Hands-on with MS Teams

Hands-on with MS Teams Overview
Clock icon0h 8m
You're watching ITProTV. [MUSIC] Hello everybody and welcome to the Hands-On with Teams show. Glad you chose to spend some time and join me. My name is Adam Gordon. One of the Edutainer's here at ITProTV. And I'm going to be your guide on this journey. We spent a lot of time together in this show rolling up our sleeves getting our hands all over Microsoft Teams product. You're going to be able to see me interact with the product, show you how to do things. You may already know how to do just want to verify and make sure you're on the right track. You may want to learn how to do things and be a little bit more confident. Or maybe you just wish somebody would have taken the time to show you how to do that silly little thing. Your boss keeps asking about but nobody ever did. Well, I've got a solution for all those and more. We're going to spend time in a Teams environment live fire as they say. We're going to show you in a series of topic blocks with multiple episodes per topic block all the do's and don'ts and all the secret knowledge that makes you a Teams expert. What I want to do in this episode is really just show you what this outline is going to look like give you a little road map. So you know exactly the kinds of topic blocks we're going to be covering and ultimately give you a better opportunity to figure out where you want to jump in and learn how to spend some time on one or more of these topics and engage around these episodes. Let's get started. Our first topic block is just that getting started with Microsoft Teams. Why not begin at the beginning is what I always say. We're going to take a look at how to plan for Microsoft Teams and really make sure we're putting our best foot forward from a networking bandwidth and from a governance perspective. Large-scale topics each with their own set of episodes up in this first topic block. Our second topic block, managing a team. We're going to get in take a look at what a team is, how it's structured and what we as IT administrators and you as potentially team admins and Microsoft team admins overall going to need to know and there's quite a bit believe it or not. Whether you're familiar with what a team is or perhaps you use teams on an everyday basis and are an old hand at doing all this, I've probably got some new tricks I'm going to show you that I think you might not be familiar with so it's going to be worth your time there. We're then going to move over to actually managing membership in a team. The idea of creating and managing a team is great. But if you don't put people in it and give them the opportunity to collaborate. Well, it's pretty lonely in that team. There's not much going on really not an effective use of you and your company's time and money in terms of investing in this product. So we're going to spend time understanding how to populate teams making sure we control those members give them opportunities to do what they need, but make sure they don't get into too much trouble and get up to no good. In addition we're going to take a look at configuring and managing guest access this topic block. It's going to be all about making sure that the people on the outside of the organization that we need to invite in and make sure we can collaborate with because there usually are those kinds of opportunities that benefit us we can do that, but do it successfully do it securely. And by the way along the way let's make sure we distinguish between guest access and external access. Point of contention that many people get confused about we're definitely going to do that and see how to leverage those definitions and securely access both of those groups of users bringing them in and extending them rights and capabilities doing so in a thoughtful and secure way. We're also going to focus on managing chat and collaboration experiences. One of the most important elements one of the most important things and the experiences that users time and time again to talk about with regards to teams is the ability to interact with others. And to do so using chat essentially instant messaging and the sharing of ideas in that format and to collaborate using a variety of capabilities channels among them and the ability to be able to set up and talk to users and share files and post information. All those kinds of things are all very important. When we start working at scale, especially if we're intermingling working remotely with working on premises. As many of us may be needing to do more and more frequently these days. We're going to spend time exploring all of those opportunities understanding how to tightly control but also enable chat and collaboration for the best possible outcomes for all of those users. Now so far we've been through five topic blocks. We're roughly just over the halfway mark in the show outline. We've got nine topic blocks over also a lot of exciting stuff so far hopefully stuff you're finding that you want to engage around but still some interesting stuff left to come. Manage meeting experiences we'll be focusing on what meetings are, how we define them, how we use settings and policies to control them at a high level. But not just meetings, we're also going to throw in live events and distinguish in differentiate and define between what meetings and live events are showing you how to control setup run ultimately enable the use of both of those