Network Access
Network Access Overview
(Music) Hey, thank you so
much for joining us. I'm your
host, Lauren Deal, and I'll be
your learner advocate as we go
along, asking some questions
that you may have at home.
What joined with me is Anthony
Sequera, and we're going to be
talking about network access.
But before we jump into that,
tell us a little bit about
yourself. Yeah,
so my name is Anthony
Sequera, as you heard, and I am
a Cisco certified internetwork
expert. That is number 15626,
I believe. Yeah, I think
that's my CCA number. Anyways,
you can verify that if you
like, just by doing a look up
on my last name. But yeah, so
what is a Cisco certified
internetwork expert mean?
It means that I have been doing
networking for decades,
basically, is what it means.
And I went as far as you could
go at the time in certification
with Cisco systems. So I can't
wait to bring that expertise to
you and these videos that we
are going to be covering that
really do zero in on one of the
most important aspects of
networking today. And that is,
how do we get people on the
network? How do we get many,
many users that are the ones we
want on our network? How do we
get them on easily? And how do
we prevent those many users we
don't want on our network?
How do we keep them off the
Absolutely. And speaking of
which, you are an expert.
And after all these decades of
teaching, you are a phenomenal
person to learn from. So I have
to say firsthand, I'm excited
to jump in. So we have which,
what are we going to be
covering? Yeah, one of the
things that we'll focus on,
well, two things, really, in
this area of network access.
And this is critical today, as
I'm sure you realize, we need
to talk about how do we get
folks on the network
that are wired. So wired
connections, they are plugging
in their laptop or their PC
into the network. And then,
as you might guess, we also
need to spend some time in this
module discussing how we get
someone on wireless. That is
equally as popular and in some
environments more popular.
Here at HQ, I think we have
more people on the network
wireless these days than we do
wired. So
both are going to be hugely
important. And that's what
we'll be delving deep into both
wired and wireless network
access connectivity. I'm
excited to jump in. I feel like
this is going to be a fun
journey. Now, what viewers
might benefit from this?
You know, we are really going
to build this from the ground
up together. Ideally, our
students would be A plus or
equivalent knowledge. And I
just want to quickly state that
that means they know a lot.
I don't know if you've checked
out CompTIA's A plus
certification lately, but it is
not your grandparents A plus.
It is something now that goes
very deep, not just in
hardware, but also software and
also builds a foundation for
networking. So if you've got a
little bit of networking
knowledge, that will be great.
You're in the right place here
as we really zero in on network
access technologies. I'm
excited. We're going to be
covering quite a bit. So get
your pen and your paper ready
and let's get started.
In this Network Access module, students will learn the basic concepts regarding network access technologies found in the modern network infrastructure. Students will learn about VLANs, switch interconnects, Layer 2 discovery protocols, EtherChannel, Rapid PVST+, wireless, and much more.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
4h 5m
17 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Course Overview
- Layer 2 Topics
- Spanning Tree Protocol
- Wireless Technologies
- Device Management