Excel Charts and Pivot Tables
Excel Charts and Pivot Tables Overview
All right, greetings, everyone, and
welcome to another great
episode of OfficeProTV.
I'm your host Daniel Lowrie.
And in today's episode, well,
we are starting our new series on
Excel charts and pivot tables.
And guess, what joining us in the studio
is our resident expert on that very topic.
Our good friend, Ms. Vonne Smith.
Vonne, we're glad to have
you in this new series.
It's gonna be a lot of fun.
How it's going today?
It's a great day Here at ITProTV.
We do have fun here, don't we?
Yes, wait, we're OfficeProTv.
Same thing.
Well, we've got this here.
Yeah, we're all [INAUDIBLE].
It's all one big family.
[LAUGH] Yes, and
we're exploring the family of charts and
pivot tables in this series.
This is our first in the series
that we're gonna start off with,
just some basic foundational knowledge.
Because we really wanna just separate
out the charts and the pivot tables.
Because it seems that everybody wants
to know how to do a pivot table.
It's like, just make a pivot table.
And it's like, my gosh,
it's the scariest thing in the world.
And it's actually not that bad,
once you break it down.
Same with the charts.
If you really kinda just like,
let's talk about the terminology first.
What is a series?
What is an axis?
What is a value label thing?
[LAUGH] Hey, guess what?
We have a PowerPoint, so
I know what we're talking about, so.
I think it's funny you
bring up the terminology.
I think that is probably
the very beginning of the,
you start getting heart palpitations and
hesitations about doing Excel.
Because it's got some strange terminology.
Pivot table,
that just sounds like math to me.
And that makes me have anxiety attacks.
Yeah, and it's one of those,
okay, we need a report.
You need to generate this now,
and it's like, what?
And so it's a lot of, well,
I know what I would need it to look like.
Chart needs to look like this, but
I can't make the numbers do it.
And that can be a little
bit of a struggle.
Now, of course, we're gonna have
perfect demonstration, where, look,
everything works perfectly!
That's right.
And in the real world,
it really also comes down to,
is your data set up properly
to be able to show the report that
your boss wanted two days ago?
And you're just like,
I don't know how to do a chart so.
So we're gonna try and
just start from the very beginning.
This is why we have our introduction to
charts in the particular topic of this
And so we're gonna just start
getting familiar with this.
So I do have a PowerPoint ready to go.
It's called Parts of a Chart, and
this is something that I've actually
used in a couple other series.
So if it looks familiar,
you've seen it before.
So now this is where, in this particular
slideshow we're talking about, okay,
well, we could have
a table of information.
Now, of course, in Excel
everything's in a table, in a sense.
What I mean by table is we have
everything in columns and in rows.
It is a spreadsheet application,
to clarify that formatting as a table.
Tables in Excel are a little different.
But if we're using the generic
terminology, that's what we've got.
So if we could see, all right, well, it
looks like definitely Bishop sleeps more
than Fuego, and
they both seem to play a decent amount.
But it looks like Bishop's
got him won there and
Fuego definitely likes to
meow more than Bishop.
I'm looking at that.
But wouldn't it be a lot easier
if we had some graphical
representation of our data to say,
wow, well, then yeah,
the orange bar is much bigger
than the blue bar right here?
And then which one is the orange?
Orange is Bishop, so
a chart is really just a graphical
representation of our data.
Just like we have have smart art,
which is a graphical representation
of our data right here.
So we can visually see what
our information is trying
to tell us right here.
So this is where we have,
this is a clustered column chart, and
then you can see that we have
our series labels on there.
We also have our different value axis and
we have our legend.
See, I'm already using that terminology
if a chart right from the very beginning.
But what is this doing?
It is comparing the hours, or
really we're comparing Fuego and Bishop to
each other in each category of sleeping,
and eating, playing, and meowing.
So you could see that along the bottom.
And how are we measuring this?
Well, it says hours right over
there on the left-hand side and
we have something at the top that says,
Activities Hours a Day.
So all of these things are just going to
kinda help explain what this information,
well, what we're actually looking at.
So let's jump into some of that
terminology that we're going to be using
within Excel, and really what Excel is
going to be forcing us to use in this.
Everywhere where you see the orange,
that is known as a data series.
It's a series of information that
has different points along the way.
The 12 hours of sleep that
Bishop does is a point.
The three hours that he eats,
that is in point.
And you can see that we're trying to
correlate where that works within this
tabular data with.
This is more within PowerPoint.
But you'll see it when we see
the example in Excel, that that column,
Bishop is a column, Fuego is a column and
the activities is a column.
