General Security Concepts
General Security Concepts Overview
Welcome and thanks so much
for joining us. This is an
overview for the course on
general security concepts.
I'm Sophie Goodwin and I'll be
your host or possibly one of a
few hosts for this course.
I'm going to be functioning as
a learner advocate, asking
questions along the way that
you might have at home, and you
might see some of our other
entertainers stepping into this
role as well throughout the
course. Of course, alongside
me, how could I forget, is Wes
Bryan. He is our subject matter
expert for this course. Wes,
could you tell us a little
about yourself?
Absolutely. Yeah, I'm
excited to join this course
because I've been teaching
technical courses, technical
certification courses for
almost 15 years now. Comp TS
certifications, Microsoft
certifications, Microsoft
certified trainers. So I have
also been teaching security
certifications for the better
part of 10 years as well.
So I look forward to diving in
and helping assist you in your
journey through just
understanding and being able to
implement some of these general
security concepts.
Okay, so the title of this
course, General Security
Concepts, kind of gives away
what we'll talk about, but
could you maybe give us a
little bit of insight into who
this course is for?
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
So if you're studying for a
security centric exam, this is
going to be right up your alley
because we're going to be
talking about a lot of the
topics that really just kind of
touch on
just the commonalities across
the cybersecurity landscape.
So when we look at this, we'll
be, you know, if you are one of
these ones that maybe is
stepping into any one of a
variety of jobs, right, but
more focused on the
cybersecurity centric aspect of
it. Maybe you are a systems or
a network administrator, and
you want some more security
training or you want to bolt on
maybe a security certification.
This is for you as well.
Keep in mind that anybody that
is studying for a security
centric exam should benefit
from what they're about to see.
Okay, so kind of going along
with that, now that we know who
this course is for, just out of
curiosity, is there any
prerequisite knowledge we
should have going into this
Yeah, we're going to be more
focused on cybersecurity and
security concepts here. There
is some things that are going
to be assumed that we're really
not going to touch base on.
So we really need you to bring
to the table. And that's first,
a foundational knowledge and
general computing. You don't
have to be like a Bill Gates or
anything. That's not what we
mean. But you have to have you
have to know your way around
the computing landscape.
Have that
at your, you know, as a tool.
If you don't have that, you are
going to have to backfill some
of that because we're not going
to spend time on the basic
concepts of, you know,
networking. So for instance,
you have to have a strong
foundational understanding and
knowledge of networking and
network administration, client
server networks, how they
operate as far as the
communications. You have to
have a foundational knowledge
for TCP IP communications,
understanding things like the
OSI model. We're not talking
about them here. And if you
don't have that information,
please be ready to backfill
that information because we
won't spend time for it.
But if you do have that
information already, bring it
to the table. It's going to be
the course for you.
So that'll be kind of
assumed knowledge. We won't
really be focusing on that
foundational stuff in this
What are some of the things
that we will be focusing on?
Okay, so it'll be more of the
foundation. We will have
foundational concepts, but
they're going to be security
centric. And that's why I said
assumptions are going to be
made. But we're going to be
looking at some of the major
topics, right? We call them the
three A's, authentication,
authorization and accounting,
and how we wrap those together.
But that's just a small part of
it. We're going to be looking
at access control, concepts
that are popular in the
industry today, like zero trust
and zero trust models and
implementations. We're going to
look at things like change
management. Well, because any
kind of security course
wouldn't be good without a
little bit of paper and
bureaucracy. No, I'm kidding.
Change management is definitely
going to be something that
we're going to be involved in
there. And then finally, some
of the fun stuff that I really
like. We're going to look at
some cryptographic solutions.
And we're going to show you the
things that we're using
surrounding cryptography
encryption, hashing algorithms
and a bunch more.
So whether you're sitting
for a security exam looking to
get some foundational
cybersecurity knowledge,
or you just want to learn some
things like I do, then this is
the course for you. So I think
that's going to do it for this
overview. Thank you for walking
us through some of this,
Wes. And thank you for joining
us for this overview. We'll see
you in the course.
In this course, we will explore various security concepts, such as security controls & fundamentals, change management and cryptographic solutions. We will examine concepts such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability, as well as access control, zero trust and more.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
5h 23m
18 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Course Overview
- Examining Security Control Concepts
- Examining Security Fundamentals
- Examining Change Management
- Examining Cryptographic Solutions