Excel 2016 Advanced

Excel 2016 Advanced Overview
Excel 2016 Advanced explores ways to enhance Excel workbooks with topics in analyzing data, collaborating and workbook security, and adding graphical elements. This series covers important Excel functionality such as format as table, conditional formatting, shared workbooks and tracked changes, and data validation. While Excel 2016 Advanced is a continuation from the Excel 2016 Essentials series, it can be viewed as a standalone show for users looking to excel to the next level of skills. This series is specifically for locally installed Excel 2016 on Windows operating system.
Clock icon0h 8m
[MUSIC] Hello, and welcome to Excel 2016 Advanced Series. My name is Vonne Smith, and in this course overview, well we're gonna be talking about what is this show all about? Who is our target audience? Do we need to know anything before we get started? And any extra tidbits I might have for you. So, what are we gonna talk about? This show is broken up into four specific areas. We have analyze data, graphical elements, collaborate and security, and additional topics. In the Analyze Data section we're going to be covering things like sorting and filtering out our data. We're also gonna be formatting in tables, one of my favorite subjects. We'll also explore the world of outlining and creating subtotals within our worksheets. We'll also be applying conditional formatting, formatting that goes ahead and applies to specific criteria that you instill and you make a rule. Very powerful stuff and a lot of different things that you can use to kinda just see what is that information saying to you. How are we going to be analyzing our data. Graphical elements, well that's where we get into some of my other favorite areas of adding images. We'll be adding in wonderful pictures of Mr. Fuego and Bishop, the stars of our show at Christmas Cats, Incorporated. We'll also be adding in some different shapes and how to format that will fills and outlines. We'll also add in SmartArt. What is that? It's art that's smart. Really, it is and it's a lot of fun and really easy to use, in Excel. So, we'll be exploring those different elements that you might want to add in to your workbooks, just add a little bit of pizzazz. Now, is Excel the place where you're gonna be doing an extensive amount of formatting of graphical elements? Maybe not, but everybody has different reasons for why they want to use Excel. So we will definitely be covering that area within this series. We'll also be talking about how to share workbooks, and how to track changes in that, Collaborate and Security section. We'll also go over an important topic called Data Validation. Making sure that people are inputting in the information into your cells that you want them to. And if they're not, let's go ahead and throw them that little warning error to try to make sure that you validate the information that's going into that with some certain rules and locking some areas down. Speaking of locking down areas, we're going to explore the world of locking cells and being able to protect our worksheets and our workbooks. And then we'll also explore how to pass protect our files and then also get into the document properties that includes how to add those different properties or metadata. Also inspect our document for hidden information and how to get rid of that. And also explore the world of accessibility and making sure that our files are accessable for people with disabilities. We also have our additional topics area. So we were gonna just throw in some little tidbits like customizing our environments, some macros and some other things that we will hopefully be using as an error to throw things in there, just as important but maybe not fall in to a specific category. And we'll be hopefully building that as we go. So who is this for? All Office users. Now as you see, Office is with a capital O, and that's not meaning that you have to be in a physical office location in a large organization, it can be in your home office. Really, it's Office as the products, the Office Suite, to where you are using Excel as part of the collection of applications. Maybe you're using Word and Outlook on the same way. So anybody that wants to go ahead and explore the world of Excel, it is a little bit higher of a functionality. And that's why I put intermediate users to advanced users. So where these series does work upon the Excel Essentials series, so we will be referring back to that. So if you haven't watch some of the episodes on that particular show, you might wanna gonna go ahead and refresh your knowledge. But this is also used as a stand-alone series, where is you have some of that foundational knowledge, then you'll be able to excel in this series. And talking about that in a Prerequisites, right there we were talking about the foundational knowledge of Excel. And then also having a familiarity with other Office products can always be helpful. If you know how to insert images in Word well then you know how to insert images into Excel. A lot of that same functionality goes across all of your different applications. For example the episode that we talked about documents and properties, it's pretty much the same thing as in the Word or PowerPoint or any of those other series that you may have watch that exact same episode. Well it's the same thing in Excel. So having a little bit of that knowledge and other places will be helpful. And of course just knowing about how work within your Windows operating system is always a good thing to know about for these different shows. So some little tidbits that I can give to you. There is always more than one way to do something in Excel. I might cover ways one, two and three. But maybe there's a fourth and a fifth way, that I didn't cover. Well, there's a lot of information to cover just kinda getting the basics on there. So it is very possible that there is some other way to do it and that's okay. So, and updates will happen, maybe I'm showing you something in these episodes that you're like hmm, I don't have that button or like maybe my button looks a little bit different. That happens to your products, because I am using an Office 365 subscription. If you're not on a subscription base, that's where things might look a little different there, because there are certain elements that are only available for Office 365 subscribers. Just one other note on that particular subject is that we have different levels of subscriptions in your Office 365. So if you're not on an Enterprise license and you're on a Home license there could be some slight variations, okay? That's just the nature of these products. So again I might be covering something that you might not even have access to and it could be the version of your product. Another thing, always consult the Oracle, searching for answers. There is so many different facets to these programs that we can't cover every single detail in this episodes, we'll try but there is always something more out there. And so consulting Google or Bing or any search engine that you prefer to use, it will always go ahead and help to just kind of find the answers. Think sometimes how you can say what you are wanting to do, that's sometimes the hardest part. So try to just try keep searching out there and see what you can find and everybody uses Excel differently just like I have said in the graphical element. Now is this a program that you want to go ahead and make invitation to a birthday party in? Well, you could, there's nothing that says you can't use Excel to create an invitation. But maybe some other products like Word, that's where you might want to do that. But again, everybody has a different reason for using these products. Maybe all you do is sort and filter data, so that's gonna be an area that you're really going to focus on. Or maybe you really wanna use a conditional formatting, or you might not have any use for conditional formatting. But just knowing that the product can do it, you never know down the road when you're going to be able to use some of these things, and say, you know what? I know that Excel can do that, and then you can come back and watch these episodes. And of course always have fun, I try to have fun, I always try to keep it light and entertaining and hopefully to be able to make you using Excel be a little bit more enjoyable. I know it can get really frustrating from time to time when it's not working the way you want to. But sometimes it's kinda let's see if I can make everything pink and it will make everything a lot more fun. So I hope you enjoyed these episodes and I hope to see you really soon. [MUSIC]


Excel 2016 Advanced explores ways to enhance Excel workbooks with topics in analyzing data, collaborating and workbook security, and adding graphical elements. This series covers important Excel functionality such as format as table, conditional formatting, shared workbooks and tracked changes, and data validation. While Excel 2016 Advanced is a continuation from the Excel 2016 Essentials series, it can be viewed as a standalone show for users looking to excel to the next level of skills. This series is specifically for locally installed Excel 2016 on Windows operating system.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

9h 11m
23 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Analyze Data
  • Graphical Elements
  • Collaboration and Security
  • Additional Topics
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