Personal Development

BizLibrary’s Personal Development courses empower professionals to enhance their skills, mindset, and career growth. Covering topics like communication, leadership, time management, and resilience, these engaging lessons help individuals build confidence, improve productivity, and achieve their full potential.

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Showing all 49 Personal Development courses

Global Green Asbestos

This series was designed to comply with both EPA (40 CFR 763.92) and OSHA (29 CFR 1910.1001, 29 CFR 1926. 1101, and 29 CFR 1915.1001) two-hour awareness course. This series is not Asbestos Abatement or about OSHA’s Class I, II, or III asbestos work. This training is focused on primarily meeting OSHA’s Class IV work practices. (Class IV asbestos work means maintenance and custodial activities during which employees contact but do not disturb ACM or PACM and activities to clean up dust, waste and debris resulting from Class I, II, and III activities.). You will learn about requlati0ons & standards, the history of asbestos, types of asbestos, identifying & recognizing, PPE, asbestos containing materials and its uses, working in buildings before 1980 and other determining factors and heath affects of asbestos.

Electrical 101

In this series you will learn electrical safety broken down by easy-to-follow modules varying from the basics of installation guidelines, grounding and bonding, different types of receptacles and how to identify them to circuit protection and current types. You will learn about residential voltage, flexible metal conduit and still walls, the reasons for voltage rating differences and why the utility companies in the United States deliver power at the voltage they do. This series will walk you through electrical safety and best practices when working hands on.

New Hire Safety

This series will encompass everything a new hire needs to know about basic safety, how to handle different types of emergency situations & injuries, fire safety and fire classifications.This will include OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, SDS sheets, chemical labeling and on the job slips, trips & falls prevention. We will also touch on ladder safety and lifting techniques. This is an excellent training module for all new hires.

The Key to Good Ergonomics

Ergonomics is the science of making things comfortable and efficient in a workstation. By observing and applying the rules of ergonomics in the workplace, you can maximize productivity while reducing fatigue and discomfort -- all for little or no cost. You will learn about proper lighting, sound, desk surface, and room temperature. Proper posture is also an important component to being comfortable at work. Providing a remedy to an ergonomics problem creates a healthier, safer, and more productive work environment.

Patient Handling Safety

MARCOM's course on "Patient Handling Safety" covers Patient Handling and Caregiver Injuries, Algorithms, Patient Assessment and Body Mechanics, Repositioning a Patient in Bed, "Lateral Transfer" from Bed to Stretcher, "Stand-and-Pivot" from Bed to Chair, and Mechanical Lift Devices

Food Handling Safety

MARCOM's course on "Food Handling Safety" addresses: Sources of Foodborne Illness, Personal Hygiene for Food Handlers, Washing Your Hands, Cleaning and Sanitizing, and Controlling Food Temperatures.

Emergency Planning in Construction Environments

MARCOM's course on "Emergency Planning in Construction Environments" is tailored specifically for construction environments. Key topics covered in these lessons include:Establishing Emergency PreparednessAddressing Specific ThreatsResponding to Active Shooter SituationsUnderstanding Individual RolesConducting Emergency DrillsExecuting Responsibilities During EmergenciesThis comprehensive training series equips construction personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively respond to various emergency situations, thereby enhancing safety and preparedness on construction sites.

Emergency Planning in Food Processing and Handling Environments

MARCOM's course on "Emergency Planning in Food Processing and Handling Environments" is tailored specifically for food processing and handling environments. Key topics covered in these lessons include:Establishing Emergency PreparednessAddressing Specific ThreatsResponding to Active Shooter SituationsUnderstanding Individual RolesConducting Emergency DrillsExecuting Responsibilities During EmergenciesThis comprehensive training series equips personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively respond to various emergency situations, thereby enhancing safety and preparedness in food processing and handling environments.

Emergency Planning in Industrial Environments

MARCOM's course on "Emergency Planning in Industrial Environments" is tailored specifically for industrial environments. Key topics covered in these lessons include:Establishing Emergency PreparednessAddressing Specific ThreatsResponding to Active Shooter SituationsUnderstanding Individual RolesConducting Emergency DrillsExecuting Responsibilities During EmergenciesThis comprehensive training series equips industrial personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively respond to various emergency situations, thereby enhancing safety and preparedness in industrial environments.

