Software Development Security

Software Development Security Overview
In this overview, we will introduce the subject of software development security, and what are some considerations of securing software development.
Clock icon0h 3m
WEBVTT (Music) Welcome and thanks for joining us for this overview for the course secure software development. I'm Sophie Goodwin and I'll be your host with the most, if you will, taking you through this course and asking questions that you might have along the way. So I'll be a learner advocate for you here in the studio. Of course, I'm not alone. I've got Mr. Ronnie Wong here with me. He's going to be our subject matter expert for this course, teaching us everything we need to know. Ronnie, could you tell us a little about yourself? Sure. I'm Ronnie Wong. I am the director of content development here at ACI Learning. I've also been the manager of the edutainment team, which of course are actually subject matter experts as well. And I've had experience in project management and of course, well, developing larger projects and even having the hand in doing some software management too. So this course is actually a little bit up my alley because I don't have to be a complete programmer to actually be able to manage things like software development. So we're actually going to talk about some of the different topics that will help us to secure our software development environment. Now, without giving too much away, can we maybe get a little sneak peek into some of the topics we're going to be covering in this course? Yeah, a lot of the topics that we're going to be covering is from the point of view of the manager or the supervisor of a software development team or maybe even a CISO inside of your network, you know, inside of your organization trying to at least understand the basics of securing software development. So we will be talking about things like the software development lifecycle and then also the different models that come along with understanding that software development lifecycle so that we follow a process through in the way that we need to as well. So not only that, though, we'll actually kind of evaluate the effectiveness of how we implement our security as well as taking a look at external software and how that actually comes into play and then adopting overall security, secure coding practices, too. Right, because it is secure software development, so we are going to be talking about security every step of the way. You can't forget it. Now, I've been learning, you know, different cybersecurity topics for the last couple of years. I would still consider myself kind of beginner to intermediate. So that's where my skill levels at for this course. Who is this for? What should we know going into it? You know, this course is not for necessarily the hardcore software developer. Don't get me wrong. If you actually go, hey, I'm moving into that realm of managing software development team, if I'm actually taking a look at the idea of securing software development, well, any any person that's actually going to be working in that particular environment where they're leading the team or they need to actually at least understand some of the different things that they need to consider to ensure that they manage their software development environment, you know, more securely. This is the course for you. You will actually see a lot of that. So it might be that you're a Scrum Master, you know, we're actually learning that. Or you're the CISO of a company and you are actually involved, at least in some of those meetings, understanding the terminology that's actually there is also going to help you out, too. So more than likely anybody is actually taking a look at something like that in terms of security management in that software environment. It's actually going to be helpful to you. I do enjoy security concepts, but I am no expert in programming. So it's good to know that this is something that I'll still be able to follow along with, and I'm looking forward to doing so. But for this overview, just wanted to give you a little peek into what we're going to be talking about. Sarani, thank you for giving us a heads up into these topics. And thank you, of course, for joining us and we'll see you in the course.


The development of software is an important part of every organization. Doing it securely is the goal of every organization. This course delves into how to guide and lead your team to consider software development security. We'll begin with the need for it, then discuss the SDLC, and also the uses of standards and best practices. Though it will not make you a software developer, it will help you to understand the security needs and lead your team to consider a secure approach to software development.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

5h 58m
23 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Course Overview
  • Manage securing the software development life cycle
  • Implement security in software development practices
  • Evaluate software security effectiveness
  • Evaluate security impact of external software
  • Adopting secure coding practices
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