Object Oriented Java
Object Oriented Java Overview
Greetings everyone and welcome to
another exciting episode of DevPro.TV.
I'm your host Justin Dennison,
and in today's episode,
well we're getting started with Java, more
specifically we've gotta get Java set up.
And also we have to install an IDE,
whatever that is.
And here to help us on that
adventure is Mr. Mark Davis.
How you doing today Mark?
Hey, doing well Justin,
thanks for asking.
That is that is good to hear.
Now before we worry about
getting everything installed.
Why would we even care about Java?
When I think of Java, I think of coffee.
But from a programming standpoint,
why do we care about Java?
So I'm also a big fan of coffee,
and I think we all are here.
Every programmer loves coffee obviously.
But yeah, Java is a language,
it's still pretty popular.
It's commonly in use around the world.
Lots of companies still use it,
as a primary language or secondary.
Lots of the rankings still
have it near the top,
as far as how useful
it is in the industry.
So it is very useful, but how does
it compare to other languages like,
I don't know I'm not
a big Python proponent.
Why would I choose Java over Python for
a project?
So Java compiles first and
Python uses run time interpretation.
So generally Java is gonna be faster for
your general use kind of
stuff than Python is.
So you said a phrase there Mark,
run time interpretation, what is that?
I know I use Python,
I just think it's magic, I just use it.
So how are those different?
Can you give us a little bit more detail
on that compilation from Java and
runtime interpretation from Python stance?
Yeah, so the difference between
scripting languages and languages that you
actually sort of compile into byte code
for faster execution before you run them.
is that why we would care about Java?
It's a little bit faster than Python and
it's used wildly today.
Anything else that we
need to know about Java?
Yeah, I just think it's
got a lot of momentum and
there's a lot of work
that's already been done.
There's a lot of good libraries out there
for Java, and one of the fundamental
axioms of programming is that you
shouldn't repeat yourself, right?
Don't repeat yourself, DRY and so yeah,
it's good to draw on the work other
people have done and use that to build
your programs, as long as it's legal.
[LAUGH] That's an important thing.
As long as it's legal, remember that.
We've said that here, so
don't do anything crazy.
Well you've got me convinced,
I'm ready to get started.
So how do I get started Mark?
All right,
well we're gonna go to these URLs.
We're gonna download
the Java Development Kit, and
we're gonna download Eclipse here.
So what is the Java Development Kit,
while you're getting
that up on the screen?
So there's a Java Runtime Environment,
which is sort of included
as part of the JDK.
But that's only if you want
to execute Java programs.
If you wanna actually have more than just
the JVM and be able to compile them and
all that good stuff,
you've gonna need to download the JDK too.
So the JDK is actually gonna,
like I can write text and
as long as its valid Java code.
And then it becomes a Java program
whereas the runtime is for
Java programs that are already created.
And I actually wanna run
them on my computer,
I've got that bulled down-
Appropriately, all right.
I think it's a pretty good explanation.
So yeah,
I mean we've got it on with a JDK.
So we can run Javac in our command line.
Or use our IDE or whatever we're
doing to comply any given code.
So we can just go down here, and
you're gonna look for the one for your OS.
The latest version's pretty
good,yYou just click here.
Accept license agreement, and download
whichever executable what you want.
And while we're at it,
we're also gonna get Eclipse for later.
So you wanna go here to
The current version is Eclipse Neon, but
Eclipse Axiom is actually coming out
very soon, and
64-bit is the one that we're gonna get.
So once we have those files,
we're just gonna run the JDK installation.
And you might have to do
that as an administrator or
give it the necessary permissions.
So Mark, I noticed that
you're doing this on a Windows.
But these same steps, I mean very
similarly hold true for Linux and
Mac, is that correct?
Yeah, I would say you
generally wanna do the same thing.
If there are any issues,
you can reach out to me by email.
It's markd315@gmail.com, or there's a lot
of resources online doing a similar thing,
where we could help you get it setup and
So Mark is the installation of the JDK
is it something that takes a while or
is it kinda just one of those
flickers installation or
is it kinda magic behind the scenes?
What should we expect when
we installing the JDK?
I don't think the JDK will
take as long as Eclipse will, but
Eclipse sort of has a lot
of like resources and
stuff that it needs to install on
the right directory on your computer.
