Hands-on with Windows Server 2019

Hands-on with Windows Server 2019 Overview
Clock icon0h 3m
line:-1 <v.Male.spk1 Speaker1>>> You're watching it. line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>>> Hey, everybody. Welcome to a brand new series here. And it line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>proved TV hands on Windows Server. 2019. I'm like Roderick line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>and I've been teaching the MCS AnM C S he tracked for line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>Microsoft since server. 2000 most of us are familiar with line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>Microsoft's certifications in their recent change to rule line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>based certifications. That's primarily focused on azure and line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>other cloud technologies. But many of us are still line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>responsible for managing and maintaining that on premises line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>environment. And we're running server 2019. So where can we line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>get content on that? And that's the idea behind this course. line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>I want to take a look at those concepts that we would have line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>learned in an MCS a 2019 track and give those to you and we're line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>going to cover things like installation of serving 2019 is line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>Self and administration of that setting up identity services. line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>An active directory in group Policy Network, Infrastructure line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>Services like DNS and DHCP. We'll take a look at storage line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>management as well as high privy in creating virtual line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>machines on serve 2019. We'll take a look at high line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>availability setting up a fail over cluster on serve 2019, line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>setting up remote access VPN servers network policy server. line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>And then we'll round things off with a look at managing and line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>monitoring. Looking at some of those performance, mater, line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>Jewels and trouble shooting tools that are available in line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>server 2019. Now, this is a hands-on course and we're line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>really going to dive right into working with server, not going line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>to spend a lot of time explaining those core concepts. line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>So this is really designed for somebody that has experience line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>working was a passed versions, served 2012, served 2016. line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>It's just looking to update their skills into working with line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>service 2019. If you're done less familiar with some of line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>those concept or you need a refresher and some of the line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>foundational knowledge, make sure you go into our course line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>library and look for the M C S a for server 2016 and I know line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>it's a way that served 2016 us or 2019, but the concepts line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>haven't changed. Quite active directory is still active line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>directory 2016, 2019. It didn't change the way it replicates line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>hasn't changed. Diaz zones are the same from 2000 all the way line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>up to 2019. Right? So that information you can still get line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>that's very relevant content in that MCS for server 2016. line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>I just want to show you what it looks like and how we do things line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>in server 2019. So we're really going to focus in on getting in line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>and doing rather than talking about the Hawaii and things line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>like that. All right. So hope you guys are ready, strap and line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times and get line:-1 <v.Male.spk2 Speaker2>ready for hands-on with when a server 2019. line:-1 <v.Male.spk1 Speaker1>>> Thank you for watching. ITProTV


Even though the MCSA and MCSE have been retired, many of us still manage on-premises environments running Windows Server 2019. This course covers some of the basic administration tasks, updated for Windows Server 2019.

Learning Style

On Demand


Skill Lab

Length of course

7h 25m
24 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Installation and Administration
  • Identity Services
  • Network Infrastructure Services
  • Storage Management
  • Hyper-V
  • High Availability
  • Remote Access
  • Monitoring, Performance and Troubleshooting