Migrate to Windows Server
Migrate to Windows Server Overview
Welcome and thanks for
joining us for this overview.
This is for the module on
migrating to Windows Server.
I'll be your host slash, I
guess, learner advocate for
this module. My name is Sophie
Goodwin, I'm an edutainer here
at ACI Learning, and I'll be
asking questions along the way,
facilitating the discussion and
asking the things that maybe
you'd like to ask at home.
I'm certified in cybersecurity,
but all this stuff about
migrating to Windows Server is
new to me, so I will be
learning along with you.
Then of course, we've got Mr.
Charles Pluda. He's going to be
walking us through this as our
subject matter expert for this
module. Charles, tell us a
little bit about yourself.
Thanks Sophie. Hey everyone,
my name is Charles. I'm a
Microsoft certified trainer.
I've been in the industry for
probably about 15 years now,
and a trainer for 10 years of
that. My background is
infrastructure and security.
I've been working with Windows
Server probably most of that
years and then transitioned to
Azure here the last few years.
So happy to talk about these
hybrid scenarios where we're
going to be migrating from
whether it's on-prem,
traditional Windows Server to
new versions or to Azure.
Okay. So for this specific
course, I know we're going to
be talking about migration
obviously quite a bit. I know
we get to learn some new words,
at least for me, talk about
forests and domains. Is there
anything else that we'll be
covering that we should get
familiar with?
Yes. So the high-level
things of what we'll cover in
this module do revolve all
around migration. So that could
be some storage from say one
server to another server,
maybe some services like DHCP
or print servers that will
migrate from one server to
another, or it could be
services to Azure. So maybe
you're migrating a web server
or IIS server to an Azure app
service or to containers.
We've got a bunch of different
migration episodes for
different scenarios that we'll
go through.
Okay. So other than what
you've already mentioned here,
assuming we should probably at
least have some idea of what
Charles is talking about here.
But is there any other
prerequisite knowledge that we
should be bringing to the table
as learners?
Yes. So there's probably
some both on the Windows server
side as well as the Azure side.
In Windows server, I'm just
going to kind of assume that
you already know what the
Active Directory environment
looks like, how to log in,
how to authenticate. You're
probably already managing these
workloads today, but we'll walk
through some of the basics.
So you should know how those
are all set up. Kind of the
same idea on the Azure side.
We're not going to go into any
introductory level information
there. You should already know
what an Azure account is or an
antenna, what the subscription
looks like, how to create
resource groups. And then we'll
jump into creating the
individual resource group that
we need for or the individual
resources that we need to
migrate some of these services.
All right.
Well, now you know who we
are. You know what we're going
to be taking a look at in this
module. And maybe some of the
knowledge that you'll need to
bring to the table or that it
might be a good idea to just be
familiar with getting into this
to kind of make your life a
little bit easier. But I think
that's going to do it for this
overview. So thanks for joining
us for this overview on a
Migrating to Windows Server.
And we'll see you in the
Embark on a journey through the seamless transition of legacy systems to the forefront of innovation with our comprehensive course on migrating to Windows Server. You’ll learn to navigate the pivotal steps to elevate your on-prem storage to the enhanced capabilities of modern on-prem servers, ensuring a smooth and efficient upgrade path. As you pivot towards the cloud, discover the intricacies of lifting and shifting your on-prem servers into the expansive realm of Azure, unlocking agility, scalability, and global reach. You will delve deeper and tackle the specifics of migrating workloads from previous Windows Server versions, streamlining your transition with minimal disruption. For those leveraging Internet Information Services (IIS), you will Analyze the process of moving your web applications to Azure, enabling you to benefit from robust security, high availability, and dynamic scalability. Lastly, you learn to chart the course for upgrading your Active Directory infrastructure, as you hear expert insights on transitioning to Windows Server 2022 with confidence.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
3h 40m
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Here are the topics we'll cover
- Course Overview
- Migrate On-Prem Storage to On-Prem Servers
- Migrate On-Prem Servers to Azure
- Migrate Workloads from Previous Versions
- Migrate IIS Workloads to Azure
- Migrate an AD DS Infrastructure to Windows Server 2022