So it might take a little longer,
we'll try and
talk a little bit during
the Eclipse installation.
All right, so yeah, it's up on
the computer now, we can just click Next.
We're gonna wanna just install everything,
I think.
All of these features,
development tools, source code,
public jre,
that way we just got everything we need.
Well, that looks like it is taking
a little longer than we would like.
So let's use some TV magic to go ahead and
speed that up.
Yep, we've done that, all right.
So coming back to our screen here.
The progress bar finished, and we're just
gonna install in the default directory,
that'll work fine.
And this one should not take as long.
So compared to C++,
I would like to mention that Java
is not as dependent to pointers and
stuff like that.
There is a little more freedom with regard
to just referencing objects directly.
I think that that's another good advantage
to mention over the competitor languages.
What do you think, Justin?
I've messed around
with pointers before.
Pointer arithmetic is where it really
threw me off when I was in C land.
Where I could not only increment
the position of the pointer but
also do position arithmetic and
then modify a value.
So you're telling me that Java just
kinda abstracts all of that away.
And well I can just reference an object
by its variable name instead of actually
getting low level access.
Now is there some of detriment to that
as far as performance or
are there other things that I need
to consider since that is the case?
I don't have low level kind
of bit fiddling typeability.
Yeah, I would say that there's
definitely a tangible performance
lost there.
Depending on how you're
accessing these variables.
And so that's something we
should take into account.
Look at the needs of your project and
figure our the best tool for the job.
You've got a toolbox in front of you.
You got a hammer, you got a saw,
you kinda got to decide,
which is the best one to
approach this problem with?
Well, that is something you
definitely have to take into account,
because I've been plagued by that
premature optimization bug that I think
a lot of people do.
I have this unconscious bias to,
let me see how fast I can make this go.
And usually all it does is cause me a lot
of headache, a lot of heartache, and
well then I don't have anything that runs.
So I'm a big proponent of
make things happen now,
instead of worrying about how fast it is.
Now if it makes you feel any better,
I have seen some,
in very specific applications, Java is
pretty fast, that JVM is pretty fast.
And well I just said the word JVM,
but the acronym Mark,
I'm gonna have to ask you can you
expound on what JVM is for us?
Yeah, so the JVM refers
to the Java Virtual Machine.
And it's a virtual machine that runs on
sort of all these different hardwares.
And it makes it so that you can sort of
run Java code on any different platform.
You can just compile it once and
run anywhere.
And that's a really good feature of
the Java language is that you have that
It's really strong, but it looks like
that our JDK has successfully installed.
So go ahead and close out of this,
and let's get Eclipse running.
Do the same thing, run as Administrator,
and we're gonna wanna confirm that.
So Mark, I know before the show
you told me that Eclipse was gonna
take a little bit while to run so we're
kind of jumping ahead a little bit and
getting that started up.
While we talk about Eclipse and
some other niceties.
So, we're gonna let that get started so
you can get started as well but
then we'll probably veer off
to some other fun times.
All right.
So yeah.
Like Eclipse is,
compared to the competition,
I think Intelligia is another good IDE.
There's a lot of good
competition out there,
but Eclipse is the one that's
kind of been around the longest.
There's sort of a lot of
plugin support for it and
a lot of different things it can do.
So that's the one we're going to use.
If you've got a different preference,
I think you're entitled to that.
People like doing different things in
programing everyone has sort of their own
little way of doing it.
And yeah, go for it.
So you have chosen Eclipse just
because that's your personal preference.
And you kind of have an at homeness,
right with Eclipse but I'm sure there's
features that you will show us in due time
that you feel that Eclipse is a great IDE,
Eclipse can fix a lot of your
problems for you.
You don't really have to compile for
it to highlight the errors.
You can do source generation for
your gutters and and setter methods,
which we'll talk about.
I promise.
And all the other stuff
that you might need.
It can do constructors.
All that cool stuff.
So ultimately it's a matter of preference,
but Eclipse is mine so
that's what we're gonna do and
we're gonna have to click something here.
So we want Eclipse IDE for
Java developers.
And you can create a start menu,
enter your shortcut if you want.
Let's do a shortcut.
And then.
Installation failed with error.
This is always fun times.