Emergency Planning in Transportation and Warehouse Environments

MARCOM's course on "Emergency Planning in Transportation and Warehouse Environments" is tailored specifically for transportation and warehouse environments. Key topics covered in these lessons include:Establishing Emergency PreparednessAddressing Specific ThreatsResponding to Active Shooter SituationsUnderstanding Individual RolesConducting Emergency DrillsExecuting Responsibilities During EmergenciesThis comprehensive training series equips transportation and warehouse personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively respond to various emergency situations, thereby enhancing safety and preparedness in transportation and warehouse environments.

Safe Driving

Welcome to the “Safe Driving” video course, which covers everything from winter weather safety to the hazards of distracted driving. This course, comprising five video lessons, focuses on the hottest topics in driving safety. Viewers of this course will encounter action steps for the many dangerous scenarios associated with operating a motor vehicle. Ultimately, learners will be more attentive and aware drivers, and the roads will be a better place.

First Aid

Welcome to the First Aid video course meant to educate viewers on what a robust first aid program should entail and how to provide first aid for a variety of accidents that may happen in the workplace. This course, which comprises six video lessons, addresses everything from first aid guidelines to OSHA first aid requirements. Ultimately, learners should feel confident in their ability to react appropriately in an emergency and in their first aid program that thoroughly prepares against any risks they may face. To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of thecourse. This program is valid for 1 PDC for Society for Human ResourceManagement (SHRM) and 1 hour(s) of recertification credit through the HRCertification Institute (HRCI).

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Welcome to the “Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)” video course meant to cover the different types of equipment employees must wear to guard against workplace hazards. This series comprises seven lessons and goes over everything from basic employer requirements for compliance to individual kinds of PPE for employees. First, this course explains how employers need to perform a hazard assessment to identify workplace hazards. Then, based on what they learn, employers need to implement engineering and administrative controls to help minimize or eliminate those hazards. If that’s not sufficient, the employer needs to acquire PPE to fill the gaps in safety. The subsequent lessons go over the specific types of PPE, including equipment that provides eye, face, foot, leg, hearing, hand, arm, and respiratory protection. Clearly there are many different types that you need to be aware of… But, by completing this course, you’ll have an understanding of the types of PPE available and how to choose, use, and care for the gear properly. To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of thecourse. This program is valid for 1 PDC for Society for Human ResourceManagement (SHRM), 1 hour(s) of recertification credit through the HRCertification Institute (HRCI) and 1 PDU for the Project Management Institute(PMI).

Hazard Communication

Welcome to the “Hazard Communication” video course meant to provide guidance on creating an effective and compliant hazard communication program. This course, which comprises four video lessons, describes the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) and its key requirements. By viewing this course, learners will have the chance to understand employer must-do’s in terms of hazard classification, container labels, and safety data sheets, including what they entail and why they’re important. In the end, viewers should feel capable of keeping employees as safe as possible as they deal with chemical hazards on the job. To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of thecourse. This program is valid for 0.75 hour(s) of recertification creditthrough the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 0.5 PDU for the ProjectManagement Institute (PMI).

Valley Fever

Welcome to “Valley Fever,” a video course intended to explain what Valley Fever is, how it spreads, and who’s most at risk. This course comprises three lessons, covering everything from what the fungal infection is to how you can recognize and treat symptoms. Spreading awareness about Valley Fever is critical to help doctors diagnose the disease earlier and ensure patients receive the care they need. (Keywords: San Joaquin valley fever, California valley fever, acute valley fever, desert fever, coccidioidomycosis)

SPCC Regulation

Welcome to “SPCC Regulation,” a video course that explains what types of facilities must comply with the regulation and how to prevent and respond to oil spills appropriately. This course comprises two video lessons that cover why the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure regulation was formed and what types of activities and facilities are covered under the regulation. First, it will walk you through the qualifying factors so you can see whether the regulation applies to you! Once you know that, the next lesson covers what you actually have to do as a qualifying facility—from creating an SPCC Plan to following federal reporting requirements in the event of a spill. By watching this course, you’ll understand the importance of protecting the environment from an oil spill and how to do your part to be in compliance with the SPCC regulation.


