PowerPoint 2016 Essentials for Mac

PowerPoint 2016 Essentials for Mac Overview
Clock icon0h 7m
[MUSIC] Hello, everyone, and welcome to PowerPoint 2016 Essentials for Mac. My name is Vonne Smith, and in this course overview, we're going to be going over, well, exactly what is in this particular series. Who is this meant for, do you need to know anything before you get started and any extra tidbits I have for you. Let's go on to what is in this series. This is from the very beginning, we start with an introduction. It's, you don't even know what PowerPoint is. You've never seen it. You've never looked at it. We go over the basics of how to open the product, how to open and close files, how to start a new file. We're also going to be exploring the interface, the environment. What is the ribbon? Where is the status bar? What's the Quick Access Toolbar? How do I customize this? And we'll get familiar with that and we'll also get familiar with navigating within a presentation. How do I move to the next slide? What is the outline view? What is this weird thing that I'm seeing on the screen right now where there is a box at the top and there is text in the bottom? Well, that's the notes page view. So we'll get familiar with a presentation and moving on through, and then of course starting a new file or a new presentation. And then we move on to adding in content. We'll add in text, format that text. We'll add in images, and shapes, and tables, and charts, and SmartArt. My, so many different things that we could go ahead and add as part of the content in our slides for our presentations that we'll be delivering to our audience. Then we'll go into enhancing a presentation, putting on a design theme. What is a theme? How do I customize it? Can I change some variations of our themes? Yes, you can, and so I'll show you how to do all of that. We'll also talk about the PowerPoint Designer and some of the cool things you can do with the design ideas that they have given us now as an Office 365 subscriber. We'll also talk about some transitions that between the slides as we move through our different slides, of how they fade in and if you really wanna add sound to that transition. So we'll talk about that. Animation, where things move across the screen, we'll take a cat, make it jump across the screen. So we have animations of different objects within your slides. We'll also go into presenting an actual presentation. Proofing, always an important thing to do. Make sure you do your spell check, make sure you read through your slides, and make sure you're using words correctly. How do I print a presentation? But this is an on-screen presentation software, I'm not gonna need to print it. You never know, and actually printing out, right here. I've actually printed out the speaker notes of one of our slides to make sure that I know what I'm talking about. So you're gonna learn all about that in this series, and of course how you actually print that out and what options to choose. And then, how do I actually present this? We've got something special going on here because we have the split screen and we have a full video production studio here at ITPro.TV. But what do you need to know about actually delivering a presentation? How you control moving through your slides and the presenter view, which you don't see it, but what I'm actually looking at on my screen in front of me, so how we can control this. So that's what we're gonna be covering in this essentials series of getting you started with PowerPoint. And that actually leads me right into, who was this meant for? For all Office with a capital O, meaning that you have the Office Suite, and you are using a Macintosh computer. This does start from the very beginning, but it takes you through to be able to create a fully functional PowerPoint presentation, with lots of tips and tricks along the way of what you should and shouldn't do in presentations. A lot of times I'm showing you by the example of what not to do, but that's just kinda how I like to go ahead and show you what to do in this. So you'll be able to make a presentation from scratch and get all the way up through that. Do you need to know anything? You need to know how to use the Macintosh operating system. You know that there's a system preferences, there's a dock bar, and if you don't, we go over that. So I don't like to assume anything. This is an introduction course, so we'll go ahead and cover some of that. You don't need to have any experience with PowerPoint at all. Now, if you're familiar with any other Office products, that can help, right? Maybe you've used Word before, you've used Excel. Some of the things will go across all of your products. So that should have some familiarity. And if you don't, that's fine. This is a great application to start within the Office Suite. Every episode has files or notes that go along with it, so you are more than welcome to download those notes that I use, right here. I have some notes right here, so you can go ahead and get copies of each episode's notes. Certain episodes will also have exercise files associated with them. Some don't, some we just start with a new file and we add the content. But those are available in each episode as well. You also have every file that I'm using within this series available in this course overview. So you can go ahead and download that and have those ready for you to follow along with when we are in that particular episode. And if anything's missing, or maybe we put the wrong notes with the wrong episode, just let us know. Contact us if anything looks awry. Of course, there's always different options for everything you do in every product, whether it's Office or Adobe, or anything. So I might not cover every single one of those options, but I try to cover most of them. So just keep that in mind. Updates happen, yes. I am an Office 365 subscriber. Hopefully, you are too. If you're not, that's fine, maybe your updates aren't gonna happen as frequently. But as an Office 365 subscriber, they are always putting up updates pretty much every month. Some of them are significant, some of them aren't. And you might see buttons on your screen that I don't have, or I have buttons on my screens that you don't have. So that depends on what version of the software that you're on. It also depends on what level of subscription you have, okay, not all parts are available for every subscription. Most of them, but that could have some other factor. Or maybe you're not even on 2016, 2013 that is pretty much the same thing cuz all of the basics and the fundamentals are going to be the same. So if you have some slight variations on what you're seeing versus what I'm delivering, it shouldn't impact your learning too much. If it does, let me know and I can help. Searching for answers. The wide world of the Internet is out there and finding the answers for what you're having an issue with is definitely the place to go. You do have the Microsoft Help files, they are actually quite helpful. But then, of course, Google or Bing or whatever search engine you want to go ahead and find those answers out there. Everybody uses products differently, so my needs for PowerPoint might be different than your needs for PowerPoint. Your audiences, that's who you're delivering your presentations to could be different, versus education, or in the financial world, or business world. Versus maybe you're doing it for kindergartners. So everybody has a different reason of how they use PowerPoint. But in this series, it's all about having fun and learning this product. So I hope to see you soon in some future episodes. [MUSIC]


PowerPoint 2016 is the popular application within the Office suite for Mac to create on-screen presentations. This series starts at the very beginning by exploring the PowerPoint environment, how to add slides to a presentation, insert text and images into slides, and create tables and charts. The series continues by enhancing a presentation with design themes, animation, and transitions, then concludes with preparing and delivering a robust presentation. This series is specifically for locally installed PowerPoint 2016 on Mac OS.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

14h 2m
32 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Introduction
  • Add Content
  • Enhance a Presentation
  • Prepare and Present