All right, so Eclipse.
Let's just go to the desktop and dev pro.
Let's try again.
Well, seeing that there are sometimes
errors is always a good thing, right?
Because when things go without
a hitch it just looks like magic and
everybody goes well,
I can't do that it is broke on my machine.
A lot of times it's broken
our machines as well, so
just try something different and
we'll see what happens.
And this is the part that was gonna
take a little bit longer, right, Mark?
Yeah, I think so.
So, could you highlight,
well, you talked about why we should
use Eclipse but could you give
us a little more detail about why did
you choose Eclipse as your primary IDE?
Even for
that can you talk about IDEs in general?
Like, what is IDE?
And make sure that we're
all on the same page there.
Yes, that's a really good question.
I think we have been using that
acronym without sort of clarifying but
an IDE just stands for
Integrated Development Environment and
it's something that all programmers
want to have access to.
You want to pick one or the other.
It sort of makes it a lot easier
than typing into a text file and
then changing the file extension and
compiling it from the command line.
Those are kind of some obscure steps that
you might not want to do every time.
And especially when you have
a complicated build path,
it gets really hairy really fast.
So, yeah.
Eclipse is a great tool to help you manage
all that nonsense that you don't wanna
have to do every time you write a program.
So I have heard that
the some programmers are,
unless you use Notepad, plain Notepad and
write down your Java files and
you compile everything from the command
line then you're not a real programmer.
What are your thoughts on that?
I mean I think every industry is
going to have their puritans but
I think if you've got
resources in front of you that
can make your job easier
then you should use them.
And going back to the old
principle don't repeat yourself.
It's sort of the same kind of vibe.
Yeah understandable.
It looks like we have something
that we need to accept, right.
Yeah, so
these are the terms of service.
Good stuff.
So we can just click accept here.
we should always definitely read this.
Always read them, yeah.
Always read those but just for
the sake of time,
we are being expeditious about this.
Now, Mark while this is installing,
I want to double back a little bit.
We talk very high level about Java but
could you illuminate some of the really
strong points of the Java language?
What are we going to learn that
are gonna make us more productive?
Or what is available to us?
Do we have to write
everything from scratch?
Cuz you've been talking
about don't repeat yourself.
Build on the work of others.
Is that something that Java is,
is that in the Java ecosystem so to speak?
Yeah, so as I alluded to,
Java has a lot of cool inbuilt libraries.
There's a math library.
There's stuff for file IO and there's
also things other people have done.
There's j-unit which is going
to help us with unit testing.
That's something that I think is important
to impart upon young programmers is
to make sure your code works and
meets the specifications that it has to.
Yeah, so we're going to cover that too.
Now Mark, some of our viewers
may not know what unit testing is.
Could you just give us a brief
rundown about what is unit testing?
So the general idea is you write a test,
either before or after you write
your code and you run the test and
if your code passes the test,
then you can move on to the next
development requirement, if you will.
And if it doesn't, you know that
your code is faulty in some way and
you know what your code is doing
wrong because of what it's returning.
So it allows you to diagnosis
your problems a lot easier and
it allows you to make sure that your
code is ready for production and
it's not going to be dangerous out there.
You made me scared Mark.
I'm already terrified but
you said something very interesting there
that I've heard kind of back and forth.
Your tests before or after.
I've heard real staunch you should
always write tests first and
then write your code, but
you said you could write it after.
What are your thoughts?
Could you give us an idea of
why you said it's okay to
write tests-
I think it's generally okay
to write tests afterwards but
if you want the tests to drive
the way you write your code and
to meet very specific requirements
It's best to write them beforehand and
so that's a principle called
test-driven development.
Some people adhere very strictly to it.
I think it's important as a concept
that you use unit tests and
that you make sure all the other parts
of your code are working properly but
if you program better without writing
them first then by all means,
I don't really think it's necessary.
I do think some people go
a little bit too crazy.
I've seen people write unit tests for
getter and setter methods which are really
just one line of code and
I think that's a little bit overboard.
There's a good balance
there that we should,
you're going to help us keep in
mind as we learn more about that.
Mark, it does look like we
do have a launch button and
I always like launching, right?
Yeah, take off.
Take it through us.
All right.
Take us through it.
So Eclipse is coming up here.
