Configure Networking in Windows
MicrosoftVirtualization Skills
Configure Networking in Windows Overview
Welcome into Configure
Networking in a Windows Client.
I'm your host, Lauren Deal, and
I'll be your learner advocate
as we go along asking this guy
all the questions that you
probably have at home.
Welcome into the show, Wes.
Tell us a little bit about
yourself. Sure. I've been a
technical instructor, well,
for the better part of a decade
now, and I've enjoyed training
a variety of students in
different formats, whether it's
traditional instructor-led
training, online training,
or what you're watching now,
subscription-based training.
I've also trained in industry
certifications like CompTIA,
as well as Microsoft, Microsoft
Certified Trainer. I hold MCSE,
or not an MCSE, I'm sorry,
MCSA, Microsoft Certified
Solutions Associate, as well as
Microsoft Technology
Specialist. So I've taken a lot
of the variety of Microsoft
certification exams, as well as
teaching students how to pass
some of those certification
exams. So I'm really looking
forward to having a course here
that you can dive into if you
need to learn about client
networking inside our Windows
operating systems.
Well, I'm going to take a
minute just to brag on him a
little bit. He is one of my
favorite people to learn from,
and his show notes are
phenomenal, his demonstrations
are incredible, and so I highly
recommend jumping into this.
Now, what can we expect from
this show, Wes?
Okay. So we've said that
it's client networking in
Windows, but what does that
really entail for us? Well,
the big thing is going to be
teaching you how to configure
common TCP IP settings inside
of Windows clients through a
variety of means, whether it be
a graphical user interface,
something like the Windows
PowerShell or command prompt.
We're also going to be looking
at how to troubleshoot wired
and wireless networks, and
we'll introduce you to those
concepts and walk you through
that process likewise as well.
okay. So this sounds like
it's going to be a lot of fun.
Now, if you're sitting at home
and you're thinking, "Is this
right for me?" Who would be the
perfect person to watch this?
Anybody that wants to learn
about Windows, you don't have
to have a Windows background to
get benefit from this course.
There is a certain assumed
amount of knowledge. You have
to understand basic computer
skills. You have to have a
basic concept of TCP IP and
what that is, and just normal
network communications. Then we
can take that knowledge that
you already bring to the table
and see I'd show you how that
translates to the Windows
operating system, and more
specifically, the Windows
client operating systems.
Well, I have to say, I'm
excited to learn with you as we
go along, and let's not waste
any more time. Let's jump into
the first episode.
This course will show and help the learner to configure common TCP/IP settings in Windows clients. Following the course, the learner will be able to install, configure, manage as well as troubleshoot wired and wireless network settings on Windows clients.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
2h 35m
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Here are the topics we'll cover
- Configuring Networking on Windows Clients