Word 2016 Expert for Mac

Word 2016 Expert for Mac Overview
Clock icon0h 7m
[MUSIC] Hello, everyone, my name is Vonne Smith, and welcome to Word 2016 Expert for Mac. In this course overview, we're going to be, well, what exactly does this course cover? What and who is our target audience of people? Do we need to know anything before we get started and any extra tip bits along the way? So let's talk about what is in this particular series. This is all about long documents, that's going to be where we have our major concentration of episodes. Now this is where concentrating on things that are associated with a long document, such as a table of contents. Maybe go ahead in creating an index of terms that you wanna go ahead and put in the back of your book. We'll also be discussing things known as bookmarks, cross references, we're going to learn how to insert citations, and be able to create a bibliography. A really great thing to know about if you have to do any type of research papers. And believe me, back in my day we didn't have anything like this and I really wish we did, makes your life a lot easier. We'll also going to be discussing how to create and insert footnotes and end notes, and how to format them. We'll also be adding captions to your images and or tables or any type of graphics. And then being able to generate a table of figures or table of tables. So really great powerful stuff for you to be using within a long document. We'll also get into the topic of what is a master document and how to insert or create sub documents. And how that could be most effective for you in creating a long document that maybe needs multiple parts and multiple contributors. Along those same lines, we're going to get into some episodes that deal in collaborating with other individuals. My master documents could kind of fall into that but I went ahead and put in the long documents. But the big think with track changes, a really great powerful way of proofing and editing and being able to track edits along the way when you're using Word and being able to collaborate with multiple people. Something I've used extensively throughout my work within Word and collaborating with others. We'll also learn how to compare or combine documents and what those particular functions do. And then we'll also collaborate online where we're going to put things up into our OneDrive account that is part of our Office 365 subscription. And then being able to share, and collaborate, and edit in real time, either using your locally installed version of Word, or go ahead and using the online version of Word which is really powerful. We'll also get into documents search security, and then also document properties, that extra metadata that's added into documents. Where to find it, how to edit it, why it's important, and why it might be important to actually take it away. And then security things like item passwords and locking down those documents for people to either open or edit, and that way it keeps it a little bit more secure. And maybe also talk a bit a little about just general security practices outside of Word but working within a networked environment. We have an additional topics area. That's where I'm gonna go ahead and put in things I customized in the interface, adding your own Ribbon. And then also we put in forms in there. Making forms in Word, is it the best? I don't know, the jury's still out on there, but it can be very efficient and very helpful for you, so I definitely wanted to go ahead and make sure that you know you can make forms in Word for Mac. So who is this show targeted towards? Any Office user, so anybody with a capital O that is, so Office 365. But this is really where you wanna get into the nitty gritty with long document creations. Not everybody is going to be using Word in that capability. But if you are creating these types of things with table of contents and indices, this is definitely the series to go ahead and watch. So I would say you should have like an intermediate knowledge of Word. So you've been using this product for a little bit, you feel really comfortable with the foundations and you just wanna go ahead and up that to the next level. So that being said, what do you need to know about this? And intermediate knowledge of Word, you need to be very comfortable, or at least decently comfortable with styles. A lot of the things that we're going to be talking about in this particular series deal with styles. And then of course page layout which is really, kind of going in with the sections and understanding what that means, page breaks, continuous section breaks, next page section breaks. All of these are things that we have covered in our other series. The Word essentials and Word advance, so be familiar with all of that. I always put in that other Office products will help if you have some familiarity with them. It's not essential to know any of that within this particular level but again, if you're doing a Word Expert you're probably going to have a little bit more exposure to multiple Office applications. And knowing something in one always helps a little bit in some others. There are exercise files that are associated with each episode in this whole series, so you are able to download them and be able to use them. They are available in its entirety for all of the episodes with their file names in this course overview. So you're more than welcome to download them all from here. And if anything's awry, maybe it's the wrong file, or it doesn't have the right corrections in it, let us know, contact us, and I wanna make sure I have the correct file up there so you are able to follow along if you want to. And as always, Word has about 15 ways to do things, there's always gonna be other ways, I might not mention them. So it's not that I left that out on purpose, but it's just always there's many, many different ways to do things. Updates [SOUND], man, Office updates can really throw you for a loop where everything goes ahead and changes. So if your version of Word looks a little bit different or there's some different functionalities than the one that am using at this current time of recording, it happens. You can always check for your updates, you can run your Office updates to see if you need to be, or can get to the next level of the Office. Those incremental updates with Office 365 are always happening, and sometimes can mess you up a little bit. [LAUGH] It's happened to me. There's tons of answers out there online, so doing Google searches or whatever search engine of your choosing is really, really helpful. I like to give you links within the show notes for the ones that I refer to but there's always more. And everybody has different reasons of why they use Word. So maybe some of these episodes are not necessarily things that you need to know about. Maybe you're not writing research papers, so you don't need a bibliography. But at at least you know that the capability arises, and maybe you can tell a friend that actually is using that, and be able to pass along the knowledge. And of course, as always, we like to have some fun. Hopefully by learning these concepts and you getting more familiar with them will make Word a lot more fun for you. I hope you have fun enjoying these episodes, and I will see you soon. [MUSIC]


Word 2016 Expert for Mac explores how to enhance long documents with episodes that include: creating a table of contents, generating an index, adding footnotes and endnotes, inserting bookmarks and cross references, labeling figures with captions, and citing references for a bibliography. Also covered is how to create a master document and add sub documents for large projects. Other topics in this series include how to collaborate in Word and through Office 365 online, secure your documents, and add or edit document properties. While Word 2016 Expert for Mac is a continuation from the Word 2016 Advanced and Essentials for Mac series, episodes can be viewed individually for specific topics or enjoyed in sequence. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on Mac OS.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

6h 24m
16 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Long Documents
  • Collaborate
  • Security and Document Properties
  • Additional Topics