Detecting and Resolving Problems in Agile

GovernancePMI®Project Management
Detecting and Resolving Problems in Agile Overview
Clock icon0h 2m
WEBVTT Welcome, everyone. My name is Anthony Sequera, and I am thrilled to be joined by a friend of mine. And I don't use that lightly. You'll hear that a lot. I'm here with my friend. But Chris and I have been friends for decades, and we've taught together for decades as well. I'm thrilled to be standing here with Chris Ward as we get ready, Chris, to discuss problems that are inevitably going to arise in our project and how we're going to deal with them. Yeah, you know, it's kind of funny. After knowing each other for so long, you would think that we would cause more problems than solve. But hey, it all works out in the end. Yeah, in this particular course, remember, we have eight courses for you to go through to get your ACP, the Agile Certified Professional. And this one in particular is to help us concentrate on what happens when things don't go so well in our agile iterations, our sprints, the agile type projects that we're in. So one of the things that we are going to cover is, number one, how do we identify these problems? If we're moving so fast, if we're moving so quick through our projects using sprints iterations, these time boxed iterations, we would say, and creating smaller minimum viable products or minimum marketable features. And what happens there? Well, believe it or not, agile is primed to catch those problems early. And that means we can resolve those problems early. So we're going to talk about both sides of this. We're going to be talking about discovering and surfacing the problems. What happens when we discover them? How do we handle them? And how we can use that to power us to greater value to our end customers. I love it. And Chris, I know one of your techniques over the decades that I've been teaching with you has always been to really approach your topics from a real world perspective. So we'll discuss very real world examples that I'm sure you will recognize in your own organizations. And certification kind of becomes a byproduct. Once Chris walks us through how these techniques would work in the real world, sure enough, you're going to be ready for that certification exam you might be interested in. Well, Chris, I know we have a lot of content to cover. Oh, yeah. Is there anything else you wanted to bring up before we get started? You know, I think one of the biggest things here is that anything that you see here has been used before. Take it, use it, find out if it works. And if not, you got plenty more where that came from. I love it. Tried and true techniques. We love those. Well, we're very excited you're here. And if you're ready, go ahead and click on the next video where Chris and I will be waiting for you.


All projects will have problems, and Agile projects are no different. What IS different will be the way Agile methodologies process and handle problems. I’m this course you will see how Scrum, XP, etc work through this process.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

1h 29m
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8 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Problem Detection and Resolution