Managing Cybersecurity Incident Response

Managing Cybersecurity Incident Response Overview
Clock icon0h 4m
WEBVTT Hi, I'm Sophie Goodwin. I'm here with Anthony Sequera, here for the course overview. We're going to be jumping into some material on incident response in this course. Is that right? Yes, that's right. It is a huge part of cybersecurity, one we shouldn't overlook. It's inevitable. You are going to have security incidents, and you should be prepared to respond to them. And that's what we're going to focus on, Sophie. So it sounds like you know your stuff. Tell us a little bit about you and how you're going to be approaching this course. Sure. So I have been-- I'm now a full-time instructor here at ITPro, part of ACI Learning. Very excited about that. And I've always been specialized in computer networking and cybersecurity, and now more and more DevOps. And I bring that up because it is something that we are going to be discussing as we move throughout this material because, guess what? We're at a time where security should be pervasive in any discussion of technology, and we're going to see that in the very first couple of episodes. So super excited about that. So what is the structure of this course in particular going to look like? Yeah, great question. So what we're going to do is we're going to be going through a whole series of episodes on incident response and management, and these will really serve as a standalone guidebook for those of you that are interested in implementing such procedures in your organization. And I really do encourage all of you do that. It's a really good idea. But also, Sophie, we have a lot of students that tend to be interested in obtaining certifications, and this course maps beautifully to the incident response sections of SISA Plus from CompTIA. So I'm definitely going to be asking a lot of questions throughout this course. I'm here to be sort of an advocate for you at home and ask the questions you might be wondering about. So what, as a learner, what is in this course for me? Boy, I'll tell you, incident response is hugely important. Now, one of the reasons you might not hear about it a lot is because, remember, a lot of internal security incidents, they never get reported, either because the organization is embarrassed, or maybe they don't have a good incident response plan. So communicating what happened, they don't even have a procedure or a policy for that. So this is really one of those things that should be talked about but isn't. So we're really going to be going into some important material. And of course, the end goal is always to learn something new and a lot of times apply it to something you're doing in your day-to-day life. But if somebody is watching this course and maybe looking to take an exam or get a certification, what sorts of certs might be associated with that? Yeah, I mentioned the SISA+. That's a huge one. But let me impress upon you that if you look at any cybersecurity exam worth its salt, it's most likely going to have incident response as part of that. So this maps to, my gosh, countless exams that have to do with cybersecurity. And last but not least, Anthony, why are you excited about this course? I'm so excited about this course for a couple of reasons. Number one is to teach it with you, Sophie, because I know you are super interested in cybersecurity. So it's always great to have a host that has genuine interest in the material. A couple of weeks ago, I got to host Scrum, an agile certification training with our own Chris Ward. And it was super fun for me because I'm super interested in that topic. So it's great to have you here, Sophie. And I'm also excited about this because I love teaching cyber. And it's not often that I get to do it. We have Daniel Lowry here, who's our expert. So it's just great to be chipping in on the cyber side of the house. Well, you love teaching cyber. I love learning cyber. So I think we're going to have a great time. Looking forward to taking you along on this course with us. And hope you can learn something along the way. Thanks for joining us for the overview. And we'll see you in the course.


In this course, students will learn the concepts associated with vulnerability responses, incident responses, and the management of such cybersecurity concerns. This course also covers concepts related to attack methodology frameworks and the typical incident response activities by cybersecurity professionals in well-trained organizations.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

3h 5m
15 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Models and Controls
  • Vulnerability Response Management
  • Frameworks and Incident Response Activities
  • Preparation and Post-Incident Phases