Department of Labor approved: New ACI Learning Tech Academy Apprenticeship Program designation allows program to better serve learners & hiring managers


DENVER – February 23, 2024 - ACI Learning, a leading provider of audit, cybersecurity, and IT education, proudly announces that its Tech Academy has received designation as a U.S. Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP). This national approval marks a significant step towards advancing IT education, creating opportunities for aspiring professionals, and fostering collaborations that contribute to the growth of the IT workforce on a national scale.

What the designation means:

By achieving this designation, ACI Learning Tech Academy can increase collaboration with employers, providing them with expanded access to grants and initiatives. This ensures a more inclusive approach to apprenticeship efforts, with the goal of making IT education and career pathways accessible to a broader audience.

Benefits of national approval:

Credibility: The program's adherence to national standards establishes ACI Learning as a trustworthy choice for aspiring IT professionals and a valuable talent pipeline leader for employers.

Quality assurance: Rigorous evaluation ensures that the program maintains ambitious standards in curriculum, training methods, and outcomes, assuring a quality educational experience.

Access to resources: Approved programs gain access to valuable resources, including training materials, professional development opportunities, and networking events, enriching the overall educational experience.

Regulatory compliance: National approval guarantees compliance with laws, regulations, and industry standards, mitigating legal risks.

Industry recognition: Graduates from nationally approved programs are more likely to be valued by employers within the industry, enhancing their employability and career prospects.

About ACI Learning Tech Academy

ACI Learning Tech Academy prepares people for a job in IT by developing valuable skills and earning foundational IT certifications to propel careers. Traditional instruction plus hands-on labs prepare learners for IT certification exams. All Tech Academy courses are taught by a live instructor and the cost of one certification attempt per class is included. When training is complete, the Tech Academy Career Services team assists in the job search process. Click here to learn more about the ACI Learning Tech Academy.

ACI Learning


February 23, 2024


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