Information Systems Operations and Business Resiliency
Information Systems Operations and Business Resiliency Overview
Welcome in. I'm your host,
Lauren Deal. I'll be your
learner advocate as we go
along. I'm so excited to
welcome Chris Ward to the show.
Chris, tell us a little bit
about you and what we're going
to be learning.
Well, myself, I am a
certified information systems
auditor and also certified in
risk and information systems
controls, and PMP and ITIL and
a whole bunch of IT service
management. That's my
background. Many of you have
been watching any of the IT pro
content here at ACI Learning.
Probably have seen me if you've
done any project management or
IT service management type of
training, but it's good to be
with you as we take a look at
something from the, as we would
say, CISA lineup, the Certified
Information Systems Auditor
Program. And what we're
expecting to do in this course
is talk a lot about the
information systems, the
operations of these particular
IS environments. Also, we're
going to be talking about
business continuity and how as
organizations, they are
constantly protecting
themselves against disaster,
right? What happens when
disaster strikes? And what can
you do as an organization to
prepare for that? Well, as
auditors, we need to be able to
go in and make sure that they
have the appropriate plans in
place. Have they done the
business impact analysis?
Have they gone in and taken a
look at matching the strategic
objectives with the controls
that are in place? Do you have
the systems that have been
tested thoroughly? Have tests
been run? These are many things
that we as auditors need to be
able to come in and supply to
these organizations. And so for
those of you who are perhaps
interested in getting certified
in the arena of CISA, you know,
these are going to be things
where they ask you questions
like, which is the most
effective way for an IS auditor
to prove that testing has taken
place? You know, and so you're
going to be getting questions
like that. And then, OK, well,
what are the answers that we're
going to come up with? Are we
going to be using system
generated information? Are we
going to utilize current
planning, current testing, you
know, previous testing and
documentation? And so those
type of answers might show up
and then you need to know,
well, which is the best answer?
Which is the way that as an
auditor we should be looking
for this information? How do we
find that information? And so
we're going to be covering, you
know, in the first part of this
course, a little bit about the
actual operations themselves
and how we maintain them and we
make sure that they continue to
operate succinctly. The types
of things like the different
components that are in place
from an infrastructure and
architecture type place as
well. Lauren, we will then
start diving into business
resilience and the whether it's
a continuity plan or a disaster
recovery plan. What are we
looking for as auditors in that
Well, it sounds like we're
going to be covering quite a
bit. I'm excited to dive right
in. But before we get started,
talk to us a little bit about
the ideal audience. Who would
be someone who would really
benefit from watching this
Well, as always, it's going
to be, you know, the auditors,
those of us that are doing
information systems. But this
is also good for those of you
who perhaps work in those
operations type roles. What can
you expect to be audited on?
What are things that you need
to prepare for and plan for?
How do we make sure that you
have, as we use the idiomatic
expression, have your ducks all
lined up in a row so that way
everything is good to go?
And so anybody that deals with
this type of environment,
whether it's disaster recovery
planning, business continuity,
operations maintenance, these
are going to be topics that we
cover. And if you deal with
that, this is going to be a
great course for you.
Well, I'm excited to jump
right in, Chris. And we
encourage you to join Chris and
I as we start our journey into
this course. And what do you
say we jump into the first
episode? See you there.
In this course you will see how IT service management is important in the development of Information Systems as well as its operations and the area of business resilience. You will learn about IS operations, performance management, problem and incident management, and other management practices that affect operations. You will also learn about resiliency topics of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
5h 29m
20 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Information Systems Operations
- Business Resilience