And in the rows, you have the sleeping and
the eating, and so
that's where you have the rows
going across the bottom.
And the columns are the different, well,
in this sense, columns of the chart.
So we have our value,
access, and category access,
because those are the categories
of what we're comparing.
The sleeping and
the eating of Fuego and Bishop, so
that's what we need to
have across the top.
Because we are working on an x and
a y-axis,
or what they're saying is category
on the bottom, value on the left.
Let's see what's on the next slide, and
then all sorts of parts of your chart.
You have the chart's title, well,
that's pretty self-explanatory.
[LAUGH] Yeah.
That's the thing up at the top.
tell me more about this
title of which you speak.
Yeah, the title is the title.
It's at the top.
About the thing you're looking at.
[LAUGH] Exactly, yeah, so
we have the title, the legend.
What does blue represent?
What does orange represent?
And that's what I'm looking at.
And then, of course, we have an axis
title that this is the activity and
the axis title here, where we have it.
And I'm just kind of emphasizing
that the data series,
the grid lines, and all of this is,
we're plotting this chart.
So, this is the plot
area all around in here,
which is different than the chart area.
The whole box that everything lives, and
all of these are selectable
items within a chart.
And so, knowing what you want to format,
well, you gotta know where to click and
what you want selected.
So we have some nice references
right here to that terminology.
The thing on the bottom, and I've seen
these types of things, I've seen charts
that have this, well, table at the bottom
that gives you that information.
This is known as a data table.
Because while the bars will go ahead and
represent, I can easily see that
Bishop sleeps more than Fuego.
And these are all whole numbers, but
what if this was 12.8256 and 8.2584?
That's where you might need to see
that information in its entirety,
so you can add a data table to make
a little bit more sense out of it.
But then you could also switch this.
Now, this is just another way that
we could interpret this data.
Instead of in one category
we're comparing the sleeping,
eating and playing,
now we have it as Fuego.
And all the things we're comparing is
the amount of sleep, eat, play and meow.
So you could see that it's just It's
really just take the information and
just flipping it on it's side, okay?
So now you can kind of compare
Cats as the category rather than
the Activity as the category.
And I probably should've
changed that label right here,
that it's not really
that activity anymore.
It would be Cats, so [LAUGH].
But, that's okay.
We'll pretend that didn't happen [LAUGH].
We'll have the line graphs, cuz there's
all sorts of different types of charts.
We have our clustered column here.
And then we have a line graph.
Graph and charts,
those are kinda used interchangeably.
We don't really call it a line chart.
At least that's not how
I remember doing this.
Cuz I remember having to do this
in school and put the little dots.
And then draw all the lines like that.
Yeah, I think they just called it
a line graph where I went to school.
Yeah, graph, chart.
Chart, same thing.
Same thing.
Six of one.
Half dozen or the other
Some other.
Did I say it right?
You did, actually [LAUGH].
Yes [LAUGH]!
So proud of you.
Score [LAUGH]!
All right, so we have different ways,
and this has specific style.
We've talked a lot about formatting
graphable elements with styles
in our Excel advanced series.
So all the same things that you can do
with a shape or an image where you can,
well I guess we'll stay with shapes.
Fills, outlines, the effect where you
can put drop shadows, you can put glows.
You can make anything 3D.
All of that applies,
because this is a graphical element.
This is a piece of art, if we'll call it,
to go ahead and show the information.
Then here's another type of chart
that we see a lot of times.
This would be a pie chart, or a pie graph.
And this does have some
styles applied to it.
You still have a legend.
But when this time what we're doing is
you're really only comparing one series,
one category, that Fuego, where you
don't have Fuego and Bishop in here.
So pie charts is just one
thing that has pieces of it.
So you could see that we're
looking at the activity here.
And I also have some data labels on
here of what is the actual value.
And then what percentage
of the whole that is.
And guess what?
I didn't calculate that.
I didn't do any of that math.
Luckily, Excel does it for me.
All I have to do is check off a little
check box of Use Percentages.
Like, yes, no math [LAUGH].
And then of course we have
an exploding pie right here.
That's what it's actually
called the amount of explosion.
And one little piece right here.
And so we can see different ways
that we can take our data labels.
Instead of having them here in
the middle with a specific style,
we have them on the outside.
And then there's also changes
where the legend goes.
So you can see that you can start moving
around these different components.
But again, knowing that these things
out here are known as data labels.
And knowing that this thing
down here is a legend.
And you're just kinda
getting that terminology,
is going to be really important.
Now the nice thing is that you gonna
have a lot of help along the way,
when you start inserting charts and
you start formatting it.