Welcome to the “Asbestos” video course meant to educate viewers all about the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s guidelines for asbestos exposure and work practice controls. This course, comprising four video lesson, covers the risks of asbestos, the general industry requirements for workplaces, and the control requirements for protecting worker health against asbestos exposure. Ultimately, workers should understand the health risks and effects of asbestos exposure and know the responsibility of themselves and their employer. To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of thecourse. This program is valid for 0.75 hour(s) of recertification creditthrough the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 0.5 PDU for the ProjectManagement Institute (PMI).


Welcome to the “Formaldehyde” video course intended to teach learners the risks of formaldehyde and OSHA’s requirements for protecting the health of workers who are at risk of being exposed. This course, comprising two video lessons, will cover the health effects of formaldehyde, the established limits for formaldehyde that shouldn’t be exceeded, and what’s required by employers and employees to safeguard the health of anyone exposed. After completing this course, learners—both employers and employees—should know their responsibilities for being compliant with OSHA regulations and protecting the health of themselves and the workplace.

Accident Investigation

Welcome to the “Accident Investigation” video course meant to cover how to investigate and address workplace accidents effectively. This course comprises two video lessons—one explains how to perform a root cause analysis, and the other describes the importance of learning lessons from workplace accidents. After completing this course, you’ll understand ways to promote safety at work, as well as how to investigate accidents thoroughly when they do occur.

Safe Housekeeping

Welcome to the “Safe Housekeeping” video course meant to describe housekeeping measures you can implement to promote safety and efficiency in the workplace. This course comprises five lessons that cover everything from basic housekeeping tips to more specialized information on how to handle particular types of hazards. From this course, you’ll first learn what housekeeping entails in the workplace and why it’s important to do. Then, it explains how to prevent accidents by doing things like following protocol and leveraging workplace design. You’ll even learn specific steps you can take to prevent fires and falls—two major causes of property damage and personal injury. Finally, this course wraps up by discussing steps for handling and storing hazardous substances. By completing this video course, you’ll know how to make the most of housekeeping measures to help keep your workplace as safe as possible! To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of thecourse. This program is valid for 0.75 hour(s) of recertification creditthrough the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 0.5 PDU for the ProjectManagement Institute (PMI).

Near Misses

Welcome to the “Near Misses” video course intended to help learners understand why close calls occur and work to prevent them from happening—all in an effort to avoid injury and illness on the job. This course, which comprises three video lessons, defines near misses and explains why they often occur in the workplace. Viewers will learn what constitutes a near miss and the factors that contribute to risky behavior through a variety of scenarios. Ultimately, learners should understand what to do if they experience a near miss and recognize how to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. (Keywords: self-awareness, bias, reporting)

Office Ergonomics

Welcome to the "Office Ergonomics" video course meant to educate viewers on the importance of ergonomics to reduce injuries and improve overall wellness. This course, which comprises five video lessons, addresses common musculoskeletal disorders that can occur from small, repetitive movements and sustained awkward positions and how to prevent them. It also educates viewers on how to set up an ergonomic workstation, maintain neutral positions, and ways to improve their wellness. Both HR representatives and workers can benefit from the last video lesson on how to implement and ergonomics program to understand all the components of workplace ergonomics. Ultimately, learners should be aware of positions, movements, and habits that can harm their health, as well as understanding the goal of ergonomics as a whole. To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of thecourse. This program is valid for 0.75 hour(s) of recertification credit through the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 0.5 PDU for the ProjectManagement Institute (PMI).

Fighting Fatigue

Welcome to the “Fighting Fatigue” video course intended to assist all workers in better understanding fatigue and how to avoid it at work. This course, comprising three video lessons, provides lessons geared toward both managers and employees, as well as a lesson that discusses the causes and effects of workplace fatigue. Viewers of this course will gain a comprehensive understanding of fatigue management for any job or industry.

Safety Awareness

Welcome to the “Safety Awareness” video course intended to help organizations and employees alike maintain a constant focus on safety at work. This course, which comprises five video lessons, describes the importance of prioritizing safety and the cost of failing to do so. In addition, it explains the process for creating a job safety analysis (JSA), as well as how to establish an organizational culture characterized by safety. Finally, this course emphasizes individual employee roles in maintaining a safe workplace and staying alert for hazards on the job. To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of thecourse. This program is valid for 0.75 hour(s) of recertification creditthrough the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 0.5 PDU for the ProjectManagement Institute (PMI).

