software when it
doesn't work, keeping it up to date.
And then probably one of
the most important sections
is the security section.
This is where we cover topics
related to cyber security.
It's a rare week that goes by that we
don't hear about a company having a breach
or some other security-related incident.
And security is spread throughout
every single IT career.
All of these other titles and
career types that I mentioned,
they all have to deal with
security in one way or another.
So we need to have an understanding
of what that looks like as well.
Now none of these are going to
bring you up to expert level.
They're designed to expose you to what the
basic responsibilities of each of those
job types are.
And help you decide which one of
those are interesting to you, or
if any of them are interesting to you.
IT is not right for everybody, but
if you've got a passion for it,
if you're really interested,
this will help you kind of gauge which
courses you'll follow up with as
you move on through your IT career.
Now let's talk a little bit about the
exam, after you've studied and prepared,
you are going to wanna take the exam
to actually get the certification.
And the IT fundamentals exam is nice
because it's just a single exam.
Now quick word of caution,
the FC0-U51 exam,
that was released in 2014,
it retires in July of 2019.
So depending on when you're watching this,
it may already be expired.
The course you're about to watch is
built for the FC0-U61 objectives,
the new objectives that are released
right at the end of 2018, and
these will be relevant for several years.
So, that make sure that you're kind of
targeted to that newest information, and
the exam did change significantly.
So if you've been studying
the U51 objectives,
you'll wanna review the course for
U61 before you go and take that new exam.
But if you still or kind of under
the wire on time, you can jump in and
take that U51 exam before it expires.
Now to take the exam, well,
it's a 75 question computer based exam.
So you'll actually go
to a computer center.
The tests are administered
through Pearson Vue,
you can go to their website at,, and register for the exam.
Vue has testing centers
all over the world, so
you're likely be able to find one within a
reasonable drive of where you are located.
The exam itself, it's 75 questions and
60 minutes long,
now, that's one hour, that doesn't give
you a whole heck of a lot of time.
It's less than a minute per question, so
you really need to know your
technologies and move through.
But again, it is all fundamental
knowledge, basics, and so if you've
already got a computer background
you'll find that that's plenty of time.
If you're new to this though, you'll
wanna make sure you stay focused and
study all of your exam objectives that
you're prepared to answer the questions
and move on to the next and
still have time remaining.
Now, is scored out of 900 points, and
a 650 is considered a passing score.
So the bar is set not too aggressively
to make this a nightmare exam,
but not too low where
it's a pushover either.
So it's a nice, good middle of the road.
The exam is offered in a number
of different languages so
be careful when you register for it.
If you want, it's nice to be able to pick
in your native tongue to make your exam
a little bit easier for
you to understand the questions.
We certainly wanna be thinking
about the technology not so
much about the words when we take an exam.
English is offered here
in the United States and
it's kind of default language of the exam.
But be sure to check with your Pearson Vue
when you register to be able to choose
other exam objectives.
All right, as far as the price for
the exam, that does vary by country.
If you wanna find out what
the current price is, you can find it
on the VUE website, for the Pearson VUE,
or you can go to CompTIA's website.
The default pricing is in
United States dollars, it's $119,
but you can also pull up pricing for other
regions right there from their website.
Also be sure to check the page,
don't necessarily trust this video for
that pricing is it can change after
we film, always be aware of that.
All right, well, that's a pretty good
description right there of the CompTia IT
fundamental certification or ITF plus,
if that sounds interesting to you and
something that you wanna learn about,
then be sure to stay tuned because
those episodes are coming up.
Now, if you listen to all of that and
say, well, I've already got the basics,
I'm ready to move on.
Well, that's where you can start
looking at some of the other examples,
some of the things like A+,
network+, security+.
This is where we start to delve
specifically into the more advanced
If you wanna learn about networking,
you go to network+.
You wanna learn about hardware and
software, you go to A+.
Each one tailored to that particular job
role, so be sure to check those out.
But if ITF+ is your goal, stay tuned,
those episodes are starting now.
The CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ Certification is an entry level certification designed to introduce users to basic computer principles. It covers basic IT literacy and ensures one understands the different terminology and the various concepts involved In the IT industry. It also serves as a great starting point if you are just getting started in computers and is designed to be the first step on your way to pursuing the CompTIA A+ certification or others similar. Topics covered include hardware basics, troubleshooting, software installation, security and networking.
Learning Style
On Demand
Practice Test
Skill Lab
Length of course
18h 9m
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Here are the topics we'll cover
- Operating Systems
- Software and Applications
- Software Development
- Computer Hardware
- Networking
- Databases
- Security
- Troubleshooting