Getting Your Data Into Splunk Effortlessly
Big DataCloud Technology SkillsNetworking Skills
Getting Your Data Into Splunk Effortlessly Overview
Hi there. My name is Anthony
Sequeira, and I want to welcome
you to this course in none
other than Splunk. In our first
course in Splunk here at ITPro,
we focused on getting Splunk
installed and giving you a
fundamental understanding of
Splunk itself. But in this
course, we're going to really
step on the gas pedal, and
we're going to focus on
something that is so critical
with Splunk. And that is going
to be how to get your data in
Splunk-- effectively,
efficiently, low cost, both
administratively and actual
dollar cost-- to get your data
in Splunk. Once your data is in
Splunk, we can really start to
make the product shine. But
without your text data inside
of a Splunk index, Splunk is no
fun at all. So I am thrilled
that you're joining Lauren and
I for this course. You're going
to love it. Let's get started
in the very first video.
In this course, Getting your Data into Splunk Effortlessly, you will learn about the many ways there are to configure data inputs into your Splunk Enterprise deployment. These methods include monitoring folders or files, using network inputs (UDP/TCP), using scripted inputs, and even using agentless solutions like the HTTP Event Collector. This course is critical to your understanding and use of Splunk as clearly Splunk is only as valuable as it is complete with its data from your organization. With a wealth of data options that we might want to Splunk today, thank goodness Splunk is so flexible when it comes to ingesting data from a wide variety of sources and technologies.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
1h 54m
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Here are the topics we'll cover
- Indexing Fundamentals
- Inputs
- Advanced Topics