Intro to Docker
Intro to Docker Overview
In this segment we're gonna take
a quick look at what you can expect
from our upcoming Introduction
to Docker series.
Justin, could you do us
the immense favor of giving us at
least a general overview of
what we can look forward to?
So Docker is a new tool on
the scene that has made, well,
provisioning these environments that
we need to use reproducibly, over and
over and over again.
Whether it be Red Hat, Linux,
and it is standardized to Linux,
but also applications contained
within those environments.
It just makes it really easy,
makes it fast, makes it reproducible, and
has an entire tool set that allows us
to manage all of those differences
now obviously this is a type
of cloud service I do believe.
And we're gonna have different people
wanting to come in take a look at,
Docker that's very interesting, maybe
that's applicable for what I'm doing.
Which lends us to the question of
who is the intended audience for
this because it can't cover a wide scope,
So the intended audience,
let me back up just for a moment.
There are cloud components and
it is used for
provisioning cloud services
that's kind of the push.
But the actual Docker tool will
reside on your local machines.
so there's kind of a playoff there.
Now, as far as intended audience,
there is an assumption that you have basic
knowledge of Bash or
command line type interactions, and
most of our focus will be
in a Bash-like environment.
And being able to install,
download, and some understanding of
basic Operating System configuration.
Because that's the entire purpose of
dockers, creating what's called a docker
image that will then spin up containers
that behave like very light weight VMs,
instead of provisioning full scale VMs.
So, you need to have a little
bit of experience there,
as far as Linux understanding and
command line understanding.
But that's about it.
All right,
well I guess that lands us to
what are some of the specific
topics that we'll cover.
Just give our good audience
there a taste of what's to come.
Well a taste, it does vary.
And sadly, Docker is one of those
things where like this is pretty easy,
this is pretty easy, and then it can
really crank up at certain points.
So what are we gonna cover?
Well, how do I run a container?
And this is assuming I've all
ready got Docker installed.
We're actually gonna talk about installing
Docker on all three major Operation System
environments, which has gotten a great
deal easier in the recent times.
But how do I run a container?
How do I get an image?
What is an image?
And how is that related to a container?
How can I build a custom image?
When I build a custom image,
how do I distribute that?
If I want to deploy to a cloud service, or
I want to save it somewhere,
what do I do then?
How can I use this to make very large
kind of architectural decisions?
I focus mostly on application development,
because well, that's what I do.
But there are other use cases, and then we
take a look at some of the more advanced
tools, such as machine compose and swarm.
Then, they add on to the standard
docker tool set to allow for
a really scaling up and out.
Awesome stuff.
Now a lot of the series that we do here at
ITProTV lend themselves to either being
a technical skill, or a certification,
or exam-based type of series.
Which one of those categories
would you say this falls under?
this is definitely a technical skill.
This is for someone who wants to know,
well I know a little bit about computers.
I've been diving into some development,
or even infrastructure management right?
Maybe you're working with developers and
they're like hey, I need this, maybe this
is something you can pass off to them.
Hey, if you need to simulate
an Ubuntu environment for
your application to run in,
here's how you get this set up.
It is definitely just about learning
the basics there, getting things up and
running and
not about obtaining a certification.
We do not cover the entire
breadth of the Docker ecosphere.
definitely, just an introduction there.
All right,
well Justin that sounds awesome.
We do appreciate your input on this topic.
We appreciate you guys.
Hopefully if it sounds like
something you're interested in,
we'll see you in the upcoming series.
Docker is a set of tools that provide a runtime for creating, managing and orchestrating containers. Docker provides the ability for developers, system admins, or hobbyists to provision a container that can be configured as similarly to a virtual machine without all of the resource intensity. This series introduces the usage of the Docker client to run containers, managing the Docker daemon, using Docker Machine for provisioning runtime environments for the Docker toolset, Docker Compose for orchestrating and managing multi-container applications, as well as Docker Swarm for distributing those containers across multiple nodes in a cluster of machines. Stay tuned to get started with Docker!
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
9h 39m
25 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Intro to Docker