Deploying and Managing a Microsoft 365 Tenant
Deploying and Managing a Microsoft 365 Tenant Overview
Hello and welcome to the
overview for this course,
Deploying and Managing a
Microsoft 365 Tenant. I'm going
to be your host for this
course, Sophie Goodwin. A
little bit about me, you may
have seen me hosting some other
courses here at ACI Learning,
mostly security focus courses,
but I did do a couple of
courses on programs like
Microsoft Word and Excel as
well. So I do have some
familiarity with Microsoft
Office. I'm going to be your
learner advocate for this
course, asking questions along
the way that you might have at
home. Our subject matter
expert, Anthony Sequera, is
going to be teaching this
course. Anthony, tell us a
little about yourself.
Sure, Sophie. So I've been
teaching Microsoft for a long
time and supporting
installations of Microsoft
Office for a long time. So I
was really excited when ACI
Learning approached me about
this course opportunity.
I'll be honest with everyone,
one of the reasons I was
excited about that was I
couldn't wait to see what has
changed. We used to have Office
365, and then I had heard
vaguely about Microsoft
renaming that to Microsoft 365,
and I was intrigued and
couldn't wait to dig deeper
into what this change is all
And you've taught some other
courses here at ACI Learning.
Can you tell us a little bit
about your experience level and
your qualifications for this
course? Sure. So
I'm really a networking guy
by trade. So I'm a Cisco
certified internet work expert.
And as a result, you'll see me
in almost all of the Cisco
related training here at ACI
Learning. But before delving
into the world of networking,
I really was a server and
systems guy, again, focusing on
Microsoft technologies. Another
area that I've been really
doing a lot with here at ACI
Learning and beyond is cloud,
of course. So don't be
surprised to see me in Azure or
Google Cloud Platform or AWS
training. I think going to the
cloud with a networking
background was really
advantageous and I've enjoyed
that a lot.
So like I said, the title
for this course is Deploying
and Managing a Microsoft 365
Tenant. So that is what we're
gonna be focusing on,
obviously. What is the
structure for this course or
this module gonna look like?
Yeah. So Sophie, if someone has
zero experience,
even if they have never been
in charge of an old school
Office 365 implementation, we
are gonna take them from zero
to hero.
The name of a webinar Sophie
and I are giving later today.
So anyways, we're gonna really
be taking them from just,
we're gonna assume you have no
knowledge about a Microsoft
Tenant, even what it is.
And we're gonna just step you
through that process of making
sure it runs well, everybody's
fully licensed. In fact, one of
the things that we're gonna do,
Sophie, is we're gonna look at
making sure that these products
are utilized. One of the things
that you'll want people doing
is using the Microsoft 365
tools that you send out there.
I mean, you hear a lot about
employees that are doing their
own dark like cloud, like, oh,
I want my own word processor
and things. And in a lot of
corporate environments today,
we need our employees to be
using the tools that we provide
them. It's actually a big
security thing. So we'll look
at ways in which to monitor
your employees and
make sure they're getting the
most out
Microsoft 365. - So before we
sign off this overview, you
kind of mentioned it earlier,
but what are some of the
reasons you're looking forward
this course? - Yeah, I'm really
super excited to see the
changes that
Microsoft has made from this
Office 365 to Microsoft
Evolution. And I was also
really excited to learn about,
and can't wait to teach all of
you, the integration with
Azure. That was something
that was really confusing for
me, Sophie, on
this whole product. It's like,
wait a minute, is it in Azure
or is it outside of Azure?
Does it sit next to Azure?
And if I'm doing this, where is
my data? Where is our user
data? So these
are all great
things that we're gonna look
at as we move throughout this
material. - I don't know about
you, but I
feel much more prepared now to
go into this
course on deploying and
managing a Microsoft
tenant. So thank you
for giving us kind of an
overview into
we can expect. - My pleasure,
Sophie. - And thank you guys
joining us. We'll see
you in the course.
(upbeat music)
The Deploying and Managing a Microsoft 365 Tenant course at ACI Learning will walk you through all you need to know to be up and running successfully with a new (or established) MS 365 tenant. This course maps directly to the first domain of the MS-102 Microsoft 365 Administrator exam.
This course covers all you need from initially implementing and managing a tenant and its domains to managing users and groups as well as roles in Microsoft 365. You will be able to carefully monitor service health and license allocations and keep your Microsoft 365 environment running smoothly.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
2h 38m
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Here are the topics we'll cover
- Overview
- Implement and Manage a Tenant
- Manage Users and Groups
- Manage Roles in Microsoft 365