New York State Right-to-Know Law

Welcome to “New York State Right-to-Know Law,” a video course that informs New York employees who work around chemicals about the legislation put in place to protect them from hazards. This course, which comprises four video lessons, lays out the requirements established by the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) and the New York State Right-to-Know Law (RTK). Specifically, viewers will learn what their employer’s hazard communication program must entail, as well as their rights according to federal and state regulations. In addition, learners will consider the various classes and categories of hazards they may encounter on the job, along with how they might be exposed and how that exposure could affect their body. Plus, viewers will learn about container labels and safety data sheets as key sources of information on chemical hazards. Ultimately, learners should feel empowered to work safely around hazardous substances despite the risk of injury and illness. To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of thecourse. This program is valid for 0.75 hour(s) of recertification creditthrough the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 0.5 PDU for the ProjectManagement Institute (PMI).

Safety Leadership

Welcome to the “Safety Leadership” video course intended to help managers and supervisors enforce safety standards across the organization. This course, which comprises four video lessons, describes the key responsibilities of an effective safety leader. Learners will also become familiar with strategies for communicating safety standards and addressing safety violations. Finally, viewers will learn some best practices for leveling up from an adequate safety leader to an AMAZING safety leader. (Keywords: hazard, accident prevention, injury prevention, discipline, communication, leadership skills) To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of thecourse. This program is valid for 0.75 hour(s) of recertification creditthrough the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 0.5 PDU for the ProjectManagement Institute (PMI).

Environmental Preparedness

Welcome to the “Environmental Preparedness” video course meant to explain how to prepare for natural disasters that could befall your workplace to keep you and your employees safe. This series comprises five video lessons that help you prepare an emergency survival kit, as well as walk you through how to prepare for different kinds of environmental disasters. From tornadoes and thunderstorms to earthquakes and floods, there are many environmental disasters you need to consider. By completing this series, you’ll learn how to assess your risk for each and know to plan ahead to preserve your life as well as your ability to continue working once the dust settles. (Keyword: emergency). To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of the course. This program is valid for 0.75 hour(s) of recertification credit through the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 0.5 PDU for the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Emergency Preparedness

Welcome to the “Emergency Preparedness” video course meant to explain how to prepare for workplace disasters so you can respond safely. This course comprises six video lessons covering everything from general guidelines for emergency preparedness to steps for addressing specific kinds of emergencies. From chemical spills and fires to workplace violence and medical emergencies, there’s a lot you need to prepare for. In this course, you’ll even learn how to react during an active shooter scenario. No workplace is immune to these types of hazards, so you need to know how to respond safely and effectively. By completing this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of best practices you can implement to help promote safety at work despite whatever emergency you encounter. (Keywords: OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration) To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of the course. This program is valid for 1 hour(s) of recertification credit through the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 0.75 PDU for the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Personal Safety Basics

Welcome to the “Personal Safety Basics” video course meant to help learners respond effectively to dangerous situations—or, better yet, avoid them in the first place! This course, which comprises five video lessons, describes what personal safety entails and provides examples of how someone should protect themselves in various scenarios. Specifically, viewers will learn the importance of being aware of their surroundings and the actions they take, as well as how to optimize their safety while working alone, working remotely, or traveling for work. (Keywords: injury, hazard, accident, risk) To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of the course. This program is valid for 0.75 hour(s) of recertification credit through the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 0.5 PDU for the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Fire Protection for Office Workers

Welcome to “Fire Protection for Office Workers,” a video course meant to provide a foundation of fire safety in office environments. This series comprises three lessons that cover everything from fire prevention to fire response so that you can help keep yourself and your coworkers safe. First, you’ll learn about the various classes of fire and what you can do on an ongoing basis to prevent a fire from igniting in your workplace. Then, you’ll learn about how to respond safely to a fire should an emergency occur. The final lesson will go over the different kinds of fire extinguishers and how to use them correctly. After completing this series, you should understand the basics of fire protection as an office worker!

