Accredited ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value

Accredited ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value Overview
One of the ITIL 4 Specialist certifications, Drive Stakeholder Value is intended to provide learners with an understanding of all types of engagement and interactions between a service provider and their customers, users, suppliers and partners, including key CX, UX and journey mapping concepts. *Access to this content requires an exam voucher*
Clock icon0h 10m
In the world of IT service management, we know that stakeholders are heavily involved in deciding what is valuable and what is not. But if we're gonna co-create value, how do we help our stakeholders understand what value truly is and help both of us in the endeavor. You're watching ITProTV. [MUSIC] Hey everyone, welcome to ITIL 4 accredited course on drives stakeholder value. We are going to be an ITIL specialist when we finish off this incredible course. And I'm excited together, you and I we're gonna walk through all of the elements that we see in the world of Intel when it comes to driving stakeholder value or dsv as we'll probably call it from now on. So a couple of things that we wanna talk about today in this introductory episode, first off, what is it that we are going to be looking at overall all the way through all these episodes? Well, first off, it is an understanding of all the types of engagement and interactions between, number one, a service provider because we know and understand that the service provider is the one that provides the services that creates the utility and guarantees the warranty for the most part. Then we're also gonna be taking a look as the customers, users, suppliers, and partners, all of the other pieces that come together, all of the other people that come together to help drive stakeholder value. One thing that we constantly are trying to remind ourselves in the business of IT services is that in the old days, it used to be a lot more about what the provider was able to give to the people. We were at the cutting edge, we were the tip of the spear when it came to technology we would say. And when we did that, we would constantly create new things and send them their way. And for the most part, most of our customers who were probably not super tech savvy would just kind of nod their heads and agree. But then as things became more and more complex, and things became more and more involved with not only our companies couldn't provide all of the service components necessary for the service offerings, so we would bring in suppliers. But also the fact that a lot of our customers, a lot of our users are now becoming more and more tech savvy and understand the things that they expect and things that they would like as well, and so we need to work together with those. As part of that, the course is going to really concentrate on things like the customer experience, the CX, and of course the user experience which are not exactly the same. We're going to see that customer experience is going to deal with things like the customer journey and other things like that. And then user experience is typically, well, what happens when you have those services in play, and what happens when you start to begin to deliver and support those services that you as a company as an organization are going to work with. So part of what we wanna do here though, for those of you who are joining us as part of perhaps a new turn in the world of ITIL, perhaps you get your ITIL 4 foundation a while back, and you're thinking that ITIL stuff we talked about it at one point, so what is ITIL? Just to kind of reminder a little bit of housekeeping up front, ITIL is a set of best practices and guidance in IT service management. It's been doing it for over 30 years. And now this is the latest and greatest version of ITIL 4. And that started back at the very introductory in months of 2019 when the ITIL 4 foundation was released. ITIL 4 is designed to ensure a flexible, coordinated, and integrated system for the effective governance and management of IT-enabled services. And so when we start talking about driving stakeholder value, remember as always that ITIL is non prescriptive, it has generally accepted best practices, but it's also vendor neutral. The goal here is to give you the outline, the bare bones of how you can begin to plot those customer journeys, how you can bring them to be more involved in what it is that you are creating. Because what you create is what they are going to consume, and thus the value co-creation that we are looking for. So a couple of things to think about here, as you get ready and prepare for the ITIL 4 specialists in drive stakeholder value in the certification and environment in the world, you're gonna find that a lot of times they're gonna give you a little brief scenario. And then they're gonna ask you a question and say, what is the best way to handle this particular situation? And they'll give you the four possible answers and there's only gonna be one correct answer. One of the things I want you just to impress into your brains right now is that in the world of ITIL, it's not about the tech, it's how you use the tech that matters the most. Sure, technology is important, we don't ignore it. It's part of the four dimensions, remember, its information technology or the IT side of things. And so it's important that we obviously consider technology. It's just that the technology