And we're gonna take a look at finish
chart in just a second, within Excel,
not just in PowerPoint here.
But I always like to end on, whoo whoo.
I like that.
Yeah [LAUGH].
That is a special, special
background you have going on there.
[LAUGH] Yeah, right.
The slide changed, and
he went like, whoa!
And this is to prove a point of well,
while you have the capability of putting
a picture of Bishop in the background of
your plot area, making some bubbled
textures within your data series-
It may be ill-advised.
That's what I think you're
trying to tell us [LAUGH].
Yeah, the whole idea here is to have
a graphical representation of your data.
And not have people go, I have no
idea what I'm looking at [LAUGH].
Yeah, so something more along like this,
that was a little clearer information.
That's what we want to
get the point across.
But I will show you that
you can add patterns, and
textures, and gradients, and different
colors all over the place, if you want to,
of formatting theses elements.
Cuz, if you really think about it,
this is, it's just a rectangle.
Yeah, this is a rectangle,
that's just a line.
These are graphical elements, and
of course the data's attached to it.
So just know that even if you can,
you might not want to [LAUGH].
All right.
Just cuz you can doesn't
mean you should, right Vonne?
Yes, exactly.
So I have an example file
that we will look at.
Again, just getting our feet under us and
just getting familiar with it.
We're not talking about how
to insert the chart just yet.
And we're not gonna do
any crazy formattings.
It's really more of,
okay, so I have a chart.
If I select it, what happens?
Just like if I was selecting an image or
some type of shape,
you are going to have your
contextual tabs up at the tart.
At the tart?
Is that what I just said [LAUGH]?
Yeah, it looks like a tart [LAUGH].
I think I was trying to combine top-
Raspberry or blueberry, maybe?
Mm, that sounds yummy.
It does.
I'll have that.
Yeah [LAUGH].
So [LAUGH] we have the top of
our ribbon with our chart tools.
That's what I was trying to say,
it just kind of blended together.
We have a design tab.
And on this design tab you have
the different things that would be more
associated with the design
of the particular chart.
All of those elements that we were just
talking about, like the data labels,
the chart title,
you can add them into here.
Now notice, some of them are grayed out.
And that could be,
well I know it is because of the type
of the chart that we have created here.
This is a pie chart, and so
there aren't going to be as many options.
Like we can't really put in lines here or
trend lines,
because that's not applicable within
this particular type of chart.
But where we put the legend, that's part
of it, so I could go ahead and see that.
And let me just scroll
down just a little bit so
you can see that the legend is right here,
so I can go ahead and move it around.
Remember I said that it'll help
you out a lot along the way.
I mean, these are some good
graphics right here that say,
the right means it's
gonna go to the right.
Hey, imagine that [LAUGH]?
So, and then the left and the bottom.
And so you also have that
hover in the live previewing,
that's the hover to discover.
Yeah, that's always nice, right?
The live preview stuff is where,
well, I don't know,
cuz back in the day what you had to do,
you had to click on it, look at it.
And go, okay, maybe I like that.
Ctrl+Z that, go back, do it again.
Okay, look at that.
Okay, well hold on,
how'd this look, right?
It's a real pain in the butt process.
This makes it easy.
You just hover over it,
and then you watch it go.
That's nice.
Yeah, that is.
And once you get the information
in the chart right,
all of the rest of it is gonna, hopefully-
Right, just style, personal preference.
Yeah, and it makes it a little easier,
cuz they have really beefed
this stuff up a lot.
And then the data labels, now that I know.
Even if I didn't know the terminology
of what is a data label,
it shows you those things that
are gonna be inside, [LAUGH] outside.
And the hovering, it's a little.
Well here, you know what?
I'm gonna just take the, whoo, hello!
No, you're not [LAUGH].
The Ctrl-Z [LAUGH].
I'll just move this over here so you can
see when I start adding those different
labels it's going to preview them for me.
They're a little small right now.
But that's nice that you
could see the difference.
That's pretty good.
I like that.
Right, that was pretty easy,
wasn't it, yeah [LAUGH]?
Yeah, super.
So adding the different chart
elements will help you along here.
Let's go ahead and
select this one over here.
You also have different ways that
you can do your layouts, okay?
A lot of pre built stuff.
It's kinda like with the smart art.
Remember, once we get it in there,
you just go ahead a throw style on it.
And it's like, you're done, right?
So and this gives me lots of different
options and presets if how it can have
certain amount of elements
combined into a specific layout.
And then I can quickly choose that.
We have our change colors,
that's pretty self-explanatory.
What is this pulling off of?
