LPIC-1 Linux Administrator (102-500)
LPIC-1 Linux Administrator (102-500) Overview
You're watching ITVPROTV.
Hello, ladies and gentlemen welcome to
the LPIC-1 Linux Administrator series.
We would like to take a few minutes to
tell you about what you can expect.
I'm gonna be your host, Wes Bryan.
I've been in a technical instructor for
around 10 years now, but
the Man of the hour are subject
matter in Linux is Don possessed.
Don tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am Don Bizet Co-founder and
entertainer here at ITPROTV.
I've been working in IT for
over 25 years, and
I've been working with Linux
since it came out in 1992.
I've used it in production environments
as well as personally for decades now.
And hopefully I'll be able to use that
experience to bring a great learning
environment for Linux into this show.
All right, Don So
let's say somebody has just click play on
their very first video here in
LPIC-1 Linux Administrator.
What are some of the things
that they can expect?
What is it for?
Let's say, if I was the viewer,
what's in it for me?
All right, what's in it for you.
Well, one obviously want
to help you get exam ready.
We'll talk about that in a moment.
But also we want to help you
just be better at Linux,
understanding how Linux functions and
what's going on under the hood.
If you are a system administrator
responsible for supporting Linux systems
or if you're just a hobbyist that
wants to learn more about it.
This is a great series for you because
we're going to focus on all of the nuts
and bolts pieces that make up
the Linux operating system.
And when you know more about that,
you know better how to get the most
value out of running Linux as your OS.
All right, so
let's take just a few seconds here.
Tell us a little bit about
the course goals and
the overall structure of this course Don.
All right, so
this course is actually a part two, right?
So hopefully, if you've come to
get your l pick certification,
you've already watched the 101-500 series.
This is the 102-500 it's tailored
towards the second exam, and
that means it doesn't
necessarily follow like a story.
We're not picking up halfway.
You could watch them out
of order if you want it.
But you'll be better off
watching the other exam first.
That content first before
coming to this one.
But once you're here, we're gonna learn
about a lot of really neat things.
We're gonna learn about graphical
interfaces and Linux like X windows and
other GUI.
We're gonna learn about networking and
how that functions will spend some time
on security and other topics there.
And we're really going to get a good
understanding of how all of those
components contribute to the OS.
So, Don, I know that this is
a certification geared course.
Maybe some of our viewers don't.
And maybe they haven't taken
this certification before.
Can you tell us a little bit about
that certification itself and
what they can expect?
Yeah, well, like I mentioned earlier,
there's actually two exams.
So if you want to get your LPIC-1 Linux
system Administrator certification,
you have to pass the 101-500
the 102-500 exams.
This courses tailored towards 102-500.
And I've got that pulled
up here on my computer.
Let me just kind of give you
a quick overview of that.
Basically, you'd have to pass both
exams to get your LPIC-1 certification.
The exams are pretty straightforward.
There multiple choice you
usually have 60 questions,
you get 90 minutes to take them.
And you can take them at various
Pearson Vue locations and using on view,
you can take them online now as well.
So a lot of different options there as
far as the content, you can pull the exam
objectives up, and we're going to follow
the exam objectives for this course.
So basically, as you look through here,
we're gonna follow the order.
I might rearrange a few little things
just to make logical sense, but
we're gonna go through and cover each and
every one of these exam objectives.
So we're gonna start off talking
about the command shell,
scripting how to write a basic script.
We're going to move into graphical
interfaces and desktops after that.
Then we'll continue on into other
technologies like administrative tasks.
We'll see how to automate and
schedule things and
even handle user management
topics like that.
Then we'll go into some of the essential
services that make up Linux.
How we handle localization,
logging message transfer.
These are all kind of critical things
that we expect every Linux server to be
able to do.
Then we've got our network fundamental.
So we'll talk about how we can get
multiple Linux machines to communicate
with each other over a network.
And finally, we'll talk about security.
Security is a big hot button these days.
If you're deploying Linux,
you want to make sure it's secure and
there's a lot of stuff
built in that can do that.
That's all stuff that we're gonna
cover right here in this series.
Don, I'm excited about this series
because I'm making my entrance into
the Linux world.
Why are you excited about this course?
Well, I'm always excited about any
Linux course cause it is my favorite
operating system.
I use it on pretty much every
server I touched these days, so
very widespread there.
It's incredibly powerful, and I think back
to when I first got involved in Linux.
And I just enjoyed so much learning
a new OS, appreciating the stability,
the extensibility,
the functionality of Linux.
I mean, it is a phenomenal operating
system, and so that's what makes me so
excited to teach it.
All right, ladies and gentlemen,
if that's something that excites you were
glad you're joining us here ITPROTV and
more excited that you're joining us for
LPIC-1 Linux Administrator.
So stay tuned.
Thank you for watching ITPROTV.
The LPIC-1 Linux Administrator certification demonstrates a basic proficiency with the Linux operating system and the ability
to perform real-world maintenance and administrative tasks. The 102-500 exam expands upon the topics covered in 101-500 with more detailed usage of many commands, scripting, troubleshooting and security.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
10h 39m
35 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Shells and Shell Scripting
- User Interfaces and Desktops
- Administrative Tasks
- Essential System Services
- Networking Fundamentals
- Security