itself does not drive everything that we do. It's not about the tech, it's about how you use the tech to help create that value. So we're gonna focus much more on the customer experience. Remember the definition of a service is a means of enabling value co-creation by facilitating the outcomes that customers want to achieve. Those outcomes, those results that they're looking for is not merely a sum of the parts of outputs that come out, it is truly what it is that they're looking to accomplish for themselves or even maybe taking what you're giving them and turning around, and using it to provide services to people down the line down the chain as we would say. So focusing on the customer experience is quite important. Also it's all about those value streams, remember in the service value system at the very core, we have that service value chain, those six key activities from plan, improve engage, design, transition, obtain bill, deliver, and support. And as we step through these key activities, we eventually create value streams that you have an input at the beginning, and at the end of the output, you have some sort of product, service or service action that produces value. And that's what we're all about, is getting that value you put into play. Then also there's the infamous buzzword of digital transformation. And digital transformation, if you really wanna break it down, is all about taking a companies that used to have more of an analog approach to certain aspects, perhaps they had some technology in certain areas, but now providing a true total digital experience. A great example of this would be something like Netflix or Uber, where you literally have nothing that is now transpiring that does not run through some sort of digital format in order for the outcome to be achieved. Now I know we can argue just a little bit about the fact that there still needs to be cars and people driving cars, but as of the recording of these episodes, they are already looking at automated driverless cars, that would then be a full true digital experience. And so who knows, you might be actually riding in one right now, watching this episode on your mobile phone. So all that to say is that's the push, the digital transformation of moving companies to where it is more of a mix or combination of analog world with digital world to a pure digital experience. And not all companies will be able to do that, but many companies are trying to do so as much as possible in this world of digitization, as we would like to say. Also we wanna embrace new ways of doing things, Agile, Lean, DevOps. Agile of course is a philosophy, is not, some people seem to think that, that's a type of project management. Well, no, it's more of a philosophy of project management, a type of agile would be something like scrum. Now scrum is actually a method. And it's something that you follow, while Agile is more of the four pillars and of course, the 12 principles that came out of the Agile manifesto. But those principles have made their way into of course ITIL as well. So when we start talking about things like progress effectively with feedback is one of the guiding principles, you know that comes from an Agile philosophy, same thing with collaborate and promote visibility that comes from the wonderful world of DevOps. And working with those cross-functional teams and instead of siloing things, instead we actually communicate and we collaborate, not to get consensus and unanimity, but to try to bring the teams together as much as possible. Well, these are principles, these are new ways of doing things. And so ITIL 4 of course has brought that on board as well to help us with getting to that place of value, drive, stakeholder value or dsv. Just a reminder about the qualification scheme and where you are at in this grand map that we have of perhaps getting your ITIL 4 managing professional. Well, as you know here at ITProTV, we offer all of the courses necessary for you to get not only your ITIL 4 foundation, which is a requirement to take this class, but also your create deliver support, drive stakeholder value, high velocity IT. And of course, the one that's all about continual improvement and taking your company in the right direction, direct plan and improve for your ITIL 4 strategist certification. So with all that being said, we've got a lot to cover over the next, I don't know quite a few episodes here for ITIL 4 Specialist in drive stakeholder value. I'm Chris Ward, thank you for joining me. And we will see you in the next episode. Thank you for watching ITProTV.


One of the ITIL 4 Specialist certifications, Drive Stakeholder Value is intended to provide learners with an understanding of all types of engagement and interactions between a service provider and their customers, users, suppliers and partners, including key CX, UX and journey mapping concepts. Access to select content requires an exam voucher

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

9h 27m
79 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Course Introduction
  • Designing the Customer Journey
  • Targeting Markets and Stakeholders
  • Fostering Stakeholder Relationships
  • Shaping Demand and Defining Service Offerings
  • Aligning Expectations and Agreeing on Details of Services
  • Onboarding and Offboarding Customers and Users
  • Acting Together to Ensure Value Co-Creation
  • Realizing and Validating Service Value
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