Word 2016 Essentials

Word 2016 Essentials Overview
As one of the cornerstones of the Office suite, Word 2016 is a powerful word processor that allows users to create both simple and sophisticated documents. This series explores the essentials to getting started with Word 2016. We begin with basic skills such as navigating a document, selecting text, inputting basic text, and document proofing. The series also explores all aspects of character and paragraph formatting as well as page formatting and layout. While this series is designed for beginner users, it has lots of great tips and tricks experienced users as well. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on Windows operating system.
Clock icon0h 6m
[SOUND] Hello everyone, and welcome to OfficeProTV. My name is Vonne Smith and this is the Word 2016 Essentials show. I'm going to be your guide through this journey In Microsoft Word. In this course overview, we're gonna be going over what exactly are we covering in this show? Who is this for? What do I need to know before I get started? And what other extra helpful tips that I might have for you? This particular show is built into three specific areas. We have our introduction, our text formatting and our page layout. In the introduction section, that's where we start from the very, very beginning about what is Word. What about the document views? What does it mean to be in Print Layout versus the Reading Layout? What about the Word interface? What's a ribbon? What's a Quick Access Toolbar? Where is it located? So getting familiar with our environment, how to navigate around the document and also how to input text. Daniel and I get to geek out really hard on input and output devices on that episode, so definitely check it out, it's definitely one of my favorites. We'll also be going over some of the things that Word does by default with our autocorrect options. We'll do our find and replace, and some proofing and some printing, and of course, don't forget, good old copy and paste. In the text formatting section, that's where we start getting into making our text look nice, looks a little prettier, maybe we'll throw in some pink, maybe we'll make things centered or right-aligned. Learn all about the world of tab stops. We'll be learning how to format things in lists, and the all important styles, I love styles. That's another one of my favorite episodes within this series, because so much in Word is based on styles, so having a good understanding of styles will make you a very effective user of Word. Then we move in to the page layout section of our show, where we get into things like margins, columns. We get into page numbers, headers and footers, what it means to have a cover page, vertical alignment, and the all important keep options, so different ways of putting in sections into our documents. Another thing that Word does so well, and that can open up the world of possibilities to you, understanding what a section can do for you. Who is this for? This is for all Office users. Now, when I use the word office, I'm not saying that you have to be in an office environment, you could be at home. It doesn't matter where you physically are located. It's really that you want to become a better user of Office products, such as Word. This is a very basic introduction to Word, so it starts at the beginning, but it does gradually move up in level to probably, I would say, an intermediate level of Word. Now that doesn't mean say hey, I've been using Word for a while so you should skip this show. No, there's a lot of different tips and tricks throughout these lessons that will really help any level of user, but it does start at the very beginning and we go up from there. What do I need to know? Well you don't really need to know anything. You don't have to have any prior knowledge of this particular product, but if you have some familiarity with other Office products, It will help you out. Notice on basic Windows operating system functionalities like where is the Start button, what is the Windows Explorer? Those are some things that can also help you to be a little bit more acclimated to some of the things in the show. However, I do have in one of our first lessons, in the introduction section, where we do go over things like file open, file save, how to close a file, how to close a program, and where to find Word within your Start menu. So we do start with some of the Windows basics within this series, because I feel Word is such an important product and a real starting place for a lot of people when working within the Office Suite. So I do like to go ahead and cover some of those basics. What do you need to know about as well, besides all these other things, some extra tidbits? There's always other options to do anything in Word or any of the Office applications. So I might hit a couple of them of how to hit it on the ribbon, maybe go ahead and do a right-click, but there might be three or four other ways to go ahead and get the same result by doing it in a different way. There's so many different things within this product, you can never know everything. So, searching for answers is always helpful, I do it, I still do it. I learn more about these products every day and using those guides and using your Google or your Bing searches to find the answers, can be really helpful, and also the Microsoft help files online are actually really helpful for you. And updates, hey they happen. There are different versions of Word and being on an Office 365 subscription, you might have a slight difference in what your environment is looking like that might be different than mine. And you might walk in one day, and like, what happened, updates. So, they're on either like a single month or a four month cycle, depending on your organization and your settings. Or, if you have a version of Office that you have purchased separately, that is not part of a subscription, you might not ever have any updates. So, there might be some slight variations in that. Every user uses Word for a different reason, some might be doing book processing, some of you might be doing single page processing. Everybody has different reasons for using the product. Everybody is unique in that sense. You start to have like a one-on-one relationship with your product, that might be different than the way that somebody else uses Word. So you might be talking one day to somebody in the office, like, you should really do this, because that's the way I do it. That's fine, to each his own, everybody has a reason for doing what they have and the biggest part is really just to have fun. I know that these things can start getting frustrating, I've had those moments where I'm just like why is this not working? But just remember to kind of sit back and especially just watching these episodes, just to have fun try it out, because that's the easiest way to start being a master at any of these products, is you just gotta try it. Not with a work document. Just what can I do? How can I make this work? And that's where you can really start to feel like you've got this program under wraps. So, definitely have some fun. So, I hope to see you soon, and enjoy all the episodes. [SOUND]


As one of the cornerstones of the Office suite, Word 2016 is a powerful word processor that allows users to create both simple and sophisticated documents. This series explores the essentials to getting started with Word 2016. We begin with basic skills such as navigating a document, selecting text, inputting basic text, and document proofing. The series also explores all aspects of character and paragraph formatting as well as page formatting and layout. While this series is designed for beginner users, it has lots of great tips and tricks experienced users as well. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on Windows operating system.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

9h 58m
25 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Introduction
  • Text Formatting
  • Page Layout
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