Fire Protection for Industrial Workers

Welcome to “Fire Protection for Industrial Workers,” a video course meant to provide a foundation of fire safety in industrial environments. This series comprises three lessons that cover everything from fire prevention to fire response so that you can help keep yourself and your coworkers safe. First, you’ll learn about the various classes of fire and what you can do on an ongoing basis to prevent a fire from igniting in your workplace. Then, you’ll learn about how to respond safely to a fire should an emergency occur. The final lesson will go over the different kinds of fire extinguishers and how to use them correctly. After completing this series, you should understand the basics of fire protection as an industrial worker!

Fire Protection for Healthcare Workers

Welcome to “Fire Protection for Healthcare Workers,” a video course meant to provide a foundation of fire safety in healthcare environments. This series comprises three lessons that cover everything from fire prevention to fire response so that you can help keep yourself and your coworkers safe. First, you’ll learn about the various classes of fire and what you can do on an ongoing basis to prevent a fire from igniting in your workplace. Then, you’ll learn about how to respond safely to a fire should an emergency occur. The final lesson will go over the different kinds of fire extinguishers and how to use them correctly. After completing this series, you should understand the basics of fire protection as a healthcare worker!

Office Safety

Welcome to the “Office Safety” video course intended to provide a complete introduction to the topic of staying safe at work. This course, comprising six video lessons, covers everything from the various hazards found in workplaces today to ergonomics, safe lifting, and so much more. The basics covered here are a strong foundation for understanding office safety as a whole. To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of the course. This program is valid for 1 hour(s) of recertification credit through the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 0.75 PDU for the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Laboratory Safety

Welcome to the “Lab Safety” video course intended to cover the basics of remaining safe while working in a lab. This course, comprising five video lessons, delves into the major topics of lab safety. These include preparation involving personal protective equipment, the use of key appliances such as fume hoods, working with chemicals, and the proper way to handle, clean, and store glassware in a lab setting. This course serves as a guide for anyone who needs to know the proper precautions to take when working in a lab. (Keywords: PPE, SDS, safety data sheet) To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of the course. This program is valid for 0.75 hour(s) of recertification credit through the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 0.5 PDU for the ProjectManagement Institute (PMI).

Violence in Healthcare

Welcome to the “Violence in Healthcare” video course designed to help healthcare workers and organizations know the basics about what to do when violent incidents occur. This course, comprising three video lessons, discusses the prevalence of violence in the healthcare industry as well as how to identify, control, and respond to violent incidents. Throughout the course, viewers will learn what steps they need to take to keep themselves, their coworkers, and their patients as safe as possible despite the possibility of violence. This course is a must-watch for anyone in the healthcare industry as the threat of violence is always present.

ABCs of Construction

Welcome to “ABCs of Construction,” a video course intended to provide viewers with a glossary of construction terminology. Throughout this course, learners will become familiar with basic vocabulary used in the construction industry, from project management terms to structural concepts to design elements. In addition, viewers will learn about three types of contracts often used in construction, as well as the role of CSA and MEP, planning, and delivery in construction projects. Ultimately, viewers should feel comfortable with using and understanding the language defined throughout this course. (Keywords: civil, structural, architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, architecture, contractor) To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of the course. This program is valid for 1 PDC for Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 1 hour(s) of recertification credit through the HRCertification Institute (HRCI) and 0.75 PDU for the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Electrical Safety Basics

Welcome to the “Electrical Safety Basics” video course intended to teach general workers how to work safely around electricity. This course, comprising three video lessons, will cover basic terms and concepts related to electricity, prevention and treatment of shocks, and safe practices for working around electricity. After completing this course, viewers should have a foundational understanding of how electricity works so they can avoid electric shock, respond effectively if they or a coworker is shocked, and live by the do’s and don’ts of workplace electrical safety. (Keywords: machine safety)

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

Welcome to the “Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)” course intended to teach employees in Ontario who work in hazardous materials worksites what they need to know regarding this legislation, and how they can use this knowledge to keep themselves safe at work. This course comprises five lessons and gives a quick overview on WHMIS legislation, hazard classifications, labels, safety data sheets, and training requirements. After viewing, learners will have a solid understanding of the laws surrounding hazardous materials and why it’s important that employees can identify hazards, know the right precautions to take, and follow the right safety procedures for their worksite. To access your activity IDs, a "View CE Certificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of the course. This program is valid for 1.25 PDC for Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 1 hour(s) of recertification credit through the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and 1 PDU for the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) for Ontario

