Word 2016 Expert

Word 2016 Expert Overview
Clock icon0h 8m
[MUSIC] Hello everyone, and welcome to Office Pro TV. My name is Von Smith, and in this course overview, we're going to be reviewing what we are doing in our Word 2016 Expert Series. So we're gonna be talking about, well, what are we gonna be talking about in this series, and what episodes are we going to be covering? Who is our target audience, what should you know before you get started? And any other extra information and tidbits that I have for you. So topics to be covered, some of my favorites in all of Word. Well, actually a lot of them are my favorites, I think I said that about every single one of these things. But long document creation, you have maybe more than 100 pages, maybe 50 pages. So, there are things you can do with creating a long document, if you really, really help, that Word is really good at it. So, we're gonna be talking about bookmarks and cross-references. The things you see in your page that says, see page so on and so forth. [LAUGH] Well, you could go ahead and add that right from within Word with a cross-reference, and create hyperlinks, super powerful. We also are going to be generating a table of contents, and then an index that goes in the front and back of your book. Table of Contents, really handy and really easy, just gotta use those styles and use those heading levels. And the index is just as easy, with just a little bit more work with marking up your entries and generating that index. The nice thing is, all of these things, when you start modifying, you can update them really easily, by just updating the fields from this generated content. We'll also be adding footnotes and endnotes, those things that I used to struggle with when I was writing term papers. And those different things in school where you had to get the numbers just right. Word it makes it so much easier, and then on that same note, generating a bibliography and citing your works. Man, when this came into Word, it was of those, I really wished they had this when I was in high school and writing these papers. It would take those nights that I spent all night crying, because I couldn't get the typewriter or whatever to work, or maybe even if it's writing on pen and paper. Goodness gracious, that was a lot of fun. We're also gonna be talking about master documents, and how you can create one big document with little subdocuments, and how they're all connected, so it's a really powerful episode as well. Collaborating, something I love to do with people, so if you work with multiple people on revisions and editing of your documents. How to implement tracked changes is going to be really helpful for you. How to combine all of those tracked changes together, and to be able to accept or reject some of those changes that people have made will also be part of that. We're gonna be talking about adding comments into your documents, and how you can use those and how to accept or reject, or talk within those comments back and forth with your collaborators. We'll also be discussing how you can collaborate in real time online through Office 365, if you have have that capability, and you have an Office 365 subscription. And they've really come a long way in how you can collaborate in the cloud to where it's a really, really helpful and efficient way to talk to your different people in where you are working with. Security and document properties, another area that's really great to know about. Of all that hidden information into your documents, in the document properties, that metadata, and how we can use that efficiently. And then document security, how do I make this a true read only file? How do I allow people to only fill in forms and other different types of document security, with adding digital signatures and adding passwords, to protect that document? And then we'll also throw in some additional topics, that's where I put in the forms. Something that Word can do, it's actually pretty simple once you know where you can actually find the form fields in that developer tab. And a few of the other additional topics that we'll be adding throughout time. Who is this product, what is this show meant for, who is this for? We have all Office users, now, I have Office in capital letter because it doesn't mean that you're physically in an office environment. You could be an office of one, you could be a school or university, so it's office with a capital, as in the products, you are using Microsoft Office. And Word, of course, is its flagship product that many people use. And I've thrown this, intermediate to advanced Word users. So you will need to have a pretty substantial amount of information or knowledge about Word. Now I've changed this from foundational, when we did our advanced overview, I went to substantial. So, you need to be comfortable within Word, pretty comfortable, to when you know all about styles. You know about sections and page layouts, and you know where everything is on the ribbon. So, some of those things I might start glossing over, like selecting ranges of text. It should be, yeah, I know how to do that, I know what a style is, I know how to modify it. I know what you're talking about when I go into the modify styles dialog box, so that's why I threw this up to a substantial. And of course, the Windows operating system, you do need to know how to work within Windows, and get to your File Explorer, and different things like that. And, of course, always having familiarity with other Office products is always helpful, because the options are always in the same place, no matter you're using Word or Excel. So you're familiar with that and you know where your ribbons are and you're familiar with that interface. Each product does something different, but some of those features will overlap from one product to another. And then my extras, there's always going to be other options on how to do things. I can already tell you I remember in the footnotes episode that I was showing you a little button up on the ribbon of how you can jump back and forth. Well, you could also right click on it, and I actually just didn't show it to you that way, I just decided to go through the ribbon. So there's always that right clicking or there's the same button on another tab that maybe I haven't covered. So there's always gonna to be multiple ways to accomplish the same thing. Updates happen, we talk about this a lot throughout our episodes. These products, if you're on an Office 365 subscription, they do update. And if you're on the cycle that updates every month or every four months, you might see things differently now in your Office environment than the time of this recording, of where my Office environment might have been on a different update. So just know that that will happen, and a lot of times, your updates are for the better, and it adds new features, which can be really fun. Searching for answers, using the oracle, the oracle as in the internet, and you go out there and search for your answers. There are so many different things that you can learn about Word that we can't cover all in these episodes. I try give you as much as possible, and things that I feel are really helpful and important. But you're gonna run into things that are kind of weird sometimes, and you need to know how to fix it, so consulting the oracle is going to be really important. And everybody uses Word differently, so if we're covering a topic where it's like, I'm never gonna need to generate a bibliography, because I don't need to cite my work. That's fine, but you never know when your child, or maybe you niece or nephew, or maybe just a friend, is going to be writing a term paper. And they need to cite their work, and you're like, hey, I know how you can actually generate a bibliography, and you can pass along that knowledge. So just knowing that it can do it can be really helpful for you, or somebody else down the line. And of course, having fun, I like to have fun in these episodes. I actually try to keep it light and keep it cheery so when we're learning about this, it is fun to learn. And I hope you will enjoy it, and that way, once you learn it, it'll make it to you can have more fun using Word, cuz you'll know how to work with it. So I look forward to seeing you soon, and stay around. [MUSIC]


Word 2016 Expert explores how to enhance long documents with episodes that include: creating a table of contents, generating an index, adding footnotes and endnotes, inserting bookmarks and cross references, labeling figures with captions, and citing references for a bibliography. Also covered is how to create a master document and add sub documents for large projects. Other topics in this series include how to collaborate in Word and through Office 365 online, secure your documents, and add or edit document properties. While Word 2016 Expert is a continuation from the Word 2016 Advanced and Essentials series, episodes can be viewed individually for specific topics or enjoyed in sequence. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on Windows operating system.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

6h 28m
17 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Long Documents
  • Collaborate
  • Security and Document Properties
  • Additional Topics