Eclipse Neon 3.
That's the current version.
Eclipse Oxygen's coming out real soon,
I think.
I'm not sure when in June but
it's definitely coming out in June so
stay posted for that.
All right, so if you're watching this
at a different time and you have well,
Eclipse Oxygen or Eclipse Flooring or
Eclipse Chlorine, who knows?
Well just know that this is going to
be very similar to what you're doing.
Just the names are gonna be different.
So we have this menu here, Mark.
Can you take us through what
we're actually doing here?
Yes, this is the workspace.
This is just where all your code
is located for any given project.
Some people use a different workspace for
every project.
You don't really have to.
I think I'm gonna create a new
one here for our ITPro stuff.
And, devpro/workspace, cool.
We'll do that and we're also gonna
check use this as the default and
do not ask again.
You don't necessarily have to do that.
If you've got multiple workspaces,
again, some people like to
do it this way instead.
Then yeah, you can do that as well,
not check it as the default and
just pick your workspace every time.
If you've sorta got different things that
you program for, maybe you program for
open source your free time but
you also have a job you do this for,
you might want to have two workspaces.
A home and a work one.
That's something I've done in the past and
I think it works well.
All right so
then that's creating the workspace and
then this is the startup time
always like this for eclipse?
Is there always like a startup overhead?
I know for some of the other IDE's that
I've played with the startup overhead,
it's really bad the first time.
There's still a little bit the next time,
but it gets a little bit less.
Is that the story for eclipse?
I would say so, yeah.
You've gotta create some directories for
the work spaces and all that.
But mostly this will probably
run faster on your machine.
My computer's pretty terrible.
Self deprecating computer humor.
I love it, I love it.
So we're just waiting for
this to start up so to speak.
I do love that graphic though and
there we go.
So, you sorta get this
nice intro screen here.
We don't really need to go over
all that because we're going
to be creating a hello world type
application ourselves anyway.
We can create a new Java project here, but
that's not the way we're going
to be doing it in the future.
Let's just go up here,
File, New, Java Project and
we are going to use mostly
the default options here.
It's gonna to take a second here.
Let's call this DevProHelloWorld.
The convention for program names and
class names is to capitalize
the first letter of every word.
And so
then you'll get this package explorer.
I clicked something without explaining it,
This is a maximization thing for
when you're looking through your
file system for your Java projects.
We have this cool new project folder here.
And it's got a source folder.
And we've gotta create
our first class now, so
we're gonna go to New and
we're gonna do Class.
And this is sort of the fundamental
building block of Java,
you're gonna have a lot
of these classes and
they're sort of gonna
interact with each other.
They're gonna represent sort of
an abstract type of object, but
that's sort of a more
complicated topic for now.
All we have to really do is write
a class with a main method and
we're going to get to that in a second.
Do we still have time?
I think we're good.
I think I see where you're going and
I think we can make it
through in this episode.
So we can also create a package here,
what should we call it?
Awesome sauce.
Awesome sauce.
I think that's great.
Alright so, we're going to have
to put that package declaration at
the head of every class that we
write that's inside this package.
But that's fine.
And we'll just, every class we write for
now will just be Awesome Sauce.
I love it, that's great.
And this can be DevProTester,
or something.
And we don't really need that.
We actually don't want to
create an e-method stub so
that way we can write it from scratch and
show you.
Alright, so
this is just building out that file.
Seems like a lot of work just to have
that file, well, generated for us.
What is actually going
on behind the scenes?
Is it making sure that everything is
kind of pointing to the right places?
Or is there any type of magic?
Or is there just a helper that
helps things get more complex?
I think it helps you keep all
of the compilation stuff in check.
So it knows where the main class is for
the projects are and stuff like that.
And yeah, so
here if you can see in the code.
We've got package Awesome Sauce.
That's the package we declared.
And we got a public class DevProTester.
Which is what we chose to name our class.
All right Mark so, I know you're
getting, you're getting excited,
I can tell.
But one quick thing.
I tend to use a very large font.
Whenever I'm programming,
just to help with eye strain.
And, I just wanna make
sure everybody can see.
Could we make that font
just a little bit bigger?
Well, so
everybody can see it in all its glory.
I think that's really important to do,
because programming should be accessible.
