Deploying Windows Clients
Deploying Windows Clients Overview
It is so nice to see you.
I'm your host, Lauren Deal.
I'll also be your learner
advocate as we go along,
asking this guy all the
questions that you probably
have. So without any other
further ado, I will be so
honored to welcome Wes Bryan to
the show. Hi, Lauren. Thanks
for having me in the show.
Yeah, absolutely. This is going
to be a fun one.
My name's Wes Bryan. I'm an
edutainer here for ACI
Learning, and I've been a
technical instructor for the
better part of 15 years now.
So I've taught a variety of
industry level certifications
from the CompTIA Core
Foundation certifications to
Microsoft Certified Trainer and
Training MCSA tracks in former
technical endeavors. Then
today, I'm teaching some of the
Microsoft content as well.
So I'm looking forward to
joining you along this journey
as we dive into some of the
topics that we're going to talk
I have to say, it is such a
pleasure to be working with
Wes. He is such a fun
instructor and edutainer to
learn from, and I'm going to be
learning right along with you.
So Wes,
what is this course that
we're going to be talking
about? All right. So
officially, we're going to be
calling it deploy Windows
clients. All right. So but if
we walk that back a little bit,
all we're going to do is we're
going to focus on how do we get
our operating systems deployed
in corporate environments
today? Things have changed over
the years. I mean, technology
is technology. You don't have
to be in technology to know the
way we were doing things in
technology. Just take your cell
phones and mobile devices.
It's changed rapidly in 10
years. So what we're going to
look at is we're going to look
at some traditional approaches
to deploying Windows clients,
but we're also going to focus
in on some of the newer
technologies that help us to
take advantage of things like
streamlining, automation,
and the Cloud aspect of
deployment. So it's going to be
a really, really fun course.
And while we are going to be
learning some of the
traditional technologies,
we'll also be introducing you
to some more modern ways that
you can do administration
around your endpoints.
This is exciting. And if we
get down to the nitty gritty,
what are some key elements that
we definitely will learn
throughout this course? Oh,
sure. So we're going to learn.
I talked about client
deployment. And with that,
we'll come to the concepts of
compliant or excuse me, client
deployment, if I could say
that. But we'll also look at
some of the tools, too, so that
you can make strategic
decisions about, hey, what
deployment tool are you going
to use if you have a scenario
or what imaging and
provisioning software are you
going to use should you have to
configure a Windows operating
system post deployment? We call
those post installation tasks,
right? So we'll look at tools
like the traditional Windows
80K, right? Another acronym.
We have a lot of acronyms, the
Assessment and Deployment
Toolkit, or KIT as it's called.
And it's a collection of
utilities that allow you to
streamline and make your
deployment successful. It's a
collection of tools. In that,
there will be a couple of the
tools that we will focus on
specifically. One of them is
going to be the Windows
Configuration Designers.
It's called today, formally
known as the Image
Configuration Designer, ICD.
They're the same thing just as
Microsoft progresses with their
technologies and they start to
integrate things with the
cloud. Sometimes they rename
them, but it's the same thing.
We're going to talk about a
technology that's built into
the 80K that's called that as
well. We'll look at on-prem
deployment options, things like
MDT, Microsoft Deployment
Toolkit. We'll talk about that.
We'll talk about things like,
for instance, the autopilot
deployments, right? Ways that
you can streamline the
deployments and configurations
of your Windows 10 devices in a
more modern approach versus the
traditional, heavily
infrastructured on-prem
approach. We're going to look
at a variety of activation
methods too, because believe it
or not, today's day in
environments, not just a
product key that we activate
like we would traditionally,
there's ways that we can
improve that process and make
that a better user experience
and a better administrative
approach too. And then finally,
we're going to be looking at
some remote management. How can
we activate and implement
remote management so that after
these devices are deployed, the
operating systems are deployed,
they're configured and
provisioned, how do we manage
them when we're not in the same
physical location? These are
all some of the technologies
that we're going to see and
topics that we're going to talk
about in this course.
Wow, this is going to be a
jam-packed series, and I'll be
learning along with you, and
we're going to have tons of
notes and we'll be taking notes
together. But
I'm imagining that there are
some prerequisites that people
might need to be aware of.
Who might be the most
beneficial for this course?
Okay, I'm going to say
anybody, right? Now, that's
a very generic statement.
I'll get a little bit more
specific here in a second.
I'm going to say anybody.
with the term anybody, there is
some assumed knowledge when you
come to the table. We're not
going to spend a lot of time in
teaching you the basics of
network communication. You have
to have a strong foundation in
a Windows operating system and
understand server operating
systems as well. Do you need to
be experts in them? No, not at
all. But it's going to help
you. So when I say anyone, if
you don't have these skills,
you're going to have to
backfill some of this knowledge
because we're not going to be
spending time on it. We're
going to be spending time, not
on the more the basic
fundamentals, but focusing in
on the Microsoft technologies
that allow us to deploy our
clients. So I do believe
anybody can do this. Keep in
mind that if you don't have
that knowledge, you will have
to add that knowledge to your
belt as you come to the table
to take this course. However,
we have also, it's not just for
the entry level person as well.
It can be. It can be for an
exam candidate that just wants
to strengthen the concepts
prior to maybe taking a
certification that require the
skills that we're going to
teach you in this course.
You could be an administrator.
Maybe you're already an
administrator. Maybe you're a
part of the help desk or
support desk, support staff,
depending on how your team,
empowerment team is sometimes
I've called it too, right?
You're helping your users.
Maybe that's what your
company's thinking about
deploying this. And maybe you
want some insight into what's
going on. Maybe you're not a
part of that team, but you want
to get your foot into that
team. Well, this is for you as
well too. If you're a part of
the IT team or administrator,
support staff. These really are
who this is geared for. Or
maybe you're none of the above
and you're just seeking to
deploy windows and that's what
you care about. Well, guess
what? This course is going to
be for you as well. So we try
to be all inclusive, but there
are some specifics that we want
you to be aware of because you
do have to bring some knowledge
to the table. Once you have
that knowledge, you're going to
enjoy the journey you're about
to partake. Ooh,
well, our journey is just
about to get started. So we're
excited to start all of this
knowledge and training with
you. So let's jump in. No
further ado. Here's the first
This course will help the learner implement and configure Windows client deployments using various tools such as Autopilot, the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit and more. Following the course, the learner will be able to plan and implement Window operating system deployment, provisioning, configuration, and remote management.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
7h 36m
23 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Deploy Windows Clients
- Prepare for a Windows Client Deployment
- Deploy a Windows Clients Using Windows Autopilot
- Implement Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
- Configure Remote Management