experiences for your users if they have a need to. And by the way how to do so securely. We're also going to focus on implementing policies for Microsoft Teams apps bringing in applications that are either homegrown or third party sponsored or come directly from Microsoft and they're certified and trusted partners is an important element of using Teams and using it effectively for you and for your organization. Whether you know it or not whether you understand it or not, you use apps all the time every time you go into Teams. Teams itself is an app, but all the elements we click on, the shortcut navigation elements that you're probably used to using the activities icon that looks like a little bell at the top, the Teams' icon to see Teams and membership in teams the chat icon the phone icon. All those those are actually apps believe it or not. They're part of the default load for Teams. We're going to talk about how to manipulate that, how to modify that, how to change that priority setting in terms of where they're placed and how they're loaded and add additional apps in. Things like Polly, for instance, which you may have in your world and may use to drive polling or all sorts of other apps perhaps Smart Sheet or ADP's portal for logging in for HR. Hundreds, there's almost 450 apps Microsoft certifies not to mention third-party homegrown ones any and all of those can be added and controlled. We'll be taking a look at all that. We're also going to talk about managing security and compliance. A topic near and dear to my heart as many of you that watch us here at IT Pro TV will know it's one of the areas that I specialize in do a lot of work in but more broadly. It's an area that all of you can always use a little extra guidance in and a little extra focus on because I find as I talk to my customers my students globally especially in these troubling and chaotic times. There's a lot of risk, a lot of concern, a lot of uncertainty. One of the best ways to deal with that is to make sure we're on our game focusing on security and compliance. Really making sure that all the things we can control and all the things we can do and do correctly and do thoroughly are being done and we're going to make sure we show you how to do all that stuff big focus on policy, policy management there. Some real big enterprise level policies that some of you smaller users and smaller businesses may think are too much for you, maybe even not something you can approach because they're just too complicated. Nothing by the way could be further from the truth and I'm going to show you how to use them all and how to implement them to your advantage. We're going to use the Azure active directory portal these Microsoft and Office365 and the security compliance portals, exchange online portal if necessary. We're going to use Powershell extensively throughout most of these topic blocks and show you how to Knowledge through all of that plus the Teams' admin portal what we call the GUI the graphical user interface as well as the Teams' desktop app because we could do some management from there. It's been a nice mixed bag and then finally last topic block odds and ends which may sound a little suspicious and weird in a show like this, but believe it or not it's actually really cool. I'm going to leave the total surprise for what that is until we actually go and watch those episodes, but I'll give you a little hint it's a grab bag of things that we didn't really have a place to fit in anywhere else, but are so important. I wanted to make sure we didn't leave them out. We're doing some special episodes there to focus you on certain key activities going to be very valuable to you. But you're going to have to take a look and see what they are. So that's our overview in terms of what we're going to do with our Hands-On with Teams show. What do you need to do? Well, you got to stop watching me here. You got to pick your point of entry. Hopefully you'll start at the beginning, but anywhere is good and you gotta start watching those episodes. I'm going to be there with you as soon as you do that, but until I see you there I will see you soon. Thank you for watching IT Pro TV.


The Hands-on with TEAMS show is designed for Enterprise Administrators who take part in evaluating, planning, deploying, and managing Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams is an integrated communication and collaboration solution for enabling all of your users to create and share content, as well as schedule meetings and interact with each other. Microsoft now brings together the most important collaboration capabilities that your enterprise needs in order to enable you to invite everyone you work with to chat, meet, call, and collaborate all in one place, no matter where you are. This show assumes that you have a working knowledge of Microsoft Services and workloads such as the Azure Active Directory, DNS, and O365/Microsoft365. You should also have a working knowledge of networking, Windows 10 client administration, and PowerShell.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

18h 33m
52 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Get started with Microsoft Teams
  • Manage a team
  • Manage membership in a team
  • Configure and manage guest access
  • Manage chat and collaboration experiences
  • Manage meeting experiences
  • Implement policies for Microsoft Teams apps
  • Manage security and compliance
  • Odds and Ends