Welcome to the “Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) for Ontario” course where viewers will learn about Ontario OSHA regulations and their rights and responsibilities under the Act. This course, comprising of two lessons, will discuss who enforces OSHA standards, how it’s enforced, and the penalties for violating the standards. By the end of this course, expect to have a basic understanding of the Ontario OSHA standard and the rights and responsibilities of all roles within the workplace to uphold these standards.


Welcome to the “HAZWOPER” course lesson intended to give an introduction to the HAZWOPER standard for hazardous waste cleanup sites under OSHA regulation. This course contains four lessons that give an overview of the HAZWOPER standards, including what employees and employers need to know to keep themselves and their workplace safe. After taking this course, viewers will understand the requirements from OSHA on employers to comply with HAZWOPER regulations. (Keywords: HAZMAT, hazardous operations, first responders, hazardous materials technicians, hazardous materials specialists, on-site incident commander, hazard communication, HazCom)

Bloodborne Pathogens: Learn Your Risk

Welcome to the "Bloodborne Pathogens: Learn Your Risk" series of lessons meant to teach you how to be compliant with OSHA’s bloodborne pathogen standards. This course, which comprises six lessons, provides basic information about bloodborne pathogens, including information on modes of transmission, exposure control plans, tasks and activities that may put you at risk, and training. It also describes methods of control and how to handle an exposure incident. In the end, learners will understand that safety is the top priority and that proper actions must be taken to prevent or, if necessary, deal with bloodborne pathogen exposure.

Hospitality Workplace Safety

Welcome to the “Hospitality Workplace Safety” course that is designed to teach employees in the hospitality industry how to prepare for and handle various safety concerns in the workplace. This course, comprising six lessons, covers topics such as fire safety, hazard communications, slips, trips, and falls, knife safety, and working ergonomically. By the end of this experience, workers will feel more confident and comfortable in their abilities to keep themselves and others safe while working.

Learning Ergonomics

Welcome to our seven-part video course on learning ergonomics! Repetitive strain injuries are a serious concern in the modern workplace, and this series will explore the causes and prevention of RSI through the study of position and movement. In this video course, you will learn what causes RSI, different body positions to prevent RSI, how to rearrange your workspace, and tips for preventing RSI. Remember, a healthy workplace is a productive workplace! To access your activity ID, a "View CE Certificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of the course. This program is valid for 0.75 PDU for the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Bloodborne Pathogens in Healthcare

Welcome to the “Bloodborne Pathogens in Healthcare” video course intended to help healthcare workers steer clear of infectious diseases as they perform their duties. This course, which comprises seven video lessons, describes the most common bloodborne pathogens and explains the methods of control used to limit the transmission of such infections. In addition, this video course covers warning label and recordkeeping requirements. Ultimately, viewers should have a strong understanding of how to respond in the case of a sharps injury or other exposure incident and what they can expect out of post-exposure evaluation and follow-up. To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of the course. This program is valid for 1 PDC for Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 1 hour(s) of recertification credit through the HRCertification Institute (HRCI) and 0.75 PDU for the Project Management Institute (PMI). (Keywords: OSHA, blood, OPIMs, labels, recordkeeping)

Creating a Safe Industrial Workplace

Creating a Safe Industrial Workplace video series, a dynamic and highly entertaining educational course designed to help you avoid the most common (and most dangerous) accidents that happen in industrial locations. If you’d rather not be electrocuted or pass out from lack of oxygen or fall off a roof into a pile of jagged metal, then we’ve got you covered. Now it’s true that safety is no laughing matter. But that doesn’t mean you can’t laugh while we talk about it. Safety training is often about as much fun as power washing your deck, but we’ve loaded these videos with enough jokes, skits, and stupidly ridiculous actions that you should manage to have a little fun. We don’t want you to die anymore than you do, and we’d hardly be doing our jobs right if you accidentally died from boredom. So kick back, find some popcorn, and get ready to enjoy our Creating a Safe Industrial Workplace series. Because at The Jeff Havens Company, we offer serious solutions in a seriously funny way. This content is also translated in Spanish.

