Control Access to Windows Clients
Control Access to Windows Clients Overview
Thank you so much for
choosing to watch this course
with me, your host, Lauren
Deal. I'll be your learner
advocate as we go along, but I
know that you're here to see
subject matter expert Wes
Bryan. So welcome to the show.
How are you doing today?
I'm doing good, thank you.
Yeah, my name's Wes Bryan.
I'll be your subject matter
expert for this course and the
series of episodes that we have
I am a technical instructor.
I've been a technical
instructor for the better part
of a decade. Again, rapidly
approaching 15 years. I hold a
variety of industry
certifications. Some from
CompTIA, some from Microsoft,
some from the LPI Institute.
So I'm very familiar with what
it takes to get people trained
up, make them successful,
as well as on the exam side,
what it's like to actually sit
the exam booth and go through
all of the things that we do
when it comes to taking exams.
So I'll be your subject matter
expert as we work through this
course and I'm looking forward
to talking some topics on
Windows clients.
Well, with a subject matter
expert with this amount of
knowledge and history, you know
that you're in good hands.
In fact, this course is going
to be covering quite a variety
of topics. So Wes, what are we
gonna be talking about?
All right, so our primary
goal here for this course is
going to be managing access to
the Windows clients, but we're
gonna do that. We're gonna
break it up into three
different sections of content.
We're gonna first talk about
how you can manage users,
groups, and computers inside of
Windows, including things like
profiles and credentials.
Password management, we'll talk
about a variety of those things
and more in that section.
We're also gonna talk about how
we can configure and manage
local and group policy.
Centralized configuration
management system that's
traditionally known in Active
Directory, Windows domain
environments, but we can also
do this locally. So we'll show
you how to set that up as well
as to do some troubleshooting
on it. Then we're gonna look at
managing overall Windows client
security, including things like
how we do full drive encryption
through BitLocker, how we
manage our firewalls through
network protection. We'll also
talk a little bit about things
like app and browser security.
Likewise, all here within this
course and I'm looking forward
to it.
This is gonna be a really
great course. I'm excited to
learn right along with you.
Who might this course be most
appropriate for?
Well, really anyone, anyone.
Now, I will tell you, there is
some prerequisite knowledge
that you have to bring to the
table if you're gonna view the
course. You have to have an
understanding of networking
communications, TCP IP based
communications. You have to
have an understanding, be able
to work your way through an
operating system. But past
anyone really, it really
doesn't matter. Whether you're
taking an exam, we're gonna
teach you a lot of the concepts
that you would see in an exam
booth. But we're also gonna
teach you concepts that you
would see if you're sitting
that booth
called your cubicle and maybe
you're working on help desk.
So you can be taking an exam,
you can be on a support staff,
you can be a beginner to
Windows, right? Just keep in
mind that you need basic OS and
networking skills when you
start to watch this course, it
will help you a lot.
Well, this is gonna be
great. We're gonna be also
reminding you that we have so
many great notes that Wes has
put together so you can follow
along with him. I know I'm
excited to get started, but
Wes, why are you excited about
this course? You know, I like
working in Windows and I know
it's one of the most
common operating systems in
corporate America today and
maybe even corporations
worldwide. So I love giving the
ability to help learners
navigate through this popular
operating system that's used by
the industry as well as how to
manage, maintain and support
it. And I hope to impart that
knowledge to you as well as
some of the fun that we're
gonna have in the course.
All right, well, thank you
so much for choosing ACI
Learning and get your pen
ready. Let's jump into our
first episode.
This course will show and help the learner to configure security settings and control access to Windows clients. Following the course, the learner will be able to manage users, group and computers, Group Policy, BitLocker and the Windows Firewall as well as how to configure virus, threat, application and browser security in Windows environments.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
6h 2m
19 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Overview
- Manage Users, Groups, and Computers in Windows
- Configure and Manage Local and Group Policies
- Manage Windows Client Security Settings