Hands-on with SCCM
Hands-on with SCCM Overview
You're watching ITPro TV.
Hello everybody, and
welcome to the Hands-On with SCCM Show.
My name is Adam Gordon, I'll be your
edutainer guide for this experience, and
I'm looking forward to
spending time with you.
But you know what, Parker,
something's not quite right.
This isn't working for me.
You have something for
me that's gonna make this look and
feel as grand and exciting is we
want it to be, what do you have?
[SOUND] Ta da, ITPro TV magic.
So this is interesting,
this is cool, this is exciting.
This is your hands-on with SCCM Show.
We've changed the way we're gonna
be presenting this information
to you in this show.
The look and feel is gonna be different,
the immersive learning
experiences are different.
I wanted to take this opportunity in
the overview episode to just quickly
orient you,
show you how we're gonna do this and
make sure you're comfortable understanding
how to navigate successfully.
In the talking area in the navigation box
below me we're focusing you on the fact
that I'm gonna be presenting information
to you that is important for
you to pay attention to.
But also gonna be using most likely
PowerPoint in order to be able to do that.
As you could see all the show topics,
the eight topic blocks we're gonna
be presenting are listed here.
And traditionally I'll spend a little
time explaining something and
pointing things out to you when we are
talking, cuz talking is important, right?
And so you could see the eight
topic blocks are pretty extensive.
They cover all the major areas
that traditionally either
people that are just
starting out with SCCM,
people that already know some or
perhaps a lot about areas of SCCM.
Or experts, the know-it-all
are gonna want to talk about,
because we can go in-depth
into any one of them.
And spend a lot of time showing you how
you do the things that make success
possible and
make your environments easily manageable.
But also stable, and over time able to do
the things that your business wants you to
be able to do with a product like SCCM.
So I'm excited to be able to spend time
if you going through all of these,
and we'll be going through in order.
You may not watch the episodes in order,
we going through from installation
to client configuration,
ultimately operating system deployment
application deployment software updating.
How we do essentially patch management,
how we link together SCCM Cloud, enable
it so that we can link into Azure and
in tune to manage Internet-based
clients more effectively.
How we can use the extensive and
powerful built-in reporting capabilities
as well as customizing reports.
And how when things don't go right we know
how to fix them more confident cuz we have
the tools necessary to do the job.
But we're not just gonna talk,
we're also going to do,
and when we do we're gonna roll
up our SCCM admin sleeves.
We're gonna change our
environment look and feel,
we're gonna be inside of our hands-on
Sandbox or play box if you will.
We have several episodes that come right
after this one that explain to you three
different approaches, that let you
build out the lab environment.
To follow along with me and take full
advantage of the immersive experiences
will be focusing on in
the better part of the show.
Probably 90 to 95% of the episodes and
make up the show are gonna be in this
area focusing on how we do
the thing we're talking about.
I'm gonna be using virtual machines
to show you how to do that.
But we're gonna be something a little
bit different than we traditionally do.
Normally we'll do this essentially
live for you at the episode.
But because of the time
factors involved with SCCM and
the fact that a lot of things
take a long time to happen,
we've shot all of the walkthroughs,
all the Hands-On experiences.
I'm gonna guide you through
ahead of the episodes, and
as you can see as I move the mouse
around we've recorded them, and
I'm gonna be able to
play them back to you.
And I'm gonna be able to narrate through
them and talk to you, and when something
happens that I want to focus on I can
freeze the playback, explain it to you.
We can zoom in and zoom out and
spend as much time as we need
understanding what's happening.
And then when we're done, we always
focus on follow-up resources, and
follow-up resources allow us
to be able to circle back and
remind you not just of what we've seen,
what we've done.
But also the things that I put together
for you to really round out that learning
experience and
make it truly something that is portable.
You can take with you take back to work,
but also that you could consume on demand
and at your own skill set,
own level, own comfort level.
And so those include things like
a PowerPoint deck if there is one,
certainly detailed show notes, and
you know I'm famous for those.
You're gonna see a lot of them,
and of course me as your guide and
your resource first and foremost, and you
can connect to me at any point in time.
Now the thing you may have noticed it's
new about this in terms of the look and
the feel and the approach is that we
have a graphic right down below there.
The installation graphic is the one
pointing up under follow-up resource.
It's always visually can orient you to
which of the topic blocks we're in for
the episodes you're watching.
And finally,
this will be a single person show.
You're not gonna see any of my
very talented co-workers and
edutainers popping in
the way you do normally.
I'm gonna be your guide and
we're gonna spend a lot of time
getting to know each other, and
making sure that your experiences
are as great as they need to be.
For you to be not only astounded and
excited about SCCM, but to understand
the complexities in a way that allows
you to translate that into success.
Until I see you in the next
follow-up episodes, happy SCCM-ing.
Thank you for watching ITPro TV.
The Hands-on with SCCM show is designed for Enterprise Administrators who take part in evaluating, planning, migrating, deploying, and managing Microsoft Infrastructure using the Microsoft Endpoint Manager product.
Microsoft Endpoint Manager is an integrated solution for managing all of your devices. Microsoft now brings together Configuration Manager and Intune, without a complex migration, and with simplified licensing, allowing you to manage your devices anytime and from anywhere, on-prem, in the cloud, or as a hybrid solution.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
17h 1m
52 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Installation - Greenfield
- Client Configuration
- Application Deployment
- Software Updates
- Co-Management
- Reporting
- Maintenance & Troubleshooting