Workplace Safety for Office Professionals

Workplace Safety for Office Professionals video series, a dynamic and entertaining training course designed to guard you against the hidden dangers of office work. From proper workstation set-up to avoiding a debilitating back or neck injury, we cover the most common causes of stress and strain. (Except for your obnoxious co-workers. You’re going to have to deal with them on your own.) Now you would be forgiven if you thought watching this series would be a slow and torturous ordeal. Safety training often is. Fortunately, though, we don’t want to make boring videos anymore than you want to watch them. So we’ve loaded our videos with enough hilarity that you might accidentally laugh out loud while watching them. So consider wearing headphones while you watch these. Your laughing will be even more entertaining if your colleagues can’t hear what you’re laughing at. The point is, these videos are as enjoyable as they are useful. So kick back – without falling out of your chair – and get ready to enjoy our Workplace Safety for Office Professionals series. Because at The Jeff Havens Company, we offer serious solutions in a seriously funny way. This content is also translated in Spanish.

Effective Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Effective use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) safety series, a fun (yes, fun) training course designed to show you how to protect all your favorite parts of you. Not interested in digging splinters out of your eyeballs? We can help make sure you never have to. Prefer your brains to stay inside your head? We’ve got that one taken care of, too. Now as you can tell from this course description, Effective Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is not your typical safety training. The title may be boring, but the videos aren’t. We don’t want you to hurt yourself anymore than you do, and we’d hardly be doing our jobs right if you decided to injure yourself just to get out of having to watch these videos. So kick back, find some popcorn, and get ready to enjoy our Effective Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) video series. Because at The Jeff Havens Company, we offer serious solutions in a seriously funny way. This content is also translated in Spanish.

Equipment Safety Essentials

Knowing how to properly use common equipment can make the difference between a great day and a terrible one. Falling off of a ladder hurts (ask anyone who’s done it), and fires tend not to go out just by asking them nicely. This safety series is designed to familiarize you with how to use some of the most important equipment you are likely to handle on a regular basis. Perhaps you’ve used some of this stuff before, but that doesn’t mean you’ve always done it right. You probably know somebody who’s tried cutting a full piece of plywood alone in the garage without clamps or a sturdy table. Maybe that “somebody” is you. Now I know. You’re already falling asleep, because you think these videos are going to be a bunch of tedious lectures. Well you are wrong! Safety may not be a laughing matter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t laugh while learning how to be safe. So we’ve loaded these videos with plenty of hilarious skits and memorable one-liners to help keep you awake. We don’t want you to die anymore than you do, and we’d hardly be doing our jobs right if you accidentally died from boredom. So get ready to enjoy our Equipment Safety Essentials series. Because at The Jeff Havens Company, we offer serious solutions in a seriously funny way. This content is also translated in Spanish.

Building a Lasting Culture of Safety

Building a Lasting Culture of Safety video series. It’s designed to help you explain the importance of safety not only for your specific employees, but to the people they work with and the families and friends they go home to every night. Preparing for problems and behaving as though something could go wrong doesn’t mean you’re more likely to make a mistake, but it does mean you’ll be less likely to get injured if the worst does happen.It also doesn’t mean that this video series is boring. Creating a safe working environment may not be a laughing matter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t laugh while we talk about it. So we’ve loaded these videos with plenty of hilarity to help keep you awake. We don’t want you to die anymore than you do, and we’d hardly be doing our jobs right if you accidentally died from boredom. So get ready to enjoy our Building a Lasting Culture of Safety series. Because at The Jeff Havens Company, we offer serious solutions in a seriously funny way.It also doesn’t mean that this video series is boring. Creating a safe working environment may not be a laughing matter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t laugh while we talk about it. So we’ve loaded these videos with plenty of hilarity to help keep you awake. We don’t want you to die anymore than you do, and we’d hardly be doing our jobs right if you accidentally died from boredom. So get ready to enjoy our Building a Lasting Culture of Safety series. Because at The Jeff Havens Company, we offer serious solutions in a seriously funny way. This content is also translated in Spanish.