Learn GitHub Flavored Markdown
Learn GitHub Flavored Markdown Overview
Markdown is a alternative to other markup languages such as HTML. There is a version that is a little more 'fancy' called GitHub Flavored Markdown. In this series, you will find out what GitHub-Flavored Markdown is as well as how to accomplish quick format tasks that simplify creating structure and some styling.
0h 2m
Welcome, everyone, to your
Learn GitHub-Flavored Markdown series.
I'm your host, Cherokee Boose.
Today, I'd like to introduce Mr.
Justin Dennison.
He's gonna be the one guiding
you through this topic.
So Justin, I've gotta ask,
what should I expect from this series?
this series is fairly entry level and
is meant to give you a working proficiency
of writing in GitHub-Flavored Markdown.
Some of the things that you'll learn
how to do are creating headings,
adding images, adding links,
adding tables.
Well, in addition to that, further,
more specific, like adding code blocks,
adding little code snippets, and,
well, adding to-do lists to your
markdown documents to further organize and
help you get the look that you hope for.
Okay, so who has really
been the target audience, or
what should we expect as far as
how this show has been tailored?
Like what are we looking at here?
This is very introductory.
It is meant for kind of a grab bag, right?
You can just pick and choose.
I need to know how to create headings.
I need to know how to create links.
How do I make a table of contents?
Well, those are also probably links, so
you just can grab those individual pieces.
There are a few shows that
are tailored toward developers or
people who are working with code snippets.
But, by and large, whether you're a
writer, whether you're someone technical,
or not, this has something for you if
you're writing documents in Markdown.
Should I expect to get some kind of
certification from this traning, or
are we really looking at skill set based?
This is definitely
a skill set based training.
It is, as I said, meant to be
a reference material for you where
maybe you don't watch it from beginning
to end every time, or even at all.
You go,
I need to know how to make headings,
I need to know how to make a table.
You go and watch that particular episode
to accomplish the tasks that you need to
accomplish with your
respective Markdown documents.
Great, that sounds awesome.
And if you agree, then stay tuned.
Markdown is a alternative to other markup languages such as HTML. There is a version that is a little more 'fancy' called GitHub Flavored Markdown. In this series, you will find out what GitHub-Flavored Markdown is as well as how to accomplish quick format tasks that simplify creating structure and some styling.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
2h 49m
17 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Fundamentals
- Text
- Lists
- Images
- Tables
- Code
- Above and Beyond