Everyone, we might have people who have
bad eyes that need to do this, and so
we're gonna go and do that.
We're going to go up to Window,
and Preferences.
And this is where you're going to change
most of your settings for eclipse anyway.
We can look up here.
You've got all these different tabs.
Kind of confusing, but
we're just going to go with General, and
Appearance, Colors and Fonts.
And, we're going to look for
our basic font here,
Text Font, Edit.
And it's gonna come up.
And we're gonna blow up the size.
What size do you think we should use?
Let's try probably 18, 20,
somewhere around in there.
Just because that's a font size that I
use and it tends to work fairly well.
Whatever works, so I'll apply that, and
look at that, code looks nice and big.
That's beautiful.
We can see everything on the screen,
good stuff.
All right, now I'm ready for
this first program.
Take it away, Mark,
let's see what's involved.
So we're gonna type
public static void main, and
your gonna do a parenthesis here,
(String[] args),
and that's gonna be really confusing and
we can't really explain it right now cause
there's a lot of words in there
that are sort of a higher level.
So just sort of think of
it as casting a spell.
You do it whenever you're writing
an entry point to a program and
this sort of where the program
knows that it needs to start.
And you've got this,
it's called the main method,
we can go ahead and get that out there.
But this first line of
the main method is where
your program is gonna have it's
entry point, that's where it starts.
And so, this main method has to be inside
of the class, and inside of a file, right?
So, in this case we've
got it in a package.
Some of you,
if you didn't create a package,
you might have like a default package.
And then you won't have this
package declaration here.
But we made ours in a package
just to help keep everything for
our projects nice and organized.
And so now we can type System.out.
Also you can see I've got all these
code recommendations coming up here.
It's a great feature of eclipse,
sort of autocompletes lots of your stuff.
I'm probably just going to type most
of the things out completely so
we're all on the same page.
And we're gonna do println and
we have to end every statement in
eclipse and Java with a semicolon.
And we're going to do a string here which
is a concept we'll explain more later.
We're just going to put "Hello World!"
Now could we shrink down
that task list on the side just to see all
of that in it's glory at the same time.
So we can sort of just click X's on
these things that way we'll have a lot
more space to work with here
as our lines get longer.
Well, Mark, is there any way we
can make that task list go away,
cuz I wanna see all of
that program in its glory.
Yeah, that's a good question.
So, since we sorta blew up our font size,
now we've got this problem where
some of this text is getting covered
up by this task list and outline.
We don't really need any of that stuff,
so we can just click X's on that.
Get it all out of the way.
Whatever you've got there,
just get rid of it for now.
It's not that important.
What we really need is this Package
Explorer which we can also shrink down.
If you sorta grab onto this little thing,
you can drag it and
make it a little smaller so
it doesn't take up as much space when
we're typing our code in our main editor.
Cuz that's what's really
important right now.
And you know you can click Control S here,
you'll notice there was
an asterisk there went away.
So it just means that
we've saved our code.
And now we can go ahead and
sort of compile it.
And we're gonna do
Run As Java Application.
Generally, you can just
click this green button and
if you've done it before it'll work fine.
But as you can see down
here in our console,
this is where your console is going
to appear down here on the bottom.
This is sort of the output for
whatever programs you run whenever you do
System.out.println you're gonna get
text down here in your console.
And you can also, later on we'll go for
sort of more I/O stuff and
we'll talk about how you can type
stuff into this console as well, and
make your programs more interactive.
Well, Mark,
this has been a wonderful ride.
Just as a quick review, we installed
the JDK, we installed eclipse,
and we actually wrote our
first Java program and ran it.
We had a lot packed into this episode, but
it does look like we are out of time for
this episode.
But please join us back as we
continue our Java adventure.
Signing out for Dev Pro TV,
I've been your host Justin Denison.
I am Mark Davis.
Thanks for watching.
We will see you next time.
In this series, Mark and Justin walk you through the hoops and hurdles of the Java syntax by providing examples and common mistakes and shortcuts you'll be faced with. By the end you'll have an understanding of all of the syntax as well as common Java tools. You will have built feature-filled programs to simplify your life and wrangle the challenges of junior programming jobs, so if you're ready to learn Java as a first or second programming language then join us!
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
13h 32m
33 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Object Oriented Java