It's pulling off of the theme.
I went ahead and picked a theme that
had some pinks and purples in it.
Imagine that.
And so you can go ahead and change that.
And then you have your
overall chart styles to where
it's going to format each one
of these elements individually.
Well, actually not individually,
they have the different ones.
And then it's all part of a group and
it is a style.
So we can look at that.
That switching, remember we talked
about how we were comparing instead
of the different categories down at
the bottom, we flipped that around.
Depending on the chart,
it's just a one quick little button
where it just goes ahead and flips.
You would also change the chart type,
then you can move it over and
you can also select the data.
Now the other thing to watch while I am
on my chart is what's being selected.
Because the Design tab, this is kinda
like an all encompassing type of thing,
it's gonna format the entire chart.
But when we're getting over into
this Format tab over here, this
is where it can start getting a little
specific as to what do I have selected.
So, all those things that I told you about
in a chart where you have a plot area,
you have the grid lines,
it's all about what you have selected and
that's really anything it's
not just particular charts.
But watch when I hover
over different areas.
You see I hover over and it gives me
that tooltip that says plot area.
I hover over here, that's my series.
What series is it?
It's the Fuego series.
What point is this?
This is the Eat, that's where I have.
And my value is 10.
Let me scooch on over here and
let's move this over a little bit so
you can kinda see it all together.
Whoops, hello.
Let's move this way over there.
Well, nop.
No you're not.
No we're not, how about we do this?
I will scroll down.
You push it to the back.
There we go, okay, there.
So we can see it a little closer together.
So when I have this selected,
if I click on that series,
notice over here in the chart you see how
you have some different kinda colored
boxes that happen to give you
an indication that this is the Bishop.
So, again, it's trying to pull it together
for you, to know that, okay, well,
then that's that series, if I select this,
that's the Fuego series.
And I also know that I have
the entire series selected,
because I see one, two, three, four.
I can see the dots on each one
of those columns as opposed
to selecting this series.
If I hover here and click,
that is the plot area.
Or if I hover right there,
there is my grid line and I click it and
that selects the grid lines.
So really kind of, slowing down,
paying attention to what am I clicking on,
what am I hovering over?
Giving those tool tips along the way will
really kind of let's you know what you
are selecting because that's when
you come up in this Format tab.
This is where you can start changing
the format of that select element.
So if I came into the Fill,
notice that I'm changing the plot area.
If I had been selected here,
then I would be filling in the chart area.
So many different places and
using this Format tab will be able to
format those particular elements
that you have selected.
And then the WordArt styles over
here will be how the text looks.
Now I have everything selected,
if I throw this on like, okay,
that's a little hard to read.
But you can see that it is applying
to everything as opposed to if I
had single selected,
the chart title and applied it there.
So just knowing where you're at,
what you've clicked on, what you wanna do.
Slow down think about it.
And then having information that's
beautifully formatted such as
this where everything is
in the right columns and
in the right places is
pretty easy in that sense.
But we'll go through some
different examples of,
maybe it's not as straightforward as this.
And try and give you different examples
of how you can get your charts to
be able to show what you want.
But again, just trying to get a foundation
right now, just a quick introduction
of that terminology, where to click,
the different tabs up at the top.
And then what we're
going to do is jump in,
in how to actually
insert this information.
How we can change because
this is tied together.
So if I change this to 15, well, it's
gonna change in the chart as well because
it's saying that I'm charting
this particular range of cells.
So making sure you have
the right data in there and
changing is going to be very important.
All right, Vonne, that was a very nice
primer on working with charts inside
of Excel.
Starting to get our
feet wet in that arena.
it's gonna be a lot of fun as we
move forward cuz as you can see it
was really cool,
it gives us great graphics.
And if you are doing any type of
presentation, this can help you out a lot
to make something very nice that everybody
can follow along with very easily.
Vonne, I think you did a great job on this
episode, we do appreciate your time and
effort that you put into it.
I do appreciate our audience out there for
watching, but guess what?
We have run out of time for this episode.
Signing off for OfficeProTV,
I've been your host Daniel Lowrie.
And I'm Vonne Smith.
And we'll see you next time.
Can you create a chart from the Excel data for our report? Can you make a dashboard? Oh, we also need a pivot table. These are requests that can make Excel users quiver in fear. In this series, we simplify how to create charts, PivotTables, and PivotCharts. We start from the beginning with identifying terminology used with charts and advance to creating complex PivotTables and PivotCharts. This series is specifically for locally installed Excel 2016 on Windows operating system.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
3h 28m
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Here are the topics we'll cover
- Charts
- Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts