ACI Learning Tech Academy National Online Hub Now Based Out of Colorado Springs

[Denver, CO] – ACI Tech Academy is pleased to announce a strategic consolidation of its Denver school operations into its Colorado Springs campus. This move is part of a long-term plan to unify the Academy’s in-person and national online programs under one roof, ensuring students and community partners benefit from enhanced resources and streamlined services.

“Our decision to merge the National Online operations into our Colorado Springs campus reflects years of thoughtful planning,” said Tim Kalil, ACI Tech Academy President. “This change allows us to continue offering affordable, flexible training programs while maintaining the highest standards of career and community support.”

Key highlights of the move:

  • In-person training continues at the Colorado Springs campus.

  • Denver-area career services and community partnerships remain fully supported without disruption.

  • The Academy maintains its commitment to affordable pricing and flexible learning options.

This consolidation reflects years of thoughtful planning. During COVID-19, our Denver location became the hub of our national online programs. Now, by bringing our national office together with our in-person classroom in Colorado Springs, we unite powerful teams, resources and inspiration to deliver an even stronger education experience. We’re excited about this consolidation.

We remain fully dedicated to helping students and partners achieve success, just as we always have. Our virtual schedule of classes is available here and Colorado-based students are encouraged to attend our Colorado Springs campus if in-person learning is preferred. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

For more information about ACI Tech Academy’s programs and services, visit IT Certification Training Programs | ACI Learning Tech Academy

ACI Learning


December 16, 2024
