GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC)

GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC) Overview
GIAC is a registered trademark of the Escal Institute of Advanced Technologies, Inc. SANS is not affiliated with these courses. GIAC has been an industry leader in information security certifications for years. The GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC) is designed for Security Professionals who want to demonstrate that they are qualified for IT systems hands-on roles with respect to security tasks. GSEC is one of the DoDD Approved 8140 / 8570 Baseline Certifications for IAT Level II.
Clock icon0h 4m
WEBVTT You're watching ITProTV. In this segment, we're going to give you a brief overview of the upcoming G-SIT course. I'm Justin Denison, a developer who's become more focused on security best practices over the recent years. I have certifications in AWS, Java, as well as some Node certifications. And along with me is Mr. Daniel Lowry. Daniel, tell us a little bit about yourself. Yeah, no problem. I've been in IT for a little over 20 years now. My recent focus has been more on the security side of things. I have done both network and systems administration as well. Hold certifications from different vendors throughout, from EC Council, CompTIA, Microsoft, as well as having just industry experience. I've worked in the field doing this for large corporations as well. So that brings me to the end of my basic work experience for you there. All right, enough about us, right? So we're focused on G-SIC. What's in it for me by taking this course? What's in it for you is a DOD certification. Well, a DOD authorized certification, right? The old 8570, which is now under the umbrella of like the 8410 or something like that. But think 8570. That's where you want your mind to go. That allows you to partake into government-sponsored types of work. So if you're looking for a job in the government sector, this certification can help you out with that because it's probably going to be a necessity for you to even be able to apply for said job. So this is the big takeaway from taking this exam. It's going to be that compliance. All right, so we have this overarching goal in mind, but sometimes that seems a little insurmountable. Can you give us a little brief overview of the course goals and structure? Yeah, so the course goals are going to basically give you a very broad and yet decent look at security at large for today's market. You're going to take a look at things like password monitoring and policies. You're going to understand how to do security in both Windows and Linux environments. You're going to understand things like incident response. You're going to look at things like frameworks, standards, all the wonderful, all-encompassing things that apply to a security practitioner in today's market. We're going to walk through just about everything and touch on a lot of different stuff. Many objectives, if you take a look at their list on the GIAC's website, you'll see how many objectives there are, which I think is 32 or 33 of them covering from soup to nuts, the security experience. All right, now to keep our time moving, tell us a little bit about the certification because I got to get that certification. I need to know a little bit about that as well. That's right. Ultimately, you're going to want to take this information. You want to go into an exam booth and take an exam. A couple of particulars about said exam is it is a proctored exam. You will go in and there will be somebody proctoring you. Not a big deal, right? Because we're not going to cheat on that. We would never even think of that. But some other specifics. You have a five-hour time limit. Most people tend to go around two from what I've seen, but you can go up to five hours because it is kind of a lengthy exam. 180 questions they're going to give you. Passing score is going to be of around 73% or not around, it will be 73% and higher. We'll give you a passing grade. Then comes the price of this. It is a bit much so it is an investment into your future which will be $1,999.99. So right, tipping the scales at a cool 2K. So be prepared to put that on the barrel head and walk away hopefully with certification in hand is what we're going to attempt to do for you in this series. I tell you what, Daniel, that's a pretty sizable investment. So you might have to sell me. Why are you excited about this course? I'm excited about it because you get to talk about a lot of different security aspects, not just from one side or the other, but both either blue teaming or red teaming. So from a defense or an offensive attack posture to try to help the defending side do a better job to see how they fare against different types of cyber attacks. So we're kind of walking around the entirety. Like I said, it's a very large, broad landscape of security, which I think is really good to have as far as a knowledge base of security if you are going to be a security practitioner. So from management to engineering to analyst, we're going to cover all that stuff from soup to nuts on both sides of the fence, offensive and defensive. All right, Daniel, well, that sounds like a great time and hopefully it does to you. We'll see you in the next episodes coming up. Thank you for watching ITProTV.


GIAC is a registered trademark of the Escal Institute of Advanced Technologies, Inc. SANS is not affiliated with these courses. GIAC has been an industry leader in information security certifications for years. The GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC) is designed for Security Professionals who want to demonstrate that they are qualified for IT systems hands-on roles with respect to security tasks. GSEC is one of the DoDD Approved 8140 / 8570 Baseline Certifications for IAT Level II.

Learning Style

On Demand


Practice Test

Length of course

10